Luke's Sweet Chapter 03-01

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Intro: Antique Shop
Time's Antiquities
Antique Shop
Time's Antiquities - Shop.png

You knock on the door a few times and step straight into the antique shop. However, as soon as you do, you run into someone coming out.

You: Ah! Sorry!

You hurriedly shuffle back and move out of the way. It is only then that you notice the person you almost ran into is a teenage boy.

He seems wary. He doesn't reply, and neither does he look back at you. He simply shakes his head and quickly leaves.

His steps are rather hurried as if something is urging him to leave.

You: (I haven't seen him before... Was he here for Luke?)

For some reason, you get the feeling this boy looks like he has lost all the youthful vibrancy for his age. However, you simply shake your head and wonder whether you are thinking too much.

You: Never mind. I'll just go find Luke.

You walk into the shop and finally see Luke, who is completely focused on fixing an antique on the table.

You: Luke!

He is still gingerly hovering over the object with a magnifying glass in his hand. He stops when he hears you, and he finally reacts when he lifts his head and sees your face.

Luke: Ah, it's you, [Player]. Did you just get here?

You: Yep. And since a certain someone didn't come out to welcome me, I came in myself.

You say this on purpose to tease Luke. It seems like he didn't notice the commotion at the door earlier either.

You: However, seeing how busy you are this early in the morning, I'm going to let you off for now.

Luke: Thank you for your forgiveness, my great and powerful Watson.

Luke stretches out his arm and makes a respectable bow at you, making both of you giggle at each other for how amusing this is.

Similar lines, similar gestures... This is a classical scene from the film you and Luke watched a few days ago.

The male and female leads promise to recognize each other with these innocuous conversations and gestures once they go to a different world.

You: Are we getting too into it?

Luke: That's the charm of a good film! It makes a strong impression and is applicable in real life.

Luke winks mischievously at you and comments half-jokingly.

Then he casts his gaze onto the things you are holding.

Luke: "Flavorful Delicacies"? What kind of breakfast did you get?

Luke: I haven't heard of that shop before. Are they new?

You: I haven't even said anything, and you've guessed it all...

You: It's a new shop. I heard their congee and meatball skewers are really tasty, so I went and got some.

You: So, what do you say? Should we give it a taste?

You happily lift the bag and dangle it in front of him.

Luke nods. However, he seems to immediately remember something and a helpless look falls across his face.

He points at the item on the table.

Luke: Give me a few minutes to work on this. I'll be ready in a sec!

Luke rubs at the edges of the item placed before him as if he's looking for something.

You look over curiously. It looks like a wooden cylinder made up of three fan-like shapes. It has been disassembled and spread out over a clean piece of yellow cloth.

The inside of each fan-shaped column is connected via an internal structure similar to a curio shelf. In the center, there is a small, intricate metallic cauldron decorated with eight trigrams. It looks quite old.

You: This is...

Luke: A boy popped over just now and asked me to fix this antique. Just look at this. Bits are missing on this eight trigram cauldron on the bottom and the right side over here.

You: ...Was that a boy dressed in black, a bit taller than me, quite skinny, and reserved?

Luke: Huh? That's right... How did you know?

You: When I came in... I just opened the door and almost ran into him. He didn't utter a word and headed off after a nod.

You: But since you're so focused on this antique... did you run into any issues repairing it?

Luke: Yep. It just feels odd. I feel there's more to it than just physical damage... Lemme have another look. Give me a few minutes!

You: Then I'll lay out the breakfast. Make sure you head over quickly. Your stomach won't thank you if you don't eat breakfast on time.

An antique that can pique Luke's interest must have something unique about it.

Concerned about interrupting his thoughts, you walk to the side and unwrap the packaging, laying the food out on the table and waiting for him to join you.

However, after more than 20 minutes, the food is already getting cold. Luke is still immersed in his research and seems to have completely forgotten the time.

Luke has his chin on his hand and is staring at the antique with his brows knotted as if his stare can bore right through the item.

You recall he said to give him a few minutes and feel compelled to do something to break this atmosphere.

You: ...

You put the meatball skewers on a plate and heat them in the microwave, then take the skewer and walk toward Luke.

Standing behind him, you blow a few times on the meatballs and take a bite.

You: Mmm~!!

You: So tasty.

Luke: ...

As the aroma seeps out from the food, Luke can't help but sniff.

You continue to praise the food passionately.

You: These meatballs are really tasty! Worth the time I spent lining up for them.

You: Huh? Luke, what are you staring at me for? Focus on your work.

Luke: ...

Luke lightly raises his eyebrows, as if suddenly making up his mind. He pushes back the chair a little bit and stands up to lean closer to you.

As you feel his familiar scent surround you, he grabs your wrist.

Luke: You know, people say that work never ends.

Before you can react, your wrist is gently lifted, and the meatball that you just took a bite out of lands in his mouth.

Luke: Mmm! It is tasty, indeed!

As Luke indulges in the scrumptious food, a glint of mischievousness seems to flicker through his eyes.

It is as if there's an invisible fluffy tail excitedly waving behind him.

You: Hmph. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, after all.

Luke: It's not that I couldn't resist the food, but...

Luke: You're the one who bought the food, and you're the one who's tempting me. In that case, what's the point in resisting?

Luke's words contain a certain kind of indulgence and delight, as well as a contradictory feeling of tenderness.

You: I can't tell whether you're praising the meatballs or me...

You smile helplessly and look over the meatballs he is eating. Then, you realize a serious issue.

You: Wait! Hold on—

You: Luke Pearce!!! I only bought one skewer!

Luke: Huh!?

Luke looks a few times between you and the skewer, then grins at you.

Luke: Well, it can't be helped. The early bird gets the worm.

Luke: Besides, you gave me the meatballs yourself, didn't you? All right, come and have breakfast together.

You: You're not going to examine that antique anymore?

Luke: Well, no, but I haven't gotten any leads so far. Maybe it's because I'm too hungry.

Luke: Besides, you've waited for me for so long. It won't do to make you starve.

You: All right. Let's eat...

After a veritable feast, you and Luke rub your bellies and look at each other in despair.

You: ...I think we're too full. We shouldn't have had the congee.

Luke: I'm bloated as well. I need to do something to help with digestion.

He suddenly looks at you expectantly.

Luke: I've got a game that could provide us with some entertainment and help with digestion.

You: What game?

Luke pulls up the interface of a game on his phone to show you.

Luke: It's something that tests the player's observational skills.

Luke: Simply put, you observe the items around you and find what's different from how you'd usually place them. Then, you replace them again.

Luke: So do you want to give it a try?

You: It doesn't sound too hard... Okay, let's give it a try!

Sometimes, tidying things up is a good way to relax. Viewing old things is also a way to evoke memories.

You: It's nostalgic looking at these things. It instantly reminds me of so many things in the past.

Luke: True. I might not remember everything at once, but my body and heart won't forget. Seeing familiar environments will certainly evoke memories.

Luke suddenly stops for a few seconds, as if recalling something.

Luke: Ahh, right, speaking of familiar environments, I forgot to tell you something.

Luke: Aaron sent Rickmon back to Bridmere. He's more stable now, so it'd be easier for him to recover somewhere he's more familiar with.

You: That's good to hear...

With these words, you recall what happened before.

When Rickmon got attacked, you and Luke worked with multiple parties to investigate. You later discovered that Victoria Pharmaceuticals and the research institute behind it had abused unregulated medications.

However, when Rickmon suffered severe brain injuries, he lost his memory, and even his psyche was affected. Now that he has stabilized and is going to rest up to recover, you're happy for him.

You: It looks like everything is getting better. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Time passes as you two play the game and chat, and breakfast is almost all digested.

Luke: Should we rest and do something else? We can come back later to play this.

You: Sure. What do you recommend?

Luke: Whatever you'd like to do. We haven't seen each other for a few days with how busy things have been. It's up to you. I'll do whatever.

You: Really? Can I do whatever I want? Then I'd like to do something to you...

Luke: What do you want to do to me?

Luke gives you a suggestive and loving gaze.

You: Nothing. I wanted to tease you... but I can't crack jokes about it now that you're being so straightforward.

You: Don't worry—I just thought of something. Why don't we watch a movie together?

Luke: No problem. Let's go upstairs and watch a movie.

Luke takes your hand, a way of answering you without hesitation.

He is always so candid and passionate with you.
