Moonriver Pharmaceutical Laboratories

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Moonriver Pharmaceutical Laboratories is a biopharma research and development company where Gordon Grant is a major investor.[1]

In 2022, Moonriver's new drug failed to pass clinical trials, causing all the other investors to withdraw their investments. Without its investors, Moonriver turned to illegal drug R&D in an attempt to recover its losses, including the experimental drug X03A[2] which contains NXX. Moonriver's illegal activities continued for eight years and were only exposed due to the murder of Gordon Grant, who had planned to donate all of his assets to the company rather than to his family. Moonriver's operations were subsequently shut down by the police.

Moonriver received its illegal substances from Heirson Health Products via sources such as Simon Bloodworth[3].

Members of Moonriver Pharmaceutical Laboratories[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]