Artem "Loving Memories"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Story Summary

This story takes place in Year 1. Artem is not yet in a relationship with the MC.



Video Call

Phone video call icon.png
Video Call
Loving Memories phone icon.png Artem:
Loving Memories
(After Story 6)
Video Call script

Artem: Hm? It's me. You're not mistaken.

Artem: Am I... interrupting your rest?

Artem: That's good. Thanks to you, I had fun today.

Artem: However, I won't go on roller coasters next time. I'm not suited for them.

Artem: Ah... It is not because my tie will fly up. I didn't intend to go to an amusement park in a suit.

Artem: Are there other places you want to go? I can take you. Consider it a reward for your recent improvements at work.

Artem: Anything is fine. Don't worry about what I think. The most important thing to me is what you want.

Artem: Don't worry if you can't think of anything right now. We have a lot of time.

Artem: My tone sounds like we're at work? I'm sorry if I made you feel uneasy.

Artem: Nervous? A bit... I... never asked a woman out like this, so I don't know what is best to say...

Artem: Especially... towards you.

Artem: I'll try to adjust, but... I'll need some time.

Artem: We can... come together more often? Talking with you more about our daily lives should help.

Artem: All right. I'll put our phone calls into my daily schedule. We'll start tomorrow.

Artem: Are you tired? Go and get some sleep. I'll see you at the firm tomorrow.

Story Locations

Moji Theme Park
Haunted House Entrance
Old Home - Study.png
Moji Theme Park
Theme Park
Stellis - Amusement Park (Day).png
Themis Law Firm

Themis Law Firm - Celestine's Office (Night).png
Moji Theme Park
Haunted House
Old Home - Hallway.png
Moji Theme Park
Coffee Shop
Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Day).png

Story Characters

Colleague A

Passerby F1 character icon.png
Colleague B

Passerby F2 character icon.png

Passerby M1 character icon.png