Letha Graye

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Letha Graye sprite.png


Gender Female
Age (when met) 16
Occupation High school student

Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 葛蕾蕾 (Gé Léilěi)

Japanese 葛原つぼみ (Kuzuhara Tsubomi)

Korean 길로아


Letha Graye is a high school student who died of suspicious circumstances. The cause of her death is initially determined as caused by poison after ingesting pesticide. On the night of her death, the only other person in the house was her elderly live-in nanny, Jill Meadows.

Both of Letha Graye's parents are unaccounted for. Her mother, Mavis Sutcliffe, has been missing for some time. Her father, Hugo Graye, disappeared on the night of Letha Graye's death. However, it is suspected that the names of her parents are fake as the police could not find them in their database.

Her relationship with her parents was noted by observers to seem strange. Notably, she didn't seem particularly sad when asked about her mother's disappearance, and her relationship with her father made it seem like Letha was the more mature one -- Hugo frequently had emotional outbursts and needed Letha to calm him down. Her personality was noted to have changed in the months prior to her death, becoming much quieter, and she recently withdrew from school after a period of falling grades.[1][2]


During the investigation into her death, Letha's family was determined to not actually be related to her; she had selected several unrelated friendly adults who would benefit from having a new a home and allowed them to live with her. Hugo Graye had been a nameless homeless man who once defended her from a bully, while Jill Meadows had been a disabled elderly woman who had lost her home after her grandson's suicide. Mavis Sutcliffe's exact relationship to Letha is unknown. Further medical examination determined that Letha had viral encephalitis, which caused her to slowly -- and eventually completely -- lose her memory; the band of strangers she'd gathered under her roof were meant to serve as her new family.[3][4]

Another person Letha once helped was classmate Angela Diggs, who had been blackmailed by another classmate, Billy Chante. Letha discovered a litany of crimes Billy had committed, including abuse of animals and the homeless, and she forced him to write a letter of repentance and give her a prized possession to show his contrition. Billy, however, was the grandson of Jill Meadows. When Jill discovered that Letha had been the cause of the guilt that drove Billy to suicide, she decided to get back at the girl by causing her pain using a low-toxicity pesticide, hoping to pin the poisoning on Angela, whom she had asked Letha to invite over. Unfortunately, Letha's viral encephalitis caused the pesticide to reach fatal toxicity much more quickly than anticipated.[5]

Several loose ends are still present regarding Letha Graye:

  • Prior to her death, Letha had a strong and eerie sense that someone had been watching her. In a note she left to herself before she lost her memory, she gave herself direction to leave any requests for help in a hole in a pagoda tree in the yard. It is unknown who was checking that spot to answer her requests.[6]
  • A young man in a hood visited her grave to burn Letha's diary. His identity is unknown.[4]
  • Mavis Sutcliffe was directed to kidnap Letha and bring her to the staff of Gladiolus Valley Research Center, and they were extremely displeased to have been brought a different girl instead. The reason for their specific interest in Letha is unknown[4]


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