Days to Re-Live Forever Event/Questionnaires

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< Days to Re-Live Forever Event
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Named Story NPCs

Celestine Taylor

Questionnaire: Celestine Taylor

You: Celestine!

Celestine Taylor: Hey, [Player]! How's your volunteering work? Is everything going well?

You: It's great. I get to learn a lot about movies.

Celestine Taylor: That's nice.

Celestine Taylor: You're here today for the questionnaire, right? Ask anything you want, I'll cooperate.

What movie do you like

You: Celestine, do you know of any good movies coming out now?

Celestine Taylor: They all look pretty good. I'm quite impressed with the one about corporate warfare. It's called The Storm.

Movie genre

You: Do you like movies about corporate warfare?

Celestine Taylor: I do. After all, it's my area of expertise. I can really get into their heads.

Celestine Taylor: But I'll watch anything. I like any movie that has a good twist.

Reviews and critics

You: Celestine, do you follow film reviews and critics?

Celestine Taylor: Not really. But I've been interested in Mockingbird recently.

Celestine Taylor: His reviews are witty and well-thought-out. They just seem to stand out from all the noise.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: You seem to really like him a lot.

You: Have you put any thought into trying to figure out who Mockingbird is, everyone seems to be obsessing over it?

Celestine Taylor: His identity? No, I'm only interested in what he thinks. I don't seriously care who he is.

Celestine Taylor: Personally, I try to keep work and identity separate when making judgments. How he is in person doesn't affect my thoughts of his work.

You: Hmm, that makes sense.

What Artem likes

You: Hey, Celestine... Do you know what Artem likes?

Celestine Taylor: Heya, are you still trying to figure out what to get him for his birthday?

You: Yeah. Artem has been such a sweetheart, so I really want to give him a birthday to remember.

Celestine Taylor: You seem to really care. That's good. Looks like my reminder wasn't in vain.

Celestine Taylor: Since it's a film festival, how about finding him a souvenir?

You: Well, that's what I was thinking. But I don't know what to choose exactly...

Celestine Taylor: That's the last thing you should worry about. You are his partner.

Celestine Taylor: I bet he'll like anything you choose for him, very much.

You: Really...?

Today's arrangements

You: Celestine, did you see your client off?

Celestine Taylor: Yeah. I've finally finished the case. So, I'm planning to check out a new movie tonight.

Celestine Taylor: You should go for a walk with Artem when you finish your work later. Low-key relaxation is everything.

Celestine Taylor: He's been burning the candle at both ends these days. I'll find a chance to talk to him about it.

You: Okay...

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Celestine Taylor: Well... bring in more good films from all over the world, and have a wider variety.

Celestine Taylor: Also, keep Themis on the payroll as the legal advisor for the museum event later.

You: Good advice. I'll suggest that to them later.

You: These are my questions. Thank you for your time, Celestine.

Celestine Taylor: You are doing a good job as a volunteer. Well done.

Celestine Taylor: I'm going back to work. By the way, if you need help with Artem's birthday, just let me know.

Celestine Taylor: I'll help you.

You: You are the best, Celestine!

Darius Morgan

Questionnaire: Darius Morgan

You: Captain Morgan! It's me. I'm here to distribute the film festival questionnaire today.

Darius Morgan: Oh, [Player]? Are you a volunteer today?

You: Yes. I like these film festival events, but I didn't expect to see you taking an interview.

Darius Morgan: It's a group viewing organized by the police department. After the movie, they left my contact.

Darius Morgan: But I'm a boor. I don't really have much to say. I hope you don't mind.

What movie do you like

You: Captain Morgan, did you find any films that you liked?

Darius Morgan: Actually, I only watched one. You know, the police station was set up with a group viewing.

Darius Morgan: I don't remember the name, but it was about a cop chasing down a killer. It was well-made, and quite realistic too.

Movie genre

You: Do you have a favorite genre of movie?

Darius Morgan: Well, I've only seen a few detective movies. Some were good and some were bad. I couldn't call it my favorite though.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Darius Morgan: Not really. I'm too busy to read about movies.

You: Yeah, police work isn't a walk in the park, is it?


You: So I guess you haven't heard of Mockingbird?

Darius Morgan: The name does ring a bell... Oh yes, I remember. He's that semi-famous critic guy, right?

You: Yes. He is a well-known film critic.

Darius Morgan: Then he is the one. I once handled a case related to his work.

You: A case?

Darius Morgan: It was nothing big. Two of his fans got into a physical altercation because of views in the article, and they ended up coming to the station.

Darius Morgan: I mediated the whole thing and they left.

You: That's surprising...

Recent situation

You: Is everything going well lately?

Darius Morgan: Same old, same old. Well, there was an interesting case as of late. We did a press release about it yesterday.

Darius Morgan: Someone was planning to steal some tires wearing a balaclava over his face. He was probably afraid of being caught on camera.

Darius Morgan: But that was after he was already spotted scoping out the car. The dashcam had recorded his face. It was quite hilarious to watch it all play out.

You: ...

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Captain Morgan, do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Darius Morgan: No, but I would like to commend the organizers on the excellent security here. They're running a tight ship.

Darius Morgan: It's saved us a lot of trouble. Keep it up for next time.

You: Great. I'll make sure to give the organizers your feedback.

You: That's all of my questions. Thank you for your time, Captain Morgan.

Darius Morgan: All right. I should head back to the police station then. Goodbye.

You: Goodbye, Captain Morgan.

Harry Grant

Questionnaire: Harry Grant

You: Harry, it's me.

Harry Grant: Miss [Player], we met again.

You: Yes. So you are also here for the film festival.

You: Today I'm working as a volunteer for the film festival, I'm distributing questionnaires. Shall we start?

Harry Grant: Sure. let's get started.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie are you most interested in?

Harry Grant: The Family. It's a life story about an ordinary family of four going through the phases of life.

Harry Grant: I watched it with Joey. It was a really incredible experience for me.

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Harry Grant: I'm open to any kind, but I prefer fantasy and heartfelt drama.

Harry Grant: I've been watching a lot of children's movies recently with Joey.

Joey Grant

You: How is she doing lately?

Harry Grant: Well, the doctor said that Joey's condition is much improved. We just came to enjoy some movies.

Harry Grant: Thank you for asking.

You: Of course. I'm really glad to hear that.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Harry Grant: I do. There is a guy called Mockingbird. I share a lot of opinions with him.

Harry Grant: He is logical and professional. I've seriously learned a lot from him.

Harry Grant: He is not just doing robotic analysis. How should I put it... I can feel the warmth in his words.

You: Warmth?... Yeah, I feel the same.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: So... have you ever wondered about Mockingbird's true identity?

Harry Grant: True identity? I've never really cared.

Harry Grant: But I think... he should be a mature, rational, and gentle person.

You: (That's right. Artem is.)

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Harry Grant: Well... I hope that there are more activities and exhibitions that children can participate in the future.

Harry Grant: I want Joey to have more fun.

Harry Grant: Of course, it's just my personal suggestion. If it's not appropriate, you're welcome to ignore that.

You: It's okay. I'll make sure to give the organizers your feedback.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Harry Grant: You are welcome. It must be hard for you to work as a volunteer in your spare time.

You: It's okay. It's not hard for me. Well... It's almost time. That's all for today. Goodbye.

Harry Grant: Okay. Goodbye, Miss [Player].

Howard Syter

Questionnaire: Howard Syter

You: Mr. Syter, nice to see you again.

Howard Syter: You're the attorney from Themis, right? Why do I keep bumping into you no matter where I go!?

Howard Syter: But I'm very busy now. I have to meet someone to discuss... film festival business...

You: If you're talking about the film festival questionnaire, I'm the volunteer working on it.

Howard Syter: ...What? You? Themis must be very quiet lately for you to have time for this.

You: It's fine if you don't want to. It's just film tickets. It shouldn't mean anything to you, Mr. Syter.

Howard Syter: ...Let's get down to business. Shall we start?

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Howard Syter: Top Attorney, of course. The main character is just like me.

Howard Syter: The director must have secretly visited Baldr at some point to do research.

You: ...

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Howard Syter: I like everything. I always make sure to watch in the original language, if it's international that is.

You: ...

Howard Syter: Hey, what's with that doubtful look in your eyes!?

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Howard Syter: You've come to the right person. I am a professional film critic myself.

You: You are? Do you have any reviews?

Howard Syter: ...Whoa, slow down. It's not finished yet.

Howard Syter: But I'm friends with Mockingbird, you know, the famous critic. I help with a lot of his comments.

Relations to the Mockingbird

You: You two are friends?

Howard Syter: ...Yes. Online friends. We often exchange ideas.

Howard Syter: We are very close.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: So... have you met him offline? Do you know who he really is?

Howard Syter: Of course, I do. We've even had dinner together.

Howard Syter: We've also been to an offline movie review meet-up together. He seemed to honestly like my ideas.

You: So who is Mockingbird?

Howard Syter: Hah, I'm not going to tell you that!

You: (It looks like some weirdo online tricked him.)

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Howard Syter: ...You're here as a volunteer, and Themis is a legal partner of this event...

Howard Syter: Why didn't the museum choose Baldr? Do you guys have some kind of secret agreement!?

You: Mr. Syter, please watch your tone. If you keep slandering Themis, I'll have to handle it through legal means.

Howard Syter: ...Pfft, how pompous.

You: Mr. Syter, that's all for now. I shouldn't take up so much of your time.

Howard Syter: I really don't want to see you.

You: ...

Hugh Moss

Questionnaire: Hugh Moss

Stellis - Misc Venue (Day).png

Hugh Moss: Miss [Player].

You: Huey? What are you doing here? I thought you were in the capital.

Hugh Moss: Mom and dad brought me back for the movie festival.

You: Why don't I see them anywhere around? Aren't they here with you?

Hugh Moss: Over there. We came together. They are waiting for me.

Hugh Moss: Miss [Player], let's get started with the movie festival questionnaire?

What movie do you like

You: Huey, do you have any favorites from the new movies?

Hugh Moss: Bond. Mom.

You: (A movie about a mother's love for her daughter. In the end, the mother gives her life to save her daughter.)

You: (Tissues are advised when watching the movie. It's super touching.)

You: Aw, Huey...

Movie genre that you like

You: What kinds of movies do you like?

Hugh Moss: I like movies with spaceships, planets, and giants.

You: (Like sci-fi or fantasy. That does seem to be his type of thing.)

Movie review

You: Do you pay any attention to movie reviews? Like what people write after watching a movie.

Hugh Moss: Dad said I should try writing one too.

You: Wow! Well, I'm looking forward to your work!


You: Have you heard of the movie reviewer, Mockingbird?

Hugh Moss: Uh-huh. I even read one of his reviews.

You: Did you understand what he was talking about?

Hugh Moss: Some of it.

Hugh Moss: He says cool things. I learned something from him.

Recent situation

You: Huey, are you having a good time with your new mommy and daddy?

Hugh Moss: Yeah. I really like them.

Hugh Moss: And the cat. I like it, too.

You: That's great.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Huey, what do you think of the festival? Do you have any suggestions?

Hugh Moss: ...Not really.

You: The questionnaire is done. You can go back to your parents now.

Hugh Moss: Sure, Miss [Player]. Come find me when you have time.

You: Of course. No problem!

Kiki Bennet

Questionnaire: Kiki Bennet

You: Kiki!

Kiki Bennet: [Player], come on. Let's do this!

What movie do you like

You: Your favorite film at the festival is the one by Kanon Clark. Did I guess right?

Kiki Bennet: Yes, you're right! He's got the perfect face.

Kiki Bennet: He is simply perfect for his first lead role. I'll always love Kanon Clark!

Movie genre

You: What sorts of movies do you watch often besides Kanon Clark's?

Kiki Bennet: Well... I don't watch movies often. But, if I had to say, maybe romance series.

Kiki Bennet: I enjoy romance series far more than movies.

Kanon Clark

You: I heard that Kanon Clark was considering taking a role in a major movie. I guess it was true.

Kiki Bennet: And the feedback is really positive! He played a down-on-his-luck white-collar worker. That was such a breakaway from his previous roles.

Kiki Bennet: Not only does he have the perfect face, but his acting skills are amazing... Ah, just talking about it makes me want to go back and rewatch it.

Kiki Bennet: I've made up my mind. I'll go watch it a third time with his fans later!


You: Is Mockingbird your favorite film critic?

Kiki Bennet: Of course, he is. Are you asking this because he'll be at the festival?

Kiki Bennet: If it's true, then you've got to get me a ticket!

You: Well, nothing has been set in stone yet. But I'll hold on to one for you.

Kiki Bennet: You're the best! I've been following him since forever. I'm really curious about what he looks like in person.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: What kind of person do you think Mockingbird is?

Kiki Bennet: He is logical, sharp as a tack with words, never posts personal stuff, and rarely interacts with people...

Kiki Bennet: I'm guessing he's serious and handsome!

Kiki Bennet: Hmm... a little like Mr. Wing?

Kiki Bennet: Huh? Why are you giggling? Do you have the same idea as me?

You: ... Yes. The exact same.

What Artem likes

You: Do you have any ideas about what Mr. Wing might like?

You: I'm still trying to figure out what to get for him...

Kiki Bennet: You two are super close. If you don't know, what makes you think I'd have any clue...

Kiki Bennet: Oh, isn't he a bit of a coffee fiend? He always has a cup in his hand.

Kiki Bennet: How about coffee? Of course, it'll have to be top-notch stuff. He won't put up with ordinary coffee.

You: Hmm... good idea. Thank you so much. I'll give it a thought.

Kiki Bennet: Hehehe. If this works out, don't forget to put in a good word with him for me.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Kiki Bennet: Sure. Wouldn't it be brilliant if you provided more tickets for Kanon Clark's movie premieres or meet-ups?

Kiki Bennet: Waah, I had set so many alarms but I still couldn't get one...

Kiki Bennet: As long as there are tickets, rest assured that I and everyone else in the superfan club will be there!

You: Okay. I'll ask around.

You: That's all for me. Thank you for your time.

Kiki Bennet: Well, then I'll go watch a movie! See you around!

You: See you later!

Winnie Cooper

Questionnaire: Winnie Cooper

You: Winnie, we meet again!

Winnie Cooper: Miss [Player]! I didn't know you are a volunteer too.

You: Too?

Winnie Cooper: I am a volunteer, too! It's my day off today.

Winnie Cooper: It's about the questionnaire, right? Let's get started!

What movie do you like 100579

You: Which is your favorite film at the festival?

Winnie Cooper: Love in the Mountains. I found it very touching. It was about education for the less fortunate and student life.

Winnie Cooper: I couldn't help crying while watching it... [Player], don't you dare laugh at me.

You: It's okay. You resonated with the movie, that just means it's a well-done film!

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Winnie Cooper: Anything! I'll watch anything that's good. I'm not picky.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Winnie Cooper: Well... I don't read much. I heard people talking about Mockingbird. He seems to be the talk of the town.

Winnie Cooper: So I picked up a few of his articles. I liked them.

Winnie Cooper: I'm not a professional. I just really see eye to eye with his views.

Winnie Cooper: Under his sharp language, I can sense his gentleness. Mockingbird must be a very caring person.

You: Yeah, I get that, too.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: So... have you ever thought about Mockingbird's real identity?

Winnie Cooper: No. But my classmates love guessing.

Winnie Cooper: Some say it's a group; some say he's an autistic savant, and even a few claim it's all written by an AI...

Winnie Cooper: But I highly doubt it's AI. The warmth in his writing is not something that AI can pull off.


You: Are you also a volunteer?

Winnie Cooper: Yes. I joined my school's Volunteers Association and I have volunteered for various activities.

Winnie Cooper: It just so happens that I'm not too busy with my classes these days, so I thought I'd come to the festival to help out.

Winnie Cooper: [Player], I'd say we really hit it off!

You: Yeah!

Recent situation

You: How are you doing lately? Are you still doing part-time jobs?

Winnie Cooper: Mm-hmm. I've been helping out at the campus store lately. I'm used to the pace, so I can handle it.

Winnie Cooper: I'm here to watch movies with Grandpa Vern. It made him so happy.

You: How is he doing?

Winnie Cooper: He's better now. He's been in a good mood recently, so he's getting better.

You: That's great news!

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Winnie Cooper: Well... I'd say it's all good.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Winnie Cooper: You are welcome. Just doing my part.

Winnie Cooper: By the way, can I interview you as well?

You: Sure! Any time!

Other NPCs


Questionnaire: Boy

Stellis - Park (Day).png


Child M character icon.png

You: Such a small child. Is he here to watch a movie by himself?

Observe: ball

You: (A lot of kids like to play soccer. It's a good way to exercise and make friends.)

You: (I'm suddenly curious about how Mr. Wing looks like when he plays soccer...)

Observe: image

You: (This should be an image of the popular monster from the popular anime "Cosmic Warriors.")

You: (There's a new OVA version of this anime at the movie festival, I'm sure he'll like it.)

You: Hey buddy, are you here for the film festival?

Boy: Yes, pretty Miss. You're a volunteer, aren't you? You can ask me if you have any questions.

You: Pretty Miss? Hold on, where are your mom and dad? Why are you here by yourself?

Boy: My parents are waiting for me there. They say I'm a big boy, so I can answer questions by myself.

The little boy points to an area not too far off. You see a couple looking towards you with anticipation.

You: I see. I'll be quick so that you can go back to your parents as soon as possible, okay?

Boy: Yeah! Miss, you're so pretty. Ask anything you want!

Liked movies

You: Do you like any of the films you watched?

Boy: Yes, I like Cosmic Warriors the most. They defend the Earth. They are my heroes!

Boy: Dad says I can join the team when I grow up and destroy monsters!

Movie genres

You: What kind of movies do you like most? Ones like Cosmic Warriors?

Boy: That's right. See, my shirt has the strongest monster in the universe!

Boy: My mom bought it for me because I got third place in my grade.

You: Third place! That's awesome!

Movies and learning

You: Do you ever use what you watch in movies in school? Like in your writing?

Boy: Definitely. Last week, I wrote about my favorite, the Cosmic Warriors.

Boy: My teacher said it was really good and gave me a gold star.

You: Wow, that's great!

Film festival event

You: Did your mom and dad take you to any activities at the festival?

You: Like, the film exhibition. It's set up for kids like you.

Boy: Yup! I even got autographs from the Cosmic Warriors.

Boy: They said that I can join the Cosmic Warriors when I'm a little older!


You: Do you like soccer?

Boy: Uh-huh. Mom and dad are taking me to play soccer later.

Boy: Do you want to come and watch?

You: Sorry. I have something scheduled later, but I'll be cheering you on.


You: Have you ever heard the name Mockingbird?

Boy: Mockingbird? I think my teacher talked about that before. It's a cute lil' bird.

You: (I guess it's normal for kids not to have heard of him.)

Film festival recommendations

You: Is there anything else you want to say about the festival? You can tell me what you like or don't like about it.

Boy: Hmm, there's nothing I want to say about the festival. But, I do have something else that I want to say. Can I?

You: Of course, you can.

Boy: You are the most beautiful and nice girl I have ever seen. You are as beautiful as my mom.

You: Huh!?

You: That's all the questions. Now go to your parents.

Boy: Okay! Goodbye, pretty Miss!

You: Bye!

Camera-holding Person

Questionnaire: Camera-holding Person

Stellis University - Art Gallery.png

Camera-holding Person

Photographer character icon.png

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

You: Other than the questionnaire, I have a few more questions for you. Is this a good time?

Camera-holding Person: I'm a director. I'm super busy. If you have questions, make it quick.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Camera-holding Person: None. They all suck.

You: Wha?

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Camera-holding Person: Horror, all the way. Supernatural freakish beauty is the truest art!

You: Uh, sure...

Terrible movie

You: Why do you think they all suck?

Camera-holding Person: Do you even need to ask that?! They just do!

Camera-holding Person: My film is obviously better than all of these. Why didn't they add mine in?!


You: What's the name of your film...?

Camera-holding Person: Hm, since you ask, I'll tell you. It's called The Ghost and The Cinema. You must have heard of it.

You: (It actually rings a bell. The movie theater is haunted, and after investigating the main character finds out that it's all just in his head.)

You: (It's one of those cookie-cutter films...)

You: ...Yeah. I have heard of it.

Camera-holding Person: How is it? It's groundbreaking, isn't it?

You: ...Well...

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Camera-holding Person: Hmm, I can't say I like any of them. I'd go so far as to say I hate more than a few of them.

Camera-holding Person: Especially Mockingbird. He criticized my movie, saying it was shallow!


You: Did mockingbird review your movie?

Camera-holding Person: Hm, yes. He commented with only one sentence!

Camera-holding Person: "Nonsensical story and dull acting." which was somehow followed up by a flood of people in agreement...

Camera-holding Person: Just wait. Sooner or later I'll create something that will amaze all of you and then everyone will regret this!

You: ...

Reason for getting the camera

You: Why are you holding the camera? Are you filming something?

Camera-holding Person: Of course. I've got it so anytime I find something inspiring I can shoot it.

Camera-holding Person: Besides, the camera is like a director's weapon, so it must always be by their side!

You: (...Is that so?)

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Camera-holding Person: Why didn't they let my new film in? We're they afraid that I'd win too many awards?!

You: Well... Film festivals have their criteria for selecting films. You might want to check that out.

Camera-holding Person: ...Hm!

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Camera-holding Person: Good. I'm going to get some ideas now.

Camera-holding Person: One day, you'll remember me and my works!

You: (He's full of energy...)

You: Well, anyway, let's work hard together!


Questionnaire: Courier

Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png


Courier character icon.png

You: Is the next one a courier?

Observe: box

You: (Is that a delivery box in his hand?)

You: (The logo... it's from Pax.)

Observe: uniform

You: (He's wearing the Pax uniform, and he seems to have his work permit with him as well.)

You: (Is it really okay if I bother a delivery person making his runs...?)

You: Excuse me, do you have a minute for a questionnaire?

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

Courier: Ah, I guess I have time for a short one.

You: What about your deliveries?

Courier: I'm not a courier. I'm an actor who's trying to understand the character.

You: I see.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie most caught your eye?

Courier: About that... Well, does my own movie count? It'll be debuting in a couple of days.

You: Of course. What's it called?

Courier: Ordinary Times. It's about a man from a poor background who works his way up through life and is eventually destroyed by his own desires.

You: Wow, that's one of the most highly anticipated films!

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Courier: Anything as long as I'm in it.

Courier: I really get a thrill seeing my own handsome face on the screen.

Character played

You: What role did you play in it?

Courier: Well, there was the security guard downstairs, the convenience store owner, and the courier...

Courier: Even though the total length is less than ten minutes, I researched each role for several months.

Courier: It's my method to pursue every role to the fullest!

You: You are a real professional.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Courier: Yeah. I enjoy reading reviews. There is a guy named Mockingbird. He spoke highly of my performance.

Courier: My scene was about 30 seconds long, but for this role, I worked in a convenience store to research the role for a month.

Courier: He was the only one among so many film critics that praised my acting. He said I was natural and that I must have really done my homework...

Courier: He is my soulmate.

Experience character

You: Would you tell me a bit about your experience doing these roles?

Courier: A few months ago, I worked as a delivery guy for a while. Not only did I not receive any bad reviews, but I also was awarded employee of the month.

Courier: My time doing role research is over now, and the movie will start shooting tomorrow. So I'm wearing this outfit so I can really sink into the role.

You: The costume... is this an ad for Pax?

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Courier: No, I'm happy with everything.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Courier: You're welcome. Please watch my show The Ordinary Age. I look forward to your feedback.

You: Sure!

Exhausted Person

Questionnaire: Exhausted Person

Stellis - City Street (Day).png

Exhausted Person

Boss 19 character icon.png

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

You: You look tired. Are you sure you want to do a questionnaire now?

Exhausted Person: Don't worry. I'm okay. I'm just on my way to work.

Exhausted Person: Let's get started then.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Exhausted Person: ...I watched quite a few of them. But, there was nothing that really stood out to me. They are just average.

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Exhausted Person: I don't have a favorite kind. I just watch whatever is on screen when I've got the free time.

Exhausted Person: But I know what I don't like. I can't stand overly complicated movies.

Exhausted Person: I really liked them as a kid, but now, I'm just too busy. I don't have the time to figure out everything going on in those movies, so I might as well watch something easy.

You: ...True. I feel the same.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Exhausted Person: No. I don't even have time for complicated movies, let alone long reviews.


You: Have you heard of the film critic, Mockingbird?

Exhausted Person: ...Oh, yeah, I know of him. We've approached him for advertising, but he has never agreed.

Exhausted Person: What a waste. With his influence, he would have made a lot of money if he had taken the offer.


You: Do you mind telling me what kind of advertisement it was?

Exhausted Person: A great new sports drink. I work for this company, in the Advertisement Dept.

You: I see.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: Do you know his real identity since you've asked him to take up an ad?

Exhausted Person: No, we only spoke online.

Exhausted Person: *Sigh*... He only told us that he didn't take ads after we'd contacted him multiple times over about it.

Exhausted Person: So we stopped contacting him.


You: Are you planning on working late?

Exhausted Person: Yeah. This is pretty much a weekly occurrence.

You: (Life isn't easy for anyone...)

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Exhausted Person: ...More shows in the evenings and on weekends, since we don't have time to watch them during the week.

You: Got it. It's a good suggestion.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation. And... have fun at work.

Exhausted Person: Thank you, young lady. Same for you.

Exhausted Person: I should go. Goodbye.

You: Well, goodbye!

Female Store Clerk

Questionnaire: Female Store Clerk

Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Day).png

Female Store Clerk

Shopkeeper F character icon.png

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

You: Other than the questionnaire, I have some other questions. Is it okay? I hope I won't disturb your customers.

Female Store Clerk: It's fine. There are not many customers at this time of day.

Female Store Clerk: Let's get started now.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Female Store Clerk: Sweet Journey. It's a rom-com about all sorts of things a couple experiences while traveling.

Female Store Clerk: It's a popular one. There were only a few people there when I was watching it. It felt like I had booked the whole room for myself, but I enjoy the relaxed pace.

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Female Store Clerk: Ones about relationships. You know, about love, family, or friendship.

Female Store Clerk: I think people need to experience a range of life's flavors before they can bake a cake that really tastes great.

You: That's a romantic way to put it.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Female Store Clerk: I do. I like a female film critic named Sunset.

Female Store Clerk: She analyzes things from a woman's point of view. Her words are gentle, powerful, and really sit well with me.

Female Store Clerk: I heard that she will attend the closing ceremony of the festival. Is that true?

You: The organizers are considering it, but they haven't finalized anything yet.

You: If there's enough demand for her and if she agrees, it could happen.


You: Have you heard of Mockingbird?

Female Store Clerk: Yes, but I haven't read any of his articles.

Female Store Clerk: Sorry. I'm not much help.

You: That's okay.


You: These are beautiful cakes. Did you make them?

Female Store Clerk: Yes. Sometimes my husband helps, too.

You: Wow. It must be so sweet to make a cake with the person you love!

Female Store Clerk: It is. You should try it with your boyfriend. I promise you it'll make things sweeter between you two.

You: Well, I'm single...

Female Store Clerk: In that case, there's got to be someone you want to do this with, right?

Female Store Clerk: The first person you think of now could be your future boyfriend.

You: Yeah...

Birthday Cake

You: There are so many kinds of birthday cakes nowadays.

Female Store Clerk: Are you preparing for someone's birthday?

You: Yes... someone important.

Female Store Clerk: Understood. This is the contact information of the store. You can call me anytime if you need me.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Female Store Clerk: Nothing in particular. I think it's all good.

You: Well, that's good.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Female Store Clerk: You're welcome. By the way, come try our desserts next time.

You: Sure.


Questionnaire: Girl

Orchidshine Street (Day).png


Teen F character icon.png

You: (This girl is so cute!)

Observe: hair

You: (That's a really cute hairstyle, it suits her.)

You: (Hmm... Should I cut my hair short as well...?)

Observe: clothes (A Middle Schooler?)
Middle school uniform

You: (Is she wearing a middle-school uniform?)

You: (It doesn't look like a normal uniform...)

Interest Costume (correct)

You: (It looks good, but it doesn't look like an ordinary middle school uniform.)

You: (Besides, it's not recess for middle-schoolers right now. She's probably not a middle-schooler.)

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

You: Other than the questionnaire, I have a few more questions for you. Is this a good time?

Girl: Sure. Let's begin!

What movie do you like

You: Which movie are you most interested in?

Girl: Well, I haven't found anything that particularly appeals to me.

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Girl: Hehehe, I prefer horror movies. The scarier, the better.

Girl: The ones at the festival are so-so. I fell asleep watching a few of them.

You: (Hmm, I remember the reviews mentioned that they were creepy...)

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Girl: I do. I like Nelly the most. She is not a traditional film critic. She mainly focuses on commentary stuff.


You: Have you heard of the film critic, Mockingbird?

Girl: I've heard of him. One of my classmates is a crazy fan of his and even wants to meet him.

Girl: I read some of his articles. They are just average.

Girl: I guess those who say they like Mockingbird haven't carefully read his work. They are just following the mainstream.

You: Yeah. That's a possibility.


You: Do you mind telling me why you like Nelly?

Girl: Because she analyzes real horror films. There are so few critics like her.

Girl: She doesn't just pass over bloody or horror scenes. Also, she puts pictures and videos in her reviews.

Girl: That's the way to show it! It's so enjoyable reading her work!


You: Your outfit is super cute!

Girl: Wow, do you like this style of outfit, too? It's the best!

Girl: I dress up like this a lot. Many people think I'm a middle school student, but I'm actually in college.

Girl: There are a few stores that I always, always, shop at. I'll recommend them to you!

You: Awesome. Thanks.


You: Which university are you from?

Girl: I'm a freshman at Stellis Sci-Tech University. I majored in Physics.

Girl: What about you? Do you mind telling me what you do?

You: I'm an attorney.

Girl: Wow. Sounds like you must have a lot of cases to investigate every day. It must be interesting!

You: It's not as interesting as you think, but I love my job.

Film festival recommendations

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Girl: No. I just want more horror movies. I feel that there are fewer and fewer these years. It's just not enough to keep me satisfied.

Girl: Or maybe just organize a horror-only festival on times like Halloween or some other time. You couldn't stop me from going then.

You: (She is really into horror films...)

You: Okay. I will give the organizers your feedback.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Girl: You're welcome. Goodbye.

You: Goodbye!

Gloomy Youth

Questionnaire: Gloomy Youth

Stellis - Walkway (Day).png

Gloomy Youth

Boss 5 character icon.png

Gloomy Youth: Well... Are you a volunteer at the film festival? Can I have a questionnaire, please?

You: Yes, but you are...?

Gloomy Youth: I didn't fill in a questionnaire before, but I watched the films, and am very interested. So...

Gloomy Youth: I can fill one in now...

You: I see. No problem. I have some extra questionnaires.

You: If you have time, let's get started now.

Gloomy Youth: Sure.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Gloomy Youth: The... one A Thou-Thousand Stars...

You: Can you tell me why?

Gloomy Youth: The storylines are g-good. The pacing… a-and acting is... nice...

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Gloomy Youth: I'm happy with… any-anything.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Gloomy Youth: Ye... y-yes. Mockingbird is good...


You: Why do you think Mockingbird is good?

Gloomy Youth: Hi-His articles are great... I've chatted with him online. He encouraged me to... write reviews...

Gloomy Youth: I tri-tried to write one. Honestly, I'm not very good yet, but he is my i-idol.


You: Are you also a film critic?

Gloomy Youth: Ye-Yes. I stutter when I... talk to people, but... not when I write.

Gloomy Youth: Th-That's why I want to try... my hand at writing film reviews.

You: Do you mind telling me your username? I'd love to check it out!

Gloomy Youth: Uh, I'm... not really ready to share now. I-I'll let you know when... I'm better at it.

Reason for not signing up

You: Why didn't you sign up for the interview?

Gloomy Youth: I-I don't like crow-crowds. They make me... nervous. Once I-I get nervous, I can't speak...

Gloomy Youth: Same with movies. That's why I always make block bookings...

You: ...I see.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Gloomy Youth: I-I'd like to meet Mockingbird. Does that... count?

You: The organizers have actually planned this, but only if he agrees.

You: I'll also work on it.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Gloomy Youth: You are... welcome. Thank you for the questionnaire...

You: No problem. It's nothing. If you want, you can contact me. I can help you sign up.

Gloomy Youth: Okay, sure.

Male Student

Questionnaire: Male Student

Stellis University - Art Gallery.png

Male Student

Boss 20 character icon.png

Male Student: Miss [Player], we meet again!

You: Huh? You are?

Male Student: Oh, I'm from the law school. Same as Mr. Wing.

Male Student: You went to the school with him to give a lecture on law once. We met there.

You: Oh, now I remember. You were the host of the lecture!

Male Student: Yup, that's me. I didn't expect to see you volunteering for the film festival.

Male Student: You need to do the interview, right? Let's get started.

Liked movies

You: Which movie are you most interested in?

Male Student: Hahaha, that'd have to be The Top Attorney. Although it's a bit exaggerated, it's based on real cases.

Male Student: I love films about attorneys. After all, that's what I hope to be someday.

Movie genres

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Male Student: I'm interested in science fiction and historical war movies.

Film reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Male Student: Oh yeah, I like Mockingbird. He is definitely popular with students.

Male Student: Some say that Mockingbird might be Mr. Wing.

Mockingbird's identity

You: Mockingbird is Mr. Wing?

Male Student: Yeah. They think the style of the article is a bit similar to Mr. Wing's.

Male Student: Don't take it too seriously though. It's just a rumor, there's no real evidence. Personally, I don't believe it.

Male Student: There are so many people with similar writing styles. Such a coincidence is not very likely.

You: (Well... maybe that's true.)

Recent situation

You: You'll be a junior soon. Do you have any plans?

Male Student: I'm thinking about interning at a law firm. Miss [Player], does Themis still need interns?

You: I need to ask Celestine about that. If she has plans for it, I'll do an advertisement in the school.

You: You are all welcome to come for interviews!


You: I remember you enjoyed Mr. Wing's lecture back then, isn't that right?

Male Student: For sure. Mr. Wing is a hero for all of us in the law department.

Male Student: Oh... Isn't his birthday coming up soon? A bunch of girls are saying that they want to celebrate his birthday.

You: Yes, that's true. His birthday is coming up soon.

Male Student: I doubt Mr. Wing will accept any gifts though. Please tell him happy birthday for me.

You: No problem. That's really nice of you.


You: Just curious, do you call him Artem or Mr. Wing more often?

Male Student: Both. I didn't really notice.

Male Student: I'm more used to calling him Mr. Wing.

Film festival recommendations

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Male Student: Yeah, I have a small question. All of the students want to make a short film on the popularization of law. Can it be exhibited at the next festival?

Male Student: Or we can cooperate with the museum and show it in the museum.

You: It's a good idea to have a column of students' short films on the popularization of law!

You: I will suggest it to the organizers.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Male Student: Thank you, Miss [Player]. I'm sure you have more audiences to interview, so I won't keep you.

You: Yeah, I should go. Have a nice day!

Middle-Aged Man

Questionnaire: Middle-Aged Man

Stellis - Park (Day).png

Middle-Aged Man

Rich M character icon.png

You: So golden, so shiny...

Observe: necklace

You: (That shiny gold necklace looks heavy...)

You: (Even the size of the pendant is huge...)

Observe: man

You: (Hmm, this doesn't look like someone I should be messing with...)

You: Excuse me, are you here for the film festival? Do you have a minute for a questionnaire?

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

Middle-Aged Man: Sure. Go on.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Middle-Aged Man: It's a bit embarrassing to say it out loud. But, it has to be A Dog's Life.

You: Huh? The one about the life of a dog and its master?

Middle-Aged Man: Haha. You are surprised, right?

Movie genre

You: So, are you really into movies about pets?

Middle-Aged Man: Oh, big time. Especially the ones about cats and dogs. They're just so cute, all furry and small.

Middle-Aged Man: I have a lot of small pets, so these movies really hit home for me.


You: Would you tell me something about your pets? I'm curious...

Middle-Aged Man: Of course. I have two cats, one dog, and a parrot.

Middle-Aged Man: Oh, see my necklace? I got it in Cloudbreak Temple.

Middle-Aged Man: The master told me to wear it every day. He said it would protect them, so I wear it 24/7.

You: (So that's what that necklace is for.)

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Middle-Aged Man: I don't really read movie reviews. I prefer to read stuff about animals.


You: Have you heard of the film critic, Mockingbird?

Middle-Aged Man: Yup. I like mockingbirds, so I remembered him.

Middle-Aged Man: I don't read his writing much, but my son does. He shares his articles with me pretty often. Haha.

Middle-Aged Man: I'm not exactly interested in what he writes, but it makes sense.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Middle-Aged Man: Can we get more pet movies? But that's just my personal request. Hahaha.

You: No worries. I'll write down all of the tips you've got.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Middle-Aged Man: Goodbye, young lady. Thank you for your hard work.

You: You're welcome. Goodbye!

You: (Although he looks a bit grumpy, he's actually a very nice man.)

Middle-aged Woman

Questionnaire: Middle-Aged Woman

Stellis University - Art Gallery.png

Middle-aged Woman

Boss 17 character icon.png

You: (She looks like a very nice lady.)

You: Hi, I am a volunteer at this film festival. I'm handing out questionnaires according to the appointment time.

You: Other than the questionnaire, I have a few more questions for you. Is this a good time?

Middle-aged Woman: Sure. Go ahead.

What movie do you like

You: Which film is your favorite at the festival?

Middle-aged Woman: The overall quality of all the films is good. And the one called "Thousand Stars" is outstanding.

Middle-aged Woman: Everything about it is of professional quality. That includes the storyline, the shots, and the acting.

You: (She seems to be a real professional in this field. Does she work in the industry?)

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Middle-aged Woman: Personally, I prefer realistic themes that reflect social phenomena. Although, my job really needs me to appreciate all genres.


You: On your profile, you only mentioned that you work in the education industry. Is it film-related?

Middle-aged Woman: Yes. I'm a professor of Film Studies at the Stellis University of Art.

You: Ah. So that's why you seem to have a more refined view of all this.

Movie open lecture

You: I've been wanting to attend the open class on film studies. Will it be available soon?

Middle-aged Woman: It's open right now. You can sign up on the school's official website.

Middle-aged Woman: If you have any friends who want to come, they are always welcome as well. We hope to have more people who have a passion for film to come and learn.

You: Thank you so much. I'll sign up right away!

Reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Middle-aged Woman: Yes. Mockingbird has... left a deep impression on me.

Middle-aged Woman: From a professional standpoint, his articles are flawless.

Middle-aged Woman: Also, some of his ideas have genuinely inspired me.

Identity of the Mockingbird

You: Have you had any contact with him...? For example, to discuss film?

Middle-aged Woman: Online, yes. I've also invited him to offline seminars, but he never took me up on the offer.

Middle-aged Woman: Combined with the fact that he has never revealed his personal information, I think he doesn't want people to know who he is. Naturally, I didn't ask.

You: Yeah... I think that's it.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Middle-aged Woman: I wouldn't call them suggestions, just some things I'd prefer.

Middle-aged Woman: I'd like the organizer to give young people more opportunities at the festival. That way Film students could participate more in it.

Middle-aged Woman: It wouldn't matter if it's for them to volunteer or put up their own films, anything would be great. And, of course, I'd encourage students to take part.

You: Okay. I got it.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Middle-aged Woman: You're welcome, young lady. I'm very thankful for volunteers and movie lovers like you.

Middle-aged Woman: People like you remind me of the Stellis Film Festival's original purpose: to encourage young filmmakers.

Middle-aged Woman: I believe that, with your support, the festival will become better and better.

You: Yes! I'm sure it will!

Uniformed Person

Questionnaire: Uniformed Person

Misc Location - Theater.png

Uniformed Person

Bartender character icon.png

You: (This member of the audience made the appointment to meet at the opera house?)

Uniformed Person: My beautiful lady! It must be our destiny to meet each other again.

You: Meet each other again? Do we know each other?

Uniformed Person: Nothing can stop this. I believe every encounter in life is a long-awaited reunion.

You: (Why does this guy talk weird?)

You: Well, I'm a volunteer at this film festival. Do you have time for a questionnaire now?

You: In addition to the questionnaire, I have some other questions for you.

Uniformed Person: Time? Oh, of course. Let's start this wonderful journey.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Uniformed Person: Oh, I guess it's Romeo and Juliet.

You: (The classic re-run.)

Uniformed Person: The smoldering romance, the tragic finality. Is it not mesmerizing?

Movie genre that you like

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Uniformed Person: I'm happy as long as I get to see some shocking drama on-screen, of course.

Uniformed Person: True beauty is not limited by form.


You: So you're all about drama, huh?

Uniformed Person: You are a perceptive young lady. A gorgeous performance and exquisite lines are the keys to the unique charm of drama.


You: Have you heard of the film critic, Mockingbird?

Uniformed Person: It's a lovely name, but I don't know much about them.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Uniformed Person: I'm sorry to disappoint you, young lady, but I'm not interested in reviews.


You: Are you opera house staff? Your profile doesn't seem to mention anything about your occupation.

Uniformed Person: Nothing of the sort. It's just that I find the atmosphere here particularly fascinating.

Uniformed Person: A fascinating reunion calls for a fascinating atmosphere. You see, you and I are just like the princess and her faithful knight.

You: ...


You: What's your outfit for...

Uniformed Person: It's just a personal hobby. That's all.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Uniformed Person: I have nothing to profess.

You: (Huh? Is that a no?)

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Uniformed Person: My pleasure, dear. It is an honor.

You: Well... See you then.

Uniformed Person: See you. May luck ever be in your favor.

Watch-wearing Man

Questionnaire: Watch-wearing Man

Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png

Watch-wearing Man

Middle-age M character icon.png

You: Excuse me, do you have a minute for a questionnaire?

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

Watch-wearing Man: ...You're 1 minute 17 seconds earlier than the appointment.

Watch-wearing Man: But it's still within the acceptable range. Come on, let's get started.

You: (1 minute 17 seconds... ?)

What movie do you like

You: Which movie caught your eye most?

Watch-wearing Man: None at the moment. There are quite a few I haven't seen yet, so I can't decide now.

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Watch-wearing Man: One with a good pace. Preferably not too long, or it will take up my time.

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Watch-wearing Man: Yes. I also like to write reviews.

Watch-wearing Man: Few of the film critics nowadays produce any valuable opinions. I have little to no interest in any of them. Of course, except for Mockingbird.

Watch-wearing Man: But his latest update was 13 days ago at 9:10 pm. His speed is the real issue.


You: Do you read every article he writes?

Watch-wearing Man: Yes. It takes me roughly 7 minutes to read one of his articles, so it's hardly a waste of time.

You: ...

Your reviews

You: Can you tell me more about the reviews you write?

You: Like, what do you focus on, do you talk about ideas with people online, etc.?

Watch-wearing Man: I prefer to analyze film techniques and the overall logic of a film.

Watch-wearing Man: I'm more interested in watching than sharing ideas.


You: May I ask what you do for a living? You seem to be careful with your time...

Watch-wearing Man: Does this have anything to do with the questionnaire?

You: ...Yeah. Let's continue.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Watch-wearing Man: Quite a few. Is the number you gave me yours?

You: Yes.

Watch-wearing Man: I'll sort it out and send it to you after the festival.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Watch-wearing Man: The time you used is within my expectation. Your efficiency is acceptable.

You: (Acceptable...?)

Young Girl

Questionnaire: Young Girl

Stellis University - Art Gallery.png

Young Girl

Boss 7 character icon.png

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

You: Other than the questionnaire, I have a few more questions for you. Is this a good time?

Young Girl: Sure, let's get started. Please try to keep it short. I'm in a hurry.

Liked movies

You: Which of this film festival's movie are you most interested in?

Young Girl: None. All the ones I've seen so far are just flicks. They're pretty boring.

Movie genres

You: What kind of movies do you like?

Young Girl: Well, definitely not the overly commercial movies that are all over the place nowadays.

Young Girl: I prefer old movies, which have a lot of humanitarian concerns.


You: Flicks?

Young Girl: Mm-hmm. No content, meaningless, just to pass the time, and maybe sell popcorn.

Young Girl: Watching too much of this kind of movie can really damage your ability to think. They are dangerous.

Film reviews and critics

You: Do you pay attention to film reviews and do you have any critics you recognize?

Young Girl: No. Everyone has their own take and understanding of movies. You don't have to buy into others' points of view.


You: Have you heard of the film critic, Mockingbird?

Young Girl: Of course. To me, he is someone with popular opinions in the film industry.

Young Girl: Those who follow him may not really agree with him, but they tend to follow the masses.

Young Girl: I'm not saying that his articles don't make sense. I'm just not into playing follow the leader myself.

Young Girl: Maybe there's a team behind him, and Mockingbird is just a persona created by them.

Mockingbird's identity

You: Do you think that Mockingbird is a persona created by a team?

Young Girl: I'm just saying that's possible. Professional opinion, sharp words, and no personal information ever posted...

Young Girl: It looks a lot like work concocted by a group of professionals.

Young Girl: As for what the people who created this persona think, I have no idea.


You: The information you filled out says that you are a college student. Do you mind telling me what you major in?

Young Girl: I didn't fill it in because I didn't want to. Is it that important?

You: ...Uh, not really.

Film festival recommendations

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Young Girl: Film is a kind of art. I want the organizers to be stricter when selecting films, and choose the finer works with more artistic value.

Young Girl: If next year's the same as this one, then I don't think I'll be going to the next festival.

You: All right. I'll be sure to give the organizers your feedback.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Young Girl: Okay. I'll head of first then. Goodbye.

You: Bye.

You: (Well, she's got some good ideas.)

Youth in Sweats

Questionnaire: Youth in Sweats

Stellis University - Art Gallery.png

Youth in Sweats

Plump M character icon.png

You: That guy over there seems to be holding something. What is that?

Observe: Object

You: (Hey, this is the newest Pax gaming console!)

You: (I can't really tell what the game is from the cover though...)

Observe: Sweats

You: (There seems to be icons of cute girls on the sweats.)

You: (A lot of people wear clothes with their favorite characters printed on it.)

You: Excuse me, do you have a minute for a questionnaire?

You: I'm a film festival volunteer. I'm here to distribute the questionnaire according to the appointment time.

Youth in Sweats: Sure. Go ahead.

What movie do you like

You: Which movie most caught your eye?

Youth in Sweats: I like Lily's Adventure 2, by Cat Rabbit!

You: I know this one. It was nominated for Best in Animation, right?

Youth in Sweats: Yes, there's no way Lily won't win!

Movie genre

You: What sort of movies are you into?

Youth in Sweats: Animation, of course. Like, what else is there?


You: Do you mind telling me what game is in your hand?

Youth in Sweats: It's the new Lily's Adventure. See, that's Lily on the cover.

You: Is this also Lily? It looks different from the one on your clothes.

Youth in Sweats: Oh, this is Lily's game-look. It's just as cute as she always is.

Lily's Adventures 2

You: You're really into this, aren't you?

Youth in Sweats: High-key into it. I'm a big fan of Lily!

Youth in Sweats: Lily is even cuter in the sequel than the first. It was totally worth waiting three years!

Youth in Sweats: Look. The pattern on my sweatshirt is the Pixel-Lily. It's so cute, isn't it?

You: (So this is Lily. It is kind of cute.)

Reviews and critics

You: Do you follow film reviews and do you have any favorite critics?

Youth in Sweats: Nope, I couldn't care any less.

Youth in Sweats: I prefer to play games if I have time.


You: Have you heard of the critic, Mockingbird?

Youth in Sweats: That sounds familiar. But only the name.

Youth in Sweats: I don't care about those things.

Recommendations about the movie festival

You: Do you have any suggestions for the festival?

Youth in Sweats: Please tell Cat Rabbit to push out the new one as soon as possible.

Youth in Sweats: I've waited three years for this one, and I feel like I'll have to wait my entire lifetime for the next one...

You: ...I get it. I don't know if I can make that happen, but I'll put it in my feedback.

You: The questionnaire is done. Thank you for your cooperation.

Youth in Sweats: Okay. I'll go home and play my games now. Goodbye.

You: Bye!