Luke All Year Round Event/Questionings

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< Luke All Year Round Event
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Named Story NPCs

Dr. Angelo

Questioning: Dr. Angelo

Stellis - City Street (Day).png

You: Uncle Angelo, long time no see.

Dr. Angelo: [Player], it's you. Why aren't you with Luke?

You: Dr. Angelo, speaking of Luke, there's something I want to ask you about.

Dr. Angelo: Oh? What's the matter?

Luke Pearce

You: Uncle Angelo, which one do you think Luke would prefer? A modern, fashionably chic watch, or a classic mechanical watch?

Dr. Angelo: Oh, him? I'd wager that he would probably prefer the classic mechanical watch. Better yet if it's broken.

You: Haha, that's what I thought too.

Dr. Angelo: But, why are you asking me this, [Player]? Oh, wait. I just remembered. Luke's birthday is coming up, isn't it?

You: Yeah. Luke hasn't been back for 8 years, so I want to surprise him this time. Please don't tell him!

Dr. Angelo: I get it. You young people have a lot of tricks up your sleeves, so I'll stay out of things. Send my birthday wishes to him, will you?

You: No problem!

Recent situation

You: Doc, are you busy working lately?

Dr. Angelo: Somewhat. The new position is more manageable than before. Plus, I'm leaving the frontline soon.

Dr. Angelo: I even have time for my hobbies.

You: What are you interested in these days?

Dr. Angelo: A lot actually. I want to try painting, poetry, chess... everything.

You: Dr. Angelo, I shouldn't keep you since you're so busy. I'd better go since I have something else to tend to.

Dr. Angelo: Well, go on ahead then.

Irvin Soong

Questioning: Irvin Soong

You: Mr. Irvin, long time no see. I didn't expect to see you here.

Irvin Soong: Yeah, it's been a while. You look as peppy on your feet as ever.

Reason for entering the city

You: Mr. Irvin, are you here in city for fun?

Irvin Soong: No, no. I'm here to visit an old friend.

Irvin Soong: We aren't getting any younger, so it's best for us to enjoy each other's company more often while we still can.

You: Trust me, you are tough as an ox.

Irvin Soong: Haha. By the way, what are you here for? An investigation? Why isn't Luke with you?

You: No investigation. I'm just preparing for Luke's birthday.

Irvin Soong: What? Is his birthday coming up!?

You: Mr. Irvin, don't mention any of this to Luke, okay? Let's keep it as a secret.

Irvin Soong: I know, I know. I'd never let it slip.


You: Mr. Irvin, do you have any hobbies besides visiting old friends?

Irvin Soong: Hobbies? Does watching TV count?

You: Of course. What kind of TV shows do you watch?

Irvin Soong: I like detective shows. Recently, I've been into one called "The Controversy." It's pretty good. You ought to give it a try.

Opaline Village

You: How has Opaline Village been doing since the incident?

Irvin Soong: You know, just getting by. Same old.

Irvin Soong: The new mayor came up with lots of good ideas to help the village's economic situation. It will gradually get better in due time.

Irvin Soong: *Sigh*... It's just... Well, you know Jasmine and the child she adopted? I often wonder how they are doing now.

You: Don't worry. Huey is doing great.

Irvin Soong: Poor kid and his tough life. I hope he gets better and doesn't have to go through anything like that again.

You: Yeah. Huey will definitely have a happier life.

You: Well, look at the time. Let's chat some more next time!

Irvin Soong: Sure. Come by Opaline Village next time and I'll cook something special for you.

Vernon Green

Questioning: Vernon Green

On your way to the thrift shop, you spot a familiar silhouette.

You: Mr. Green? Is it really you? I thought I got the wrong person.

Vernon Green: Miss [Player], it's been a while. I was just telling Winnie that I should have you over for dinner at our establishment.

You: Yeah, Winnie told me about it. I haven't had a chance to visit you since the last time.

Vernon Green: You must be busy with work, so don't worry about it. We can still have a nice chat like this once in a while.

Recent situation

You: Mr. Green, how has your health been as of late?

Vernon Green: I'm feeling better. Winnie is supervising my exercise and meal plan, so it's hard for me not to be healthy.

You: Winnie told me that you are still running Penny's Comfort Foods?

Vernon Green: In theory, yes. I only take orders from regular customers, so that totals to maybe a dozen or so per day. It's just to pass time.

New dishes

You: By the way, are there any new dishes coming out?

Vernon Green: Yes. I have a few light dishes.

You: Light dishes?

Vernon Green: You know, people tend to eat greasy food too often, and that's awful for your health.

Vernon Green: So, I want to make some light dishes that'll be easy for people to digest.

You: Good idea. You're so thoughtful.

Winnie Cooper

You: Mr. Green, does Winnie visit you often?

Vernon Green: Oh, she does. She's such a good kid.

Vernon Green: She refused to accept any monetary aid from me ever since the incident.

Vernon Green: Now, she has to study and work at the same time. And she has lost so much weight due to that... I can't bear to see her like this. *Sigh*

You: Don't worry too much about Winnie. She is independent and quite forward with herself. I'm sure she'll manage to handle everything just fine.

You: How time flies. We've been chatting for such a long time. You must be tired.

Vernon Green: I'm fine. If you have time, do drop by my place for dinner with the detective. I'll make you my specialty.

You: Sure. We will!

William Lewis

Questioning: William Lewis

You: Mr. Lewis, what a coincidence! I didn't expect to see you in an electronics store.

Mr. Lewis: Oh, you again? And during my break too. What have I done to deserve this?

You: It's fate. How about we sit down and have a chat?

Mr. Lewis: What do you want to talk about? You're not trying to get information about Baldr, are you?

Electronics Store

You: Mr. Lewis, do you come to the electronics store often?

Mr. Lewis: This store has a good selection of camera accessories. I always come here when I'm short on something.

You: Are you a camera expert?

Mr. Lewis: Of course. As the leading photographer in Baldr Legal Office, how could I not know about cameras?

You: Really? This is the first I've ever heard of this.

Mr. Lewis: What? Are you doubting me?

You: No, no. I have a friend who knows a lot about cameras too.

Mr. Lewis: Friend? You mean, Luke, the guy with the detective agency? I've seen him carrying a camera everywhere he goes.

Luke Pearce

You: Mr. Lewis, you know Luke?

Mr. Lewis: Not really. We've met once. Unfortunately, things didn't work out since he failed to appreciate my kindness in approaching him.

You: I'm curious to know what kind of case would bring you and Luke together.

Mr. Lewis: It's nothing major. Just a rich guy who overstepped his boundaries, and a star who wouldn't let it go. The case has yet to be closed.

Mr. Lewis: I wanted Luke, "Stellis's best detective," to dig up some dirt on the star to make her step down.

Mr. Lewis: However, Luke turned me away. He stupidly refused the money I sent him.

You: That's not called stupid. That's a man with principle.

Mr. Lewis: Hmm, whatever you say. It makes no difference to me.

Recent situation

You: Mr. Lewis, I haven't seen you in court lately. Are you busy?

Mr. Lewis: That's confidential. No comment.

You: ...

You: Mr. Lewis, I hope you'll stop finding weird excuses to harass Luke in the future.

Mr. Lewis: Hmph, even if you beg me, I'm not going to buy anything from him again.

Winnie Cooper

Questioning: Winnie Cooper (1)

Winnie Cooper: Miss [Player], what a coincidence! We meet again.

You: Winnie? What are you doing here...?

Winnie Cooper: I'm working part-time here. This import gift shop has a higher hourly wage compared to the other places.

Recent situation

You: Doesn't working part-time interfere with your studies?

Winnie Cooper: Nope. Working at an import gift shop is a breeze. Plus, I'm also learning a lot here.

You: That's good to hear.

Grandpa Vern

You: How's your grandfather been doing after the case?

Winnie Cooper: Grandpa Vern's well, and he has been successful with his restaurant. He even said that he wants you and Detective Pearce over for a meal. His treat.

Winnie Cooper: By the way, I don't see him around. Where did he go off to?

You: He had something to do. I'm wandering around alone to kill time.

Winnie Cooper: He's a nice guy. Don't miss the chance!

You: Wh... What are you talking about?

Winnie Cooper: Haha, don't be coy. Ah, all right. I'll stop teasing you.


You: You've got both school and a part-time job. Your schedule must be pretty tight. Any plans for the future?

Winnie Cooper: Haha, don't worry about me. I've got a plan in mind.

You: Oh?

Winnie Cooper: After graduation, I'll be a teacher in my hometown and help kids to enjoy learning.

You: What an admirable path. You'll definitely be able to pull it off!


You: Since you work in a gift shop, do you have Deerstalkers in your store?

Winnie Cooper: Deerstalkers? That's a pretty rare type of hat. I need to check the inventory records.

Winnie Cooper: Sorry, Miss [Player]. We don't have it in stock at our store, but the main store does.

You: That's okay. Can you tell me where your main store is? I'll head over for a look.

Winnie Cooper: It's overseas, but I can request a transfer for you.

You: How long will it take to get here? It's a birthday gift for my friend.

Winnie Cooper: When is your friend's birthday?

You: December 5th.

Winnie Cooper: It should be able to get here by then. I'll contact you when it arrives.

You: Fantastic. Thanks.

Winnie Cooper: Miss [Player], are you buying this deerstalker for Detective Pearce?

You: Huh? How... How did you know?

Winnie Cooper: Intuition.

You: Please keep this a secret for me. He can't find out about this.

Winnie Cooper: So, it's a surprise! Don't worry, I won't say a word.

Questioning: Winnie Cooper (2)

Winnie Cooper: Miss [Player], the deerstalker is here. I've wrapped it up for you. It looks more like a gift now, doesn't it?

You: Thank you, Winnie. Do you think Luke will like this gift?

Winnie Cooper: This deerstalker suits him perfectly. Detective Pearce would love it!

You: I would... hope so.

Winnie Cooper: Well, please let me know if you need anything else. I'll go tend to the other customers now.

You: Go ahead. I won't keep you.

Obtain Gift: Deerstalker


Deerstalker icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

Sherlock Holmes' iconic deerstalker. One of the birthday gifts you prepared for Luke.

The first birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Other NPCs

Photo Studio Owner

Questioning: Photo Studio Owner (1)

Misc Location - Store.png

Photo Studio Owner

Boss 20 character icon.png

You: Hello, I want to repair some old photos that have suffered water damage. I'm wondering if you can help me with that?

Photo Studio Owner: Yes, I'm capable of doing it, but this is a photography studio. Our photo restoration skills aren't great.

You: You are being modest. I heard that you're the best in the city.

Photo Studio Owner: Thank you, Miss. What photos do you want to repair?

You: Well, the oldest one is from 20 years ago. I didn't keep the negatives, and the photos got damp, so...

Photo Studio Owner: I see. Most of the photos should pose no problems. But... I may not be able to fix this one completely.

You: ...It's all my fault for not taking good care of these photos in the first place.

Photo Studio Owner: Don't blame yourself. I hear "Time's antiquities" is specialized in restoring old things. Perhaps you'd like to give that place a try instead?

You: You know of it?

Photo Studio Owner: Yes. Luke, the owner of the shop, is very young, but his technique is top-notch. Don't worry.

You: You speak highly of that shop. Can you tell me more about it?

Photo Studio Owner: Sure. But I don't actually know much. I can only tell you what I know.

Time's Antiquities

You: Isn't Time's Antiquities your competitor? Why would you recommend it?

Photo Studio Owner: Photo restoration is a sunset industry now. That kid sees old photos as antiques, it's clever business.

Photo Studio Owner: Maybe his school of thought will catch on with others. So, I should help out a little.

Sunset Industry

You: Is the photo restoration industry really so bad off right now?

Photo Studio Owner: Actually, it was already pretty bad 30 years ago. I think it's a miracle it hasn't kicked the bucket entirely at this point.

You: That must be pretty disheartening to watch.

Photo Studio Owner: There's no use in being sad. That's just how the trends go. Besides, I don't have any grand Quixote courage to go fight for it.

Photo Studio Owner: ...If anything, it's just that this store my father had run his whole life will end in my hands. It's a bit of a sore subject.

Luke Pearce

You: What kind of person do you think Luke is?

Photo Studio Owner: I don't really know him. I've only met him twice. He is young, but careful and reliable. I'd say he's born for this job.

You: Too true! He is not only careful and reliable, but also plenty responsible...

Photo Studio Owner: You sound like you're very familiar with Luke.

You: That's right. We grew up together.

Photo Studio Owner: Then what are you doing in my store? Wouldn't it be more convenient to go to his store?

You: Actually, the photos I want to fix are related to him, so I'd rather he didn't know about it...

Photo Studio Owner: Why?

You: His birthday is coming soon. I want to make an album of past photos for him as a gift.

Photo Studio Owner: Are you two together?

You: Well... We...

Photo Studio Owner: Okay, okay, nevermind. I'll fix the photos for you.

You: Really? Including the one that's seriously damaged?

Photo Studio Owner: I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best to restore it.

You: Thank you for telling me so much. I'll leave the photos to you then.

Photo Studio Owner: No problem. This will be my last job before I permanently close the store.

You: You're closing shop this soon?

Photo Studio Owner: Well, I've thought about it for a long time. I've just made up my mind recently.

Questioning: Photo Studio Owner (2)

You: Hey. Is the photo repaired yet?

Photo Studio Owner: It's done. The little boy and girl in the picture are you guys, right?

You: Yup. I remember my dad taking this when we were tired from playing in the park and fell asleep on the sofa.

You: You made it look exactly like the original. Thank you so much!

Photo Studio Owner: You're welcome. My wife's been looking at your photos after I repaired them. She wants to have boy-girl twins now.

Photo Studio Owner: By the way, why do the photos only go up to high school? Or did the rest of the set not get damaged?

You: Well, Luke was away for some time after that... but we'll take more photos together now that he's back.

Photo Studio Owner: Well, take the chance to take more while you're together. My dad used to force us to take a family photo every year...

Photo Studio Owner: I was rebellious as a kid. I found taking photos annoying, so I deliberately rebelled against him...

Photo Studio Owner: I'm missing from at least five years of family photos on the album. It's such a pity, thinking about it now.

Photo Studio Owner: I thought he wouldn't let me take over this studio at first, but in the end...

You: Sir...

Photo Studio Owner: It's okay. I'm just feeling a little sentimental since I'm closing the shop very soon. Don't worry, it'll pass.

Photo Studio Owner: Here is your album.

You: Thank you!

Obtain gift: Photo Album

Photo Album

Photo Album icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

A special photo album you made for Luke.

The second birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Florist Owner

Questioning: Florist Owner (1)

Misc Location - Mall.png

Florist Owner

Shopkeeper F character icon.png

Florist Owner: Welcome! What kind of flowers would you like? These are all new arrivals from this morning. You can still see the dew.

You: Hello, I'd like to reserve a bouquet of golden camellias.

Florist Owner: Golden camellias? Very few choose to buy this flower.

You: Sorry, but I don't actually know much about flowers. Can I ask you some questions about flowers?

Florist Owner: Sure. Ask away.

Golden camellias

You: What do you mean by only a few people choose to buy Golden Camellias?

Florist Owner: Golden Camellias are more known for their medicinal benefits, not so much for decoration.

You: Hmm. I see... Then is it possible to get some Golden Camellias here?

Florist Owner: Not to worry. We work with many flower suppliers, so a special request like this shouldn't be a problem at all.

You: Really? Great! I was afraid I'd have to find a new gift.

Florist Owner: It's for someone else?

You: Yes. A close friend. The Golden Camellia is his "flower twin," shiny and warm. So I'm getting him a bouquet of them.

Florist Owner: I see. But, the Golden Camellias may take a little longer to arrive compared to the other flowers.

You: That's fine, as long as it's before December 5th.

Florist Owner: December 5th? That should be fine.


You: Do you run this flower shop on your own?

Florist Owner: Of course not. We have two other florists.

You: Is it difficult running a flower shop?

Florist Owner: Well, nothing is easy. But, I've loved flowers since I was a kid, so I can still keep on even if it's tough.

You: Very nice. I wish you and your business well.

Florist Owner: Thanks.

You: I'll leave now and come back for the flowers when they're ready.

Florist Owner: Sure. See you next time.

Questioning: Florist Owner (2)

You: Hello, I'm here to pick up the golden camellias.

Florist Owner: It's ready. I specifically picked those with a lot of buds. They should bloom by that day.

You: I remember that golden camellias only start budding around July to August. I didn't think they'd still be in full bloom now.

Florist Owner: Well, golden camellia is an ancient plant. Its natural distribution is very limited, yet it's very tough for a flower...

Florist Owner: As long as they're well taken care of, the flowering can last till next March.

You: I see. Thank you.

Florist Owner: You're welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to come to me anytime.

Obtain gift: Golden Camellia

Golden Camellia

Golden Camellia icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

A potted flower that you will to Luke as his birthday gift.

The third birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Sales Guide

Questioning: Sales Guide

Misc Location - Box Office.png

Sales Guide

Boss 8 character icon.png

You: Hi, I'd like to buy a wide-angle lens, but I don't know much about it. Can you tell me what I should be looking for?

Sales Guide: Certainly.

Wide-Angle Lens

You: I want to buy a wide-angle lens for a camera. Which one would you recommend?

Sales Guide: What's your camera model?

You: I'm not sure. I just know that Pax launched it last year.

Sales Guide: I see. That model is pretty good overall, except that the original wide-angle lens could do with a little improvement...

Sales Guide: That's why Pax launched a new stand-alone wide-angle lens this year. It works better with that model.

Sales Guide: If you have the previous receipt for the camera, you can get a 20% off for a wide-angle lens.

You: Receipt? I don't have that...

Sales Guide: No receipt? Any record of purchase will work.

You: Nope. I'm buying the wide-angle lens for someone as a gift. It's not my camera.

Sales Guide: I see... I happen to have a spare discount coupon. You just need to fill out a questionnaire to get it. What do you think?

You: Cool. I'll fill it out.


You: So, have you always been working here as a sales guide?

Sales Guide: Yes. Ever since I graduated.

Sales Guide: My dream is to open my very own franchise.

You: Also an Electronics Store?

Sales Guide: Yeah. I'd prefer an Electronics Store. But I'm willing to try any kinds as well.

You: Well, I hope your dream comes true soon.

You: I've filled out the questionnaire.

Sales Guide: Okay. Here is the wide-angel lens you're looking for. I've already given you a discount.

You: Thank you.

Sales Guide: You are welcome. Please feel free to approach me if you have any questions in the future.

Obtain gift: Wide-Angle Lens

Wide-Angle Lens

Wide-Angle Lens icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

A wide-angle lens camera you bought for Luke.

The fourth birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman

Questioning: Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman

Misc Location - Mall.png

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman

Boss 17 character icon.png

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: Welcome! Are you here to buy wool?

You: Yes. I want to knit a pair of gloves. I've never done it before, so I hope I can get some tips from you.

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: Of course. It's rare to see young people come round here. Ask me anything you want.

Knit gloves

You: Apart from wool, what else do I need to knit a pair of gloves?

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: Nothing complicated, just four knitting needles.

You: What? I need that many!?

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: Don't worry. Knitting is a piece of cake despite the large amount of needles.


You: What are the popular colors for wool gloves this year?

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: That depends on whether it's for a boy or a girl.

You: It's for a boy about my age.

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: How about something bright and handsome like these two colors here? They're quite popular with young men.

You: They look nice. I'll get these two colors.

Business situation

You: How is your Knitting & Crochet Shop doing?

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: Most of my customers are regulars. We only see a handful of new ones.

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: But, my daughter helped me to open an online store, so business is running along nicely.

You: I guess knitting is quite popular.

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: For sure. After all, a gift is more heartfelt if they're handmade.

You: Thank you for telling me so much, and thank you for your recommendations on such beautiful wool.

Knitting & Crochet Shop Woman: You are welcome. I'm very happy to see young people knit. If you have You can come back and ask me about it if you have any questions.

Obtain gift: Wool and Knitting Needles

Wool and Knitting Needles

Wool and Knitting Needles icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

Wool and knitting needles that you bought to knit a pair of gloves for Luke.

The fifth birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Female College Student

Questioning: Female College Student (1)

Misc Location - Store.png

Female College Student

Boss 7 character icon.png

Female College Student: Welcome.

You: Hello, I'd like to buy an old-fashioned radio. Do you happen to have this in your store?

Female College Student: ...An old-fashioned radio? Sorry, it's my first day here, so I'm not quite familiar with our stock. A moment, please.

You: It's okay. I'm not in a hurry.


You: It's your first day at work today? Did you just graduate?

Female College Student: No. I'm a junior at Stellis University. I've always loved old things, so I applied when I saw this store put up a hiring ad online.

You: I see. I graduated from Stellis University too.

Female College Student: What? Really? I never thought my first customer would be an allumni.

Female College Student: I found the radio! But it's locked up in the storeroom.

Female College Student: I don't have the key, and the owner is out scouting for second-hand antiques. He won't be back for a while.

You: Then, what should I do?

Female College Student: If you're not in a hurry, you can come back another time. I'll tell the boss to get the radio out once he's back.

You: Sounds like a plan.

Future plans

You: You're going to graduate in a year. What are your plans for the future?

Female College Student: I'll either open my own thrift shop, or get a master's degree.

You: They both sound quite worthwhile.

Female College Student: Haha, thanks.

You: I'll leave first then. Thank you for helping me with the radio.

Female College Student: Sure thing. I'll update you once there is any news.

Questioning: Female College Student (2)

Female College Student: Hey, here you are. We've found the radio.

You: It looks newer than I thought.

Female College Student: Well, I've sterilized it. You can give it out safely.

You: What? How... how did you know I was going to give it to someone else? Did I tell you that?

Female College Student: No, I guessed. You don't look like someone who fancies this stuff.

You: Can you guess who I'm going to give it to?

Female College Student: Boss and I tested the radio, the only channel we found on it was a detective story channel.

Female College Student: So, I think the person you're giving it to must be someone who loves detective stories, or a detective themself.

You: I really think you have a talent for becoming a detective.

Female College Student: I like reading detective novels. Oh, I also follow two Stellis detectives online.

You: Which two?

Female College Student: Luke and Sphynx. I've only met Luke, and as for Sphynx, he seems pretty mysterious.

You: You've met Luke? What do you think of him?

Female College Student: He's about my age and feels like an easy-going guy. I've secretly observed how he handles things before, and he's very mature and calm.

You: Yeah, that's him alright.

Female College Student: Don't tell me... Is the gift for Luke?

You: Actually, I've known Luke since we were kids. This radio is my birthday gift to him.

Female College Student: Really? Can you please tell Luke happy birthday for me?

You: Sure thing! Have a nice day. I should get going first.

Female College Student: Okay, bye!

Obtain gift: Old-style Radio

Old-style Radio

Old-style Radio icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

Luke will definitely like this old-style radio that he can listen to detective stories from a radio station.

The sixth birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Watch Repairman

Questioning: Watch Repairman

Stellis - Industrial Zone (Warehouse Interior).png

Watch Repairman

Plump M character icon.png

You: Hello, is this the watch repair shop?

Watch Repairman: Yes, this is the place. May I perhaps be of help to you?

You: (Why does everyone here talk strange...?)

You: I'd like to ask you something, if it's okay with you.

Watch Repairman: Sure. Go ahead.

Pocket Watch

You: I would like to ask about a mechanical pocket watch launched by Oleana 40 years ago.

Watch Repairman: You mean, "Polyphony," the limited-edition pocket watch?

You: That's the one.

Watch Repairman: Then you should know that only five were sold before the product was withdrawn from the market as a whole for being too complex and too high maintenance.

You: Yes. I know.

Watch Repairman: Then, why are you looking for it if you're aware?

You: My friend has always wanted to attempt restoring one. It's his birthday soon, so I thought I'd find one for him.

Watch Repairman: Is he a watch repairman too?

You: No, but he also likes to restore and repair old things. He owns an antique shop.

Watch Repairman: Is that friend of yours Luke, by any chance?

Luke Pearce

You: You know Luke?

Watch Repairman: Yup! We restored an 1894 crown rack clock together. He might be able to restore a Polyphony if he were to work on it.

Watch Repairman: I'll give it to you for free since it's a birthday present for Luke!

You: There's no way I can accept that. I'll pay for it.

Watch Repairman: No need. It's just a broken watch, and it was left here by a customer. I only kept it for fun, if anything.

Watch Repairman: Take it. If Luke can really fix it, then that'd be a heck of a thing!

You: ...All right. I'll take it. Thank you, really.


You: Why did you open the shop in a warehouse?

Watch Repairman: Because the rent is cheap. I can use the money I save to buy games.

You: That's it for today. I'll see you around.

Watch Repairman: Sure, bring Luke with you next time.

Obtain gift: Old Pocket Watch

Old Pocket Watch

Old Pocket Watch icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

A limited-edition pocket watch from thirty years ago that has a very complicated design. Once broken, even the designer can't repair it. This broken pocket watch is something that any watch repairman wants to challenge.

The seventh birthday gift you prepared for Luke

Baking Teacher

Questioning: Baking Teacher

Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Night).png

Baking Teacher

Boss 18 character icon.png

You: Hello, I'd like to inquire about the baking course...

Baking Teacher: Sure. What do you wish to know?

Baking class

You: How fast can I learn how to bake?

Baking Teacher: It varies from person to person. What are you interested in learning to make?

You: Mango Tiramisu Cake.

Baking Teacher: Well... That'll take two weeks if you really buckle down.

You: Fair enough.

Baking Teacher: Are you making a cake for your sweetheart?

You: It's for... someone who is very important to me.

Baking Teacher: Haha, okay. I get it. How about scheduling our first lesson tomorrow night?

You: Mm-hmm, sounds like a plan.

Business model

You: The storefront is on the first floor and the bakery is on the second floor. Is this business model popular?

Baking Teacher: Actually, we used to only sell cakes, but then some of our regulars started asking for baking classes.

You: But, won't they stop buying from your bakery once they know how to make them?

Baking Teacher: We don't have such worries because we regularly launch new products...

Baking Teacher: The taste and style of our cakes are unique, so people often come to try new things. Some even sign up to learn how to make them.

You: I see. You are a born entrepreneur.

Baking Teacher: Not really. I know what little I do because of years of experience. I'm not some genius.

Cake decorations

You: What kind of cake design do you think a bright and energetic guy would like?

Baking Teacher: I think... something simple would be good.

Baking Teacher: Oh, we have an activity as of late.

You: Hmm? What's it about?

Baking Teacher: Any customer who learns baking here gets a 50% off on a cake doll decoration.

You: Cake doll decoration? You mean, the dolls you put on the top of cakes?

Baking Teacher: That's right. We work with a specialized doll workshop, so the doll can be customized however you wish.

You: Sounds interesting. I'll reserve one.

Baking Teacher: Cool. Since it's a gift for someone, it'd be better if you design it yourself. It'll be more meaningful that way.

You: Sure. I'll do just that.

You: Thank you for telling me so many interesting things today.

Baking Teacher: You're welcome. I get many sorts of inspiration when talking to customers as well.

You: What do you mean?

Baking Teacher: I'll tell you next time when we have a new product in our store.

You: Okay, see you tomorrow then.

Male College Student

Questioning: Male College Student

Stellis - Walkway (Day).png

Male College Student

Photographer character icon.png

You are on your way to Luke's house when a man stops you.

Male College Student: Hello, are you a friend of Luke's?


You: Who are you? How do you know that I'm... Luke's friend?

Male College Student: Don't worry. I'm a postgrad in the directing department of a film school. Here's my student ID.

Male College Student: I'm going to graduate next year, and I'm making a thriller for my final year project...

Male College Student: So I went to interview the best detective in Stellis, Luke, to get some references. But, I got kicked out.

You: ...Jobs are protected under client privacy. Luke will not and can not disclose any details.

Male College Student: I understand, so I've changed my plan. Now, I want to make a mini-documentary starring the life of a detective.


You: A Mini-documentary about the detective life... Sounds fun.

Male College Student: I think so, too. But Luke seems to have pinned me as a suspicious person...

Male College Student: He wouldn't give me a second chance. I've been wandering around here for days.

Male College Student: I'm lucky to have bumped into you now. I had a glimpse of your picture at Luke's...

Male College Student: So I thought you and Luke must be very close. Can you please put in a good word with Luke for me?

You: I can have a try, but I can't guarantee you tat it'd work.

Male College Student: No matter what the outcome is, I'll be in your debt.

Other subjects

You: Have you thought to try using another subject for your final project?

Male College Student: No. I've always loved crime novels. This work will be the kick off point for my career, so I have to do something I like, at least.

You: That's it for today. I'll let you know if I've got any news.

Male College Student: Okay. Thank you.

Male Victim

Questioning: Male Victim

Stellis - Misc Venue (Day).png

Male Victim

Injured M character icon.png

You are walking on the street when you accidentally bump into an injured person.

You: Sorry. Are you all right?

Male Victim: I'm fine. Oh? It's you! The friend of Mr. Pearce!

You contemplate the person before you and realize that he was a complete stranger.

Mr. Pearce

You: I'm sorry, but who is this Mr. Pearce?

Male Victim: It's Luke, the one who runs the detective agency. I've seen you there a few times.

You: ...Still not a clue.

Male Victim: It's okay. Don't worry about it. We can ask Mr. Pearce to introduce us next time.

Male Victim: But, he may not want to introduce a "dangerous element" like me to someone whom he values so much...

You: Dangerous element?

Male Victim: Haha, don't worry. I'm an independent journalist who specializes in digging up dirt on the big shots.

Male Victim: I need to think of the innocents. I'd never hurt them, but my line of work paints a target on my head... So those around me are at risk.


You: Are you and Luke close to each other?

Male Victim: Somewhat. I sell him information, and he helps me look into things on occasion.

You: You guys are partners then!

Male Victim: I guess you could say that.


You: By the way, how did you get hurt?

Male Victim: Oh, this? I got it a few days ago when I was digging around for a fraud case.

Male Victim: It's nothing serious. The cast will be removed in a few days.

You: That's good.

You: It's getting late, and you're injured. You should go home.

Male Victim: Okay. Maybe we'll meet again at Mr. Pearce's.

Middle-aged Man

Questioning: Middle-aged Man

Stellis - Park (Day).png

Middle-Aged Man

Boss 19 character icon.png

You are so tired that you decide to take a break by sitting on a bench in the park.

But, almost all the benches are taken, so you have no other choice but to share one with someone.

You: Do you mind if I sit here?

Middle-aged Man: Not at all.


You: Do you work around here?

Middle-aged Man: You could say that.

You: Huh?

Middle-aged Man: Actually, I'm a private detective. I just finished a case, so I'm here to enjoy a bit of sunshine while I can.

You: What a coincidence. My friend is also a detective.

Middle-aged Man: Really? Then you must know about the current situation in the detective world.

You: What situation?

Middle-aged Man: Well, the younger ones have taken the spotlight now. Especially those great young detectives, Luke and Sphynx.

Middle-aged Man: I have to say, this generation is really surpassing the old.

Detective novel

You: Are you interested in detective novels?

Middle-aged Man: Detective novels? No, I'm not into that. I prefer non-fiction.

You: Oh? I thought all detectives like to read detective novels.

Middle-aged Man: There are always exceptions to everything

Luke Pearce

You: Do you and Luke know each other?

Middle-aged Man: No, but I've heard a lot about him. He is a promising young man with a ton of potential.

Middle-aged Man: I'd love to work with him if I ever get the chance to.

You: I'm sure there will be.

You: Thank you for chatting with me for so long.

Middle-aged Man: Don't worry about it, young lady. I'll see you around.

Security Guard

Questioning: Security Guard

Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png

Security Guard

Security Guard 2 character icon.png

You: Hello, excuse me. Can I take up some of your time for a question?

Security Guard: Sure. My fair lady, please ask me whatever you wish to know.

You: (Uhh... Has this security guard been watching one too many plays?)

Watch Repair Shop

You: I'm looking for a popular watch repair shop, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Did it move?

Security Guard: Haha, no, no. You're looking for the Watch Repair Warehouse, right?

You: Watch Repair Warehouse?

Security Guard: It's a watch repair shop that's been situated in a warehouse. The owner is young, but is quite skilled. Are you here to repair a watch?

You: No. I'm here to look for a damaged mechanical pocket watch.

Security Guard: You're looking for a broken watch in a watch repair shop?

You: Is that strange?

Security Guard: No, not at all. Anything a beauty like you does is reasonable to me.

Watch Repair Shop Owner

You: May I ask what kind of person the shop owner is?

Security Guard: He's a nice young man. You will recognize him the second you see him.

Watch Repair Shop Warehouse

You: How do I get there?

Security Guard: See the door over there? Just go in and you'll see it.

Security Guard: But, I don't think he's around right now. You may not find him in there.

You: Got it. Thank you.

You: Thank you for telling me so much.

Security Guard: You are welcome. It is an honor to be able to resolve these problems for you, my fair lady.

White Collar Worker

Questioning: White Collar Worker
South Stellis

Stellis - Misc Venue (Day).png

White Collar Worker

Middle-age M character icon.png

While you're walking, an office worker comes up to you to ask for directions in a hurry.

White Collar Worker: Hello, do you know the way to the Time's Antiquities?

You: Yeah, it's around here.

White Collar Worker: Great. I've been looking for a long time now, but the antique shop's nowhere to be seen. I thought I'd end up going home empty-handed.

Recent situation

You: What are you going to Time's Antiquities for? Getting some old stuff repaired?

White Collar Worker: No. I actually have a job for Luke, the owner.

You: A job for the owner?

White Collar Worker: You may not know this, but besides being the owner of an antique shop, Luke is also a formidable and outstanding detective.

You: So you want to ask him for help?

White Collar Worker: Yes. You seem really interested in Time's Antiquities and Luke in general. Do you know Luke?

You: ...I guess you can say that.

Luke Pearce

You: How do you know Luke is a detective?

White Collar Worker: I read it on a detective forum. It said that he was the best in Stellis and there was nothing he couldn't solve.

White Collar Worker: I couldn't find his office's address, but I did manage to find the general location of his antique shop.


White Collar Worker: Since you know Luke, do you know his criteria for taking on jobs?

You: His criteria?

White Collar Worker: I've heard that Luke doesn't take certain jobs...

You: I think you should be fine as long as it doesn't violate the law or have any ethical issues.

You: Oh, yes. It also appears that Luke doesn't take any jobs that have to do with romance.

White Collar Worker: That's not a problem at all. I planned to propose to my girlfriend recently, but the ring for the proposal was stolen.

White Collar Worker: The ring itself is not valuable, but it means a lot to my family and the proposal. I'm hoping that he can find it for me.

You: I see. Don't worry, I think Luke will help you.

You: We've chatted for so long and I still haven't shown you the directions.

You: Time's Antiquities is not far from here. Go along this road and turn right at the second traffic light.

White Collar Worker: Okay. Thank you so much.

Young Man

Questioning: Young Man

Stellis - Walkway (Day).png

Young Man

Boss 4 character icon.png

You're looking for a studio to repair your old photos, but you can't seem to find it.

There is a young man reading a detective novel and listening to music in front of you. You approach him to ask for directions.

You: Excuse me, could I have a moment of your time?

Young Man: ...Sure, but keep it short. I'm on the best part of the story now.

Photo studio

You: I'm looking for a photo studio. The map shows that it's around here, but I can't seem find it anywhere...

Young Man: It's just across the river. The roads nearby are pretty complicated, so GPS can be next to useless if you're trying to navigate your way there.

You: Then what should I do...?

Young Man: You're lucky to have met me. I happen to know how to get there.

Young Man: Go straight down this path to the river. The photo studio will be just a little ways off on your left.

Young Man: Oh, it was still closed when I passed by moments ago, so you might want to try heading over there a little later.

You: Okay, thanks!

Young Man: Don't sweat it!

Detective novel

You: I see that you're reading a detective novel. Do you like detective novels a lot?

Young Man: ... I've always wanted to be a detective.

Young Man: But I'm not particularly bright, and I come from a normal family. I can't support myself if I've got no cases, so I can't put everything aside to become a detective.

You: I see... There are lots of detective clubs in Stellis. You could join one to scope out the field a bit.

Young Man: Yeah, I did join one. Sadly, Luke wasn't there. That'd have made it much more interesting.

You: Eh? You know Luke?

Young Man: I know him, but he doesn't know me. He's now a common household name in Stellis' detective world.

You: I didn't know he was that famous...

Luke Pearce

You: In your opinion, what sort of person do you think Luke is?

Young Man: It's... hard for me to say anything. I've only heard a few things about him.

You: Well, you can start with what you think of him based on that.

Young Man: Hmm... I think he is diligent, observant, and fairly responsible.

Preferred music

You: I see that you're listening to music. Got any pop songs to recommend?

Young Man: I'm not a big fan of pop. My list is mostly classical.

Young Man: But I can recommend something if you'd like.

You: I'm in. You don't really come off as a classical music guy. I really had you pegged as someone into pop.

Young Man: Haha, you're not the first to say that. But I think I have a good taste when it comes to classical music.

Young Man: Have you heard "Poet's Love" and "Carnaval Romain?"

You: No, I haven't.

Young Man: Give it a try. Maybe you'll fall for the classics like I have.

You: Thank you for chatting with me for so long.

Young Man: You're welcome. I'll get back to my reading if that's all.