Main Story 08-30

From Tears of Themis Wiki


You receive a scam phone call right after you got off the plane, saying that you have a record with the police and they can get rid of it if you pay some money.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40

  • Attribute: Intuition card type icon Intuition
  • Recommended Power: 134734

Stage Drops

Btn coin s.pngStellin x800 (100%)

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Telephone Scammer
  • Turn Limit: 20 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"One of my uncles has the right connections. As long as I have the money, it'll work out."
HP: 33000
ATK: 1577
DEF: 15000
Intuition card type icon
"As an attorney, it'd be bad if you had a criminal record, right?"
HP: 33000
ATK: 1577
DEF: 15000
Empathy card type icon
"Give me the money, or you'll just have to wait for the police to come!"
HP: 33000
ATK: 1577
DEF: 15000

Wave 2

Intuition card type icon
"The police will be coming to arrest you soon! $5000 and my brother-in-law will help you take care of it."
HP: 109950
ATK: 1577
DEF: 15000

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon I've seen traps like these. I won't fall for it!

Logic card type icon Blatantly blackmailing a lawyer? You should be the one the police are looking for!

Empathy card type icon Phone scams are illegal! You'll be punished by the law for your actions!

Empathy card type icon You need to calm down.

Intuition card type icon Resorting to fallacies? Are you feeling guilty?

Intuition card type icon You've blatantly engaged in malicious fraud!

Intuition card type icon I have done nothing illegal. I will not fall for your scam!