Main Character

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MC - Selecting a name menu.jpg


"I knew what Mr. Green really wanted wasn't to save Pedro, but for him to turn a new leaf. If I withheld that video, Pedro would've never reflected on his own mistakes."


Gender Female
Age (when met) 24[1]
Birthday Player-Determined
Height <178 cm[1]
Blood Type N/A
Occupation Lawyer

Voice Actors








Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese Player-Determined

Japanese Player-Determined

Korean Player-Determined


The Main Character (Name determined by the player) is an attorney at Themis Law Firm. She is recruited into the NXX after Artem Wing and Vyn Richter see potential in her and chooses the code name "Rosa", as roses are a resilient flower.


A local to Stellis City,[2] the MC was academically competitive and a high-achieving liberal arts student.[3]. She graduated from Stellis University Law School, having taken courses there from such instructors as Neil Hume,[4] Wesley Dunn, and thesis advisor and role model Kimberly Garner.[5] While attending university, she spent her mornings reading, which is a habit she now misses.[6] After graduation, she joined Themis Law Firm in 2028[7] under Celestine Taylor, where she eventually became the partner of Artem Wing. She considers commercial and economic law to be her main areas of expertise.[8]. Presently, she is studying for an advancement exam[9]

As a child, she was very shy; to train her to be braver, her dad would bring her to a local park at night and give her small tasks to complete until she got used to the darkness and understood someone would always be there to help face her fears.[10] She used to be more physically active and was especially adept at tree-climbing, but she stopped when her parents told her to act more ladylike.[11]

Her parents were recruited as researchers into a secret project right after the MC entered university,[12] and she has had no contact with them since aside from holiday postcards and money.[1] Having lived alone since that time, she was forced to quickly become self-sufficient, getting over her fear of the dark and learning to handle a household's basic maintenance. She now believes "solitude is a good teacher" as a result.[13]

The MC lives in a loft apartment located near Themis Law Firm, which she moved into when she started working there.[14]

Personality and Interests

The MC has neat handwriting[15] and has been noted by others to be a "neat freak,"[16] but she tends to forget to care for herself as well as she cares for her living space and surroundings, often missing meals and choosing convenience food in their place.[17] Those who take advantage of others' pain bring her to anger no matter how many times she handles cases that involve such people.[18] She finds the most difficulty in dealing with people who are both too irrational for reason and too sensitive for an appeal to emotion. She also finds it difficult to forgive those who have an opportunity to improve a situation but choose not to do so, feeling that "sometimes, doing nothing is worse than doing something."[19] She has a slight bias, which she admits to herself, to sympathize with other women.[20]

Those who are close to the MC consistently praise her resilience and tenacity, acknowledging that she rarely, if ever, gives up in the face of adversity.[21][22]

The MC confesses to picking up hobbies with a "brief period of enthusiasm" followed by a loss of interest.[18] Some of these hobbies and interests include:

  • Animals: The MC has always liked small animals and pets, and her mood gets better when she's around them.[23] However, she is afraid of crawlers such as worms, caterpillars, cockroaches, and mice since youth and will avoid even talking about them.[3][24][25]
  • Beauty: Despite owning a proper makeup kit, the MC lacks confidence with makeup and expresses a wish to learn better techniques; she wears it rarely enough that those around her take notice when she takes the time to put it on.[26][27]
  • Collection: As a collector of stationery, the promise of limited-edition stationery items such as journals can drive her to new experiences and competitions.[28]
  • First aid: She's been trained in first aid techniques, including CPR[29] and the Heimlich Maneuver.[30]
  • Flowers: She's named her favorite flowers as roses, lilies, baby's breath, and garden cosmos.[31]
  • Food and drink: She considers herself a novice cook, only doing occasional simple baking and otherwise ordering in regularly; when attempting to learn to cook, she finds the subjective measurements like "a pinch" or "just enough" of an ingredient especially frustrating.[32] The MC has always loved seafood, but she loves it even more as an adult since it's low in fat and she can eat it without gaining weight;[33] her favorite are Opaline Fish.[2] As a treat, she'll buy herself some desserts,[9] though she dislikes overly sweet things;[29] in regards to beverages, all wine looks the same to her.[3]
  • Internet: She keeps up with enough news outlets to receive push notifications on a variety of topics, not all of which interest her; she also reads a webcomic from a foreign anime IP.[34]
  • Lifestyle: She shows an interest in poetic, "Arcadia-like" lifestyles outside the city, especially when she's exhausted from work. She follows a vlogger that discusses rural food and life and sometimes daydreams about renting a rural living space with a garden and ocean view.[25]
  • Literature: Her favorite poem is Pablo Neruda's "Every Day You Play."[35]
  • Movies: She states no special preference with regard to movies, stating that anything goes as long as it's good.[36]
  • Music: She can play the violin well enough to have won a gold medal at the Stellis Violin Competition, having been taught as a child.[37] During a period of learning the violin in which she was weary of the instrument and had no motivation to practice, she saw professional violinist Juno Watson continuing to practice as her fingers bled and considered the woman her idol ever since.[38] She also plays the guitar, which she learned in university to get close to an attractive band member.[39] She's fond of the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," feeling there's something magical about it that keeps her calm and drives away her anxiety.[24]
  • Survival: A recent skill acquired through her work in the NXX Investigation Team, the MC has taken an outdoor survival course and wrestling course in preparation for the team's trip to Nosta[40][41] as well as receiving basic instruction in sea survival and hand-to-hand combat in preparation for the operation aboard the Pluto.[42]


Associated Locations


  • In Chinese language setting, the player dialogue box is named "我" (Me). In English, it is "You"
  • During Themis Law Firm's 2030 Annual Meeting game session, MC won the grand prize [43]
  • Personal mobile phone is pink in colour. Tactile typing is used as a setting[43] along with vibration notification[9]
  • Things carried in her purse:
    • Alcohol wipes when doing on-site work[3]
    • Pepper spray[44]
    • Rescue beacon[45]
  • Other possessions:
  • Has no tattoos; she was strictly forbidden from getting one while she lived with her parents, and she has no interest as an adult, though she doesn't think ill of people who do have them.[47]

