Woody Merrin

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Woody Merrin sprite.png


"As long as my case brings public awareness to the people who need saving, I can die with no regrets."


Gender Male
Age (when met) 56
Occupation Hospital janitor

Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 吴昌明 (Wú Chāngmíng)

Japanese 加藤昌巳

Korean 오정섭


Woody Merrin was the perpetrator of a recent abduction case; during his work as a janitor at Stellis Public Hospital, he threatened patient Shirley Shaw with a knife, taking her from her room and claiming to be retaliating against fate for the death of his daughter eight years prior.[1]

Woody was once a business owner in Stellis; when his daughter fell ill, he found it difficult to afford her treatments and had to sell his business. The sale came to involve a contract dispute lawsuit, for which Woody was represented by Neil Hume. Despite the sale of his business, Woody's daughter could not be saved; he was left with little to his name, but he was offered a job as a janitor by the president of Stellis Public Hospital.[1]

His reputation is one of unfailing kindness and generosity; he donated his daughter's organs after her death, regularly volunteered to help with caregiver duties in addition to his jantorial work, and organized fundraisers for patients in need of assistance with expensive treatments.[1][2]

Facing a diagnosis of late-stage cancer and with only one month left to live, Woody enacted a drastic plan to help Shirley Shaw with her own fundraising: the abduction that made Woody infamous at the end of his life was false and intended to draw media attention to Shirley's case, which would bring donors.[3] After the truth of the case was revealed by his defense council -- Artem Wing and the Main Character -- a documentary was made about Woody's life.[4]

Woody's wife passed away an unknown time ago, and no family remains after his daughter's death except a brother in a local Stellis retirement home downtown.[5]


Story Appearances

Passerby M3 character icon.png

Artem's Story 03-14
