Artem "Here and Now"

From Tears of Themis Wiki


Card Name Here and Now

Character Artem Wing

Rarity SR

Attribute Empathy card type icon Empathy

Max Power 7268

Max Influence 2216

Max Defense 1108


Source Shadows of Themis
Anomaly Level Fragments (10-04, 10-08, 10-12)

Release Date 2023-09-08

Card Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 此间 / 此間

Japanese 狭間

Korean 지금 여기

Skills[edit source]

[MAX] Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 49.04% for 2 turn(s)

Level Details
Level Description
1 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 9.8% for 2 turn(s)
2 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 14.16% for 2 turn(s)
3 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 18.52% for 2 turn(s)
4 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 22.88% for 2 turn(s)
5 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 27.24% for 2 turn(s)
6 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 31.6% for 2 turn(s)
7 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 35.96% for 2 turn(s)
8 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 40.32% for 2 turn(s)
9 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 44.68% for 2 turn(s)
10 Reduces the opponent's Empathy Defense by 49.04% for 2 turn(s)

Skill 2
Systematic icon.png Systematic II

[MAX] Boosts this card's base Defense by 108 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck

Level Details
Level Description
1 Boosts this card's base Defense by 21.5 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
2 Boosts this card's base Defense by 31.11 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
3 Boosts this card's base Defense by 40.72 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
4 Boosts this card's base Defense by 50.33 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
5 Boosts this card's base Defense by 59.94 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
6 Boosts this card's base Defense by 69.56 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
7 Boosts this card's base Defense by 79.17 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
8 Boosts this card's base Defense by 88.78 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
9 Boosts this card's base Defense by 98.39 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck
10 Boosts this card's base Defense by 108 for every Artem card in the Primary Deck

[MAX] Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 107.99

Level Details
Level Description
1 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 21.5
2 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 31.11
3 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 40.72
4 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 50.33
5 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 59.94
6 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 69.55
7 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 79.16
8 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 88.77
9 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 98.38
10 Boosts the base Influence of all Artem cards in the Primary Deck by 107.99

Evolution Materials[edit source]

Evolve 2

Empathy Chip II icon.png Empathy Chip II x20
Empathy Chip III icon.png Empathy Chip III x10
Equalization Chip III icon.png Equalization Chip III x10

Skill Level Up Materials[edit source]

  • Numbers shown are for leveling a single skill.
Level Empathy Impression I Fountain Pen Tablet Stellin
1 > 2 4 4 4 7000
2 > 3 8 8 8 14000
3 > 4 12 12 12 21000
Total 24 24 24 42000
Level Empathy Impression II Tie Clip Sapphire Cufflinks Stellin
4 > 5 8 8 8 30000
5 > 6 12 12 12 45000
6 > 7 18 18 18 67500
Total 38 38 38 142500
Level Empathy Impression III Model Handgun Senior Attorney's Badge Stellin
7 > 8 12 9 9 99000
8 > 9 16 12 12 132000
9 > 10 24 18 18 198000
Total 52 39 39 429000
Artem "Here and Now" Single Skill Total Materials

Card Rewards

Private Messages

Private Message icon.png
Private Message
(Card Lv40)
Private Message script

Artem: Be careful!

Artem: Ouch... Yeah...

Artem: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Artem: I'm relieved... There's no one else on the skating rink now. Don't worry.

Artem: Me? I'm fine...

Artem: Okay... To put your mind at ease, I'll cooperate and let you check.

Artem: But... you need to get up first. Well... you're on top of me, I can't...

Artem: ...You can start now.

Artem: Well... the ankle you just touched doesn't hurt. This part doesn't hurt either...

Artem: Yeah, all the parts you touched feel fine.

Artem: Huh? Why do I smile every time I look at you?

Artem: I'm just... happy to see you worried about me.

Artem: Why... did you suddenly get so close?

Artem: What are you doing? Do you want to check my body as well...?

Artem: ...Okay, I won't move. Go ahead...

Artem: Turns out my protective gear was crooked...

Artem: Is that it?

Artem: But I think you didn't check thoroughly enough... Keep going.

Private Message icon.png
Private Message
(Card Lv70)
Private Message script

Artem: Huh? Why are you staring at me?

Artem: I bought some new face masks... Want to help me try them out?

Artem: Okay, I've never used one before. I'll give it a go.

Artem: What do I need to do? Sit down and lift up my hair? Okay...

Artem: Hmm... why do your hands keep pushing outwards on my face...?

Artem: Oh... you have to smooth it out so it fits my face. That way it will absorb more product... All right... I see.

Artem: Hmm... It doesn't feel weird. It's cooling... and the way you're moving your hands is... soothing.

Artem: Now we just wait? Is there anything else we need to do?

Artem: Apply the leftover product to my neck so it won't be wasted?

Artem: Okay, I'll look up. Take your time...

Artem: Oh... something got in my ear.

Artem: All right, I won't move...

Artem: Yeah, it tickles...

Artem: Alright... It's fine now.

Artem: But... it looks like your hands are covered in it...

Artem: You said you didn't want to waste it, so... let me help.

Shadow of Themis Availability

The following is a list of Shadows of Themis that Artem "Here and Now" has been featured in.

  • This card has not been featured in any Shadows of Themis.