Dreams Rewoven Event/Travel Wish II

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< Dreams Rewoven Event
Revision as of 00:03, 25 June 2023 by Harmonea (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stage |gameMode=Event |stageType=Story |name=Hero Band-Aid |previousStage=Dreams Rewoven Event/Travel Wish I{{!}}Couple's Swing |nextStage=Dreams Rewoven Event/Travel Wish III{{!}}Romantic Pocky |stageCost=None |firstClearReward=None |unlock= |guide= ===Stage 1=== {{Float|{{Background location|name=|location=Sports Center|image=Misc Location - Box Office.png}}}} Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes. * (...")
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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


  • Hover to view spoiler content.

Stage 1

Sports Center

Misc Location - Box Office.png

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • (I wonder what they're selling inside?)
  • (The lights here form a gradient...)
  • (They seem to be signs and are different every few meters...)
  • Hanging out in the crowded hall together...
  • Listening to music in the mall together...

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Sports Center

You: Is this a dance machine? Wow, there are so many people lining up...

The esports lounge is crowded too. It looks like esports are as popular as the traditional ones.

You: Marius, look! Those people are so good at dancing — they're getting a high score every round!

Marius: [Player], why don't we try it too?

Marius: Let's challenge the two-player dance machine together. How about that?

You: I... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the beat...

Marius: Don't worry about that — just have fun! Anyway, it's a two-player game. If you make a fool of yourself, I'll be right there with you.

Marius: And... I have a feeling that our great chemistry will help us do a good job!

You: Okay, let's try it together!

Sports Center

You: What's virtual bowling?

Marius: Maybe you use the controller to move the bowling ball on the screen? Looks like the rules are the same as real-life bowling.

You: Then it's pretty much like a mobile game. Will it be easier to hit the pins than in real-life bowling?

Marius: Oh, maybe. Let's try it.

You: Okay!

Sports Center

You: Is that an automated candy store? Do you want to check it out?

Marius: Sure. It's pretty strange to have an AI salesperson paired with this old-fashioned candy.

You: Wow! I used to eat this candy all the time when I was little — I thought it was discontinued! I really love it.

Marius: It was my favorite candy too. Come to think about it, we so have some common childhood memories.

Stage 2

Sports Center

Misc Location - Basketball Court.png

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • (I heard that the street lights in this area were renovated to make it more convenient for athletes at night...)
  • (Is that a new building over there?)
  • (It looks like it's been used repeatedly...)
  • Checking out the fresh paint on the pavement...
  • Enjoying the sun...

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Sports Center

You: Look, the painting on the wall changed. That's a gigantic whale, isn't it?

Marius: That's an abstract art, but yeah, it's probably a whale.

Marius: After all, they say whales "ride the wind and break waves." Isn't it really fitting as a symbol of athleticism?

You: Yeah, that makes sense! I totally get what you mean.

Marius: Then... Miss, how would you interpret this whale?

You: Well...

You: The prerequisite of freedom is... to seriously follow the laws of survival in the ocean?

Marius: Hahaha, you're even able to analyze this painting from a legal perspective. As expected of my Miss Attorney.

Sports Center

The sun is blazing as you and Marius take a rest on the bench. You: It's so hot...

Marius: You should go relax in the shade. I'll get you a bottle of water.

You: Okay... Hey, Marius, you don't really seem to be sweating that much.

You: I never realized you're so "heat-resistant"...

Marius: Haha, that's not it. I realized that I can't feel the heat when I'm by your side.

You: Oh? Why is that?

Marius: Because when I'm with you, I feel at peace.

Marius: In other words, don't you feel that I'm "cooler" when I am with you?

You: Pfft, really... what am I going to do with you?

Sports Center

You: The clouds are so pretty!

Marius: Sure enough, you can see the shapes of the clouds really clearly on days when there's no wind.

You: Look, doesn't that cloud look like a whale diving in the water?

Marius: Hm? Kind of, but from another angle, it also looks like...

You: Like what?

Marius: Like a beautiful rose. It's so captivating.

Stage 3

Sports Center

Misc Location - Restaurant 4 (Day).png

Click the magnifying glass icons to read single lines of dialogue and decrease the timer by 10 minutes.

  • (Are they showing... the latest hit drama?)
  • (Here's the place with the highest calories in the entire store...)
  • (Huh, strange. Why is there alcohol in the display case...? Ah! They're actually energy drinks!)
  • (I heard they have clean drinking water on tap here. Should I fill up my water bottle later?)
  • (It looks like it's been cleaned carefully every day.)
  • Waiting for your number to be called with Marius...

Click the person icons to read short conversations and decrease the timer by 20 minutes.

Sports Center

You: I didn't think this fast-food bar would be so fancy.

Marius: The atmosphere isn't bad. I'd believe you if you said it was a famous café.

You: Look... the painted design on that plate is really artistic, isn't it?

Marius: It's fine. But if it were me, I wouldn't put the plate there.

Marius: I would probably design an art wall to match the decorations...

You: Oh? Looks like artists also have high standards for interior design.

Marius: Of course. It's my place after all, it gotta match my own aesthetic.

Marius: What about you? What kind of artistic decorative wall do you like?

You: Me? I've never thought about it before...

Marius: Then... you can take your time and think about it, Miss. That way, we'll have something to discuss afterward when we decorate our house.

You: (Afterward? What is he saying...)

Sports Center

You: Most of the meals here are healthy and low-fat...

Marius: It makes sense for this restaurant to focus on health since it's located in a sports center.

You: How considerate. They even provide healthy recipes in the pamphlet placed on the table.

You: Should we take one home? I could try to cook something new.

Marius: Oh yeah?

You: I'm going to try to make you a nutritious lunchbox.

Marius: I can't wait. I want to eat it now.

Sports Center

You: This chair looks pretty normal, but after sitting in it, it feels like my fatigue just melts away...

Marius: The chairs in this sports center were probably designed with ergonomics in mind.

You: (It feels amazing...)

Location End Script

Sports Center
Sports Center
Misc Location - Rock Climb.png

The tennis court in June is a blood-pumping battlefield. The sky is clear, and the breeze is full of passion.

This is the tennis court that Marius used to visit when he was a kid. In his description, he had very few friends who could practice with him.

So you've decided to play a game of doubles tennis with him. That way, when he sees the tennis court in the future, the memory that comes to mind won't be a lonely one.

However, things didn't go as planned. Compared to the other youthful, sweaty athletes on the court, your side seems to be a bit cramped.

Marius: Urgh... ouch... Miss, be gentle...

You worriedly grab a wet towel and softly wipe his face with it.

You: When did you get hurt? Was it during the tennis match just now?

You: (But I didn't hit him in the face!!)

Marius: Of course, it's not your fault. I just scratched it accidentally.

Marius: I didn't think anything of it at first, but the heat and my sweat might be making it worse. It seems a little infected.

You: A little...? That doesn't look like "a little." Wait here. I'll go buy you some bandages.

Sports Center
Stellis - Sports Arena.png

You: Looks like the sports center shop only has band-aids...

You carefully stick a band-aid on him. Due to the odd wound shape, you thought about how to cover it for a long time. In the end... you stick on two band-aids in an "X."

Marius: It hurts a little, but after seeing how much you care about me, I suddenly feel like it was worth it.

You: What are you saying! It's an injury, any way you look, and you must get better soon.

Marius: All right, all right, sorry.

Marius: By the way — you've been staring at me since just now. Are there any other cuts on my face?

You: I was just thinking... you look a lot like that superhero, "Super X." He was really popular when I was little.

You pull out your makeup mirror and hand it to Marius so he can see.

Super X was a popular cartoon from ten years ago. The protagonist could transform into a hero of justice by sticking band-aids on in an "X."

Back then, it was so popular that children everywhere all had band-aids in the shape of an "X" on their faces.

Marius: "Super X"...? So you watched that too when you were little...

You: Of course I did! B-But I'm a little surprised that you know about it too...

Marius: Even though I had to learn so much when I was little, I still knew about that. Back then, I thought Super X was so cool.

You: Marius...

Although he said it so casually, "learn so much" implied that he couldn't just simply play during his childhood like other children.

You: ...I remember the band-aids all had hearts on them back then. I bought so many to collect all the colors.

Marius: Yeah, I really wanted to buy some. Back then, I saw that all the other students in my class had them and could trade them, so I was jealous.

You: So you're saying... you didn't buy any?

Marius: Well, I bought some, but only a few. And I couldn't just stick them on my face whenever I wanted.

Marius: After all, my every move represented the von Hagen family and Pax, even though... I was only a child.

You: ...

Marius' words leak into your heart, and soon after, you make a decision.

You: Marius... don't move.

Marius: Huh?

You take out a newly purchased pen from your bag and carefully draw a heart on the "X"-shaped band-aids.

Then, you open two new band-aids and crisscross them on your own face.

You: Now you have band-aids too. Even though it's quite a few years too late...

You: It won't be for long, but I'll accompany you in transforming into a hero of justice!

Marius is stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughs out loud.

Marius: Yeah, after my cut heals, we won't be superheroes — we'll be partners in justice.

He moves closer to you and whispers in your ear.

His hot breath brushes against your neck, making it tickle.

Marius: But before that, Miss, aren't you missing something?

You: Missing something?

Without warning, he quietly takes the pen from your hand, gently cups your face, and draws a heart on your "X."

Marius: You're missing your "superhero proof"!

You: Pfft... geez. Then thank you, my superhero partner.