Gladiolus Valley Research Center

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Entry located: Geography > Stellis > Gladiolus Valley Research Center
Gladiolus Valley Research Center is located in the Gladiolus Valley Technology Development District. The research center is an advanced biological research center organized by numerous renowned universities in the United Nations and run by the Stellis city government.
It has received a number of international awards in the field of biopharmaceutical research and has ongoing collaborations with world-known pharmaceutical companies. Its research results yield a very high economic conversion only behind Pax Pharmaceutical and Crimson Bio-Tech's biopharmaceutical research center.

One of the programs administered by Gladiolus Valley Research Center is a relief fund for patients with long-term illnesses. This program was set up and administered by Jerome Adams; its status is unknown since Jerome says he no longer work at the facility.[1] Former employee Brad Gries alleged in recordings discovered after his death that the research center works with NXX and develops drugs of suspiciously similar composition to known black market "miracle cures."[2]

Some of the largest investors in Gladiolus Valley Research Center include unknown members of the Richter family.[3]

Members of Gladiolus Valley Research Center[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]