Artem "Sunshine After the Rain"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Story Summary

This story takes place in Year 1. Artem is not yet in a relationship with the MC.


"Another Side of You"If it weren't for this eye mask, nobody could have imagined that Artem would have such a funny "expression."

"Another Side of You" illustration.png
Lingering TasteThe sweet fruity aroma stimulates the taste buds, making one want to eat. It's naturally a pleasant experience...

Aftertaste illustration.png

Video Call

Phone video call icon.png
Video Call
Sunshine After the Rain phone icon.png Artem:
Sunshine After the Rain
(After Story 6)
Video Call script

Artem: Sorry... I'm still a little jet-lagged. I was taking a nap when you called, so I didn't pick up.

Artem: Don't worry, I'm feeling better now. I'm also eating well, so you don't have to worry.

Artem: Yes, I saw the news. Rodi Castle should be back in operation after the tide recedes.

Artem: ...True. In some sense, that storm can also be counted as a "black swan event."

Artem: Although there was no severe damage, it did have some big impact on me.

Artem: I'd let myself be a little more "stubborn" sometimes... I love these subtle changes when I'm with you.

Artem: What's up? You look like you have something to say.

Artem: I thought we already made an agreement? No need to hold back in front of me.

Artem: ...You want to meet up? Right now?

Artem: I am available. It's just that... I'm a little surprised that we both had the same thought.

Artem: I mean it. It wasn't obvious because I was still too restrained. I'd worry that my thoughts could come across as awkward.

Artem: I will try my best to get used to being more spontaneous and natural when I'm with you.

Artem: You're right. The best time to change is now... Then I'll be the one to say it this time.

Artem: Can I come find you right now? We don't need to do much, even just a stroll in the neighborhood would be nice.

Artem: Great. I'm coming over right now. Wait for me.

Story Locations

Local Restaurant
Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Day).png
Hotel Corridor
Misc Location - Hallway.png
Hotel Guest Room
Manning Palace Hotel - Suite (Night).png

Lombard - Street (Day).png

Lombard - Park (Day).png
Rodi Castle
Misc Location - Library.png
Misc Location - Restaurant 2.png

Misc Location - Classic Study (Night).png

Old Home - Grand Entryway.png
Cobweb Home - Night.png

Cobweb Home - Day.png

Story Characters

Rowan Radcliff

Anonymous character icon.png

Passerby F1 character icon.png
Castle Butler

Passerby M1 character icon.png