Main Story 08-31

From Tears of Themis Wiki


  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x20
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40

  • Attribute: Empathy card type icon Empathy
  • Recommended Power: 135434

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin x1600 (100%)


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


The supplements Tyson Turner had given to Laura Lear were poisonous because...
  • Recording of Tyson Turner Threatening Lowe Lear

The Opaline River Laboratory is indeed developing the immortality drug because...

  • Irene Burke's Testimony

The evidence to prove that the "immorality drug" contains NXX is...

  • Huey's Medical Examination Report

The evidence we have that directly proves Heirson Effervescent Packet contains NXX is...

  • Heirson's Inventory Record

The evidence that shows Tyson Turner made use of Heirson Effervescent Packet to obtain experimental data is...

  • Lowe Lear's Testimony



Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Waiting Room.png
Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Courtroom (Full).png
Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Courtroom (Judge Stand).png
Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Courtroom (Witness Stand).png
Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Courtroom (Player Desk).png
Stellis Justice Department

Stellis Justice Dept - Courtroom (Opponent Desk).png



Huey's Medical Examination Report

Huey's Medical Examination Report icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

Hugh Moss' medical report that includes the reasons for abnormal physical signs. He was a human trial sample from Opaline River Laboratory.

According to the medical report, all of Hugh Moss' abnormal symptoms were caused by the long-term usage of NXX, which was secretly developed by the Opaline River Laboratory.

Debate Details

  • Enemy Name: Howard Syter
  • Turn Limit: 25 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"Heirson has had a good reputation since it became listed. You are the only one that thinks it is a problem."
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500
Intuition card type icon
"Your conclusions are all sophomoric and they don't hold water!"
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"I'm not William Lewis. I'm not easy to deal with!"
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500

Wave 2

Logic card type icon
"There is no way to trust anything the shady Lowe Lear says!"
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500
Intuition card type icon
"Is ignoring the facts in court Themis's way of handling things?"
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"I—I will not give up easily!"
HP: 22050
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500

Wave 3

Empathy card type icon
"There is no way I'll lose! Never again in this lifetime!"
HP: 132350
ATK: 1262
DEF: 7500

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon You are the one ignoring evidence and disrespecting the court!

Logic card type icon Heirson's use of illegal substances to develop the "immortality drugs" has been conclusively proven!

Logic card type icon If his words are not to be trusted, what makes yours credible?

Empathy card type icon Please note that assault is not allowed in court!

Empathy card type icon The courtroom is a place where justice is upheld. It is not a place for your casual arguments!

Empathy card type icon Tyson Turner has harmed so many people for his own selfish reasons. He must pay the price!

Intuition card type icon If you have objections, please show the evidence!

Intuition card type icon If you want to compete, please do it fair and square!

Intuition card type icon Right and wrong is decided in a court of law based on evidence. It is not for you to decide!