Hoover High School

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Hoover High School is located in Stellis near the Central Business District. It is a somewhat prestigious school with good university advancement rates, but the school is known to its students and staff to have numerous excessive rules with severe punishments. Rules cover dozens of topics including classroom discipline, campus hygiene, and expected social behaviors, including strict regulations about how classmates can interact with each other, such as how close they can stand or what they can and cannot say to each other. Punishments range from a school-wide letter of condemnation at the lightest to expulsion at the heaviest. Dating is forbidden, as is part-time work, however as the school's fees are costly, exceptions can be made for students who would be otherwise unable to pay to attend.

Staff are subject to a similar gamut of rules with periodic evaluations, and because the school is prominent in the education field, a teacher dismissed from a position here will find it difficult to find work in the field again.

On Tuesdays, the school schedules extracurricular time before evening tutoring. This time can be spent in various activities such as drawing, tennis, and crafts, or in independent study groups.

The campus has an older, unused building on its property; surveillance there is noted to have blind spots.[1][2]

Members of Hoover High School[edit | edit source]

Location Gallery[edit | edit source]

Misc Location - Office (Day).png

Artem's Story 04-05Teacher's Office
Artem's Story 04-10Teacher's Office

Stellis University - Hall (Day).png

Artem's Story 04-05Hoover High School
Artem's Story 04-10

References[edit | edit source]