Marius' Sweet Chapter 01-08

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Brotherly Bond (1/4)
Stellis Hemingway Heights
West Hemingway Heights Street
Stellis - Hemingway RPG Map.png

Go to the children's studio in West Hemingway Heights Street and find Timmy.

When you arrive at the children's studio on West Hemingway Heights Street, they have yet to finish their classes, but there are already a lot of parents waiting to pick them up on the roadside.

As you stand next to a group of parents, you suddenly begin to have a unique feeling.

You: (It's as if we came here to pick up our child from school.)

Marius: What are you thinking about?

You: What!? Oh... I was just thinking... it's still early. Why don't we walk around the children's studio?

Marius: So you're not thinking about anything else?

You: That's all! I swear!

You: (I think I almost exposed myself! That was a close one!)

Brotherly Bond (2/4)

Timmy is still in class. Chat to someone near the studio while you're waiting.

Studio Teacher

Studio Teacher: Are you two interested in painting?

Studio Teacher: We are planning to expand our business. We are about to add an adult painting group in addition to our junior class.

You: I'm...

Marius: Sure. Can you give me a brochure so when we head home we can check it out?

Studio Teacher: Yes, here you are... This is the latest brochure for our studio.

You: (Marius has his own studio. Why is he suddenly interested in a painting class?)

Marius: The facilities are pretty good. By the way, I heard that the famous artist Cyrus Brown also studied in your studio.

Marius: I'm a big fan of his. Can you tell me about him?

You: (Okay. So, he is just prying for information!)

Studio Teacher: Cyrus Brown just came along with his brother to the class. So he is not technically a student in our studio.

Studio Teacher: His painting skills were basically self-taught... He was a very talented young man.

Studio Teacher: It was the first time in all my years as a teacher to see such a talent, but unfortunately...

Marius: How about his brother?

Studio Teacher: His brother is also very talented, but at the end of the day, he is still young and has a lot to learn.

Studio Teacher: You have asked so many questions. Would you consider our adult painting class?

Marius: Sure, I'll consider it.

Pair of parents

Ms. Martel: Mr. Jones, you're here to pick up your kid from class again.

Mr. Jones: Yes! I haven't seen you for a long time. Ms. Martel, how's your kid doing these days?

Ms. Martel: Could be better. Every time I ask him to draw more, he always refuses, unlike Timmy who is so well behaved...

You: (Timmy!?)

Mr. Jones: Timmy is good at drawing. He studies hard and listens to his teachers.

Ms. Martel: But my son said that Timmy has been barely coming to the studio as of late.

Mr. Jones: Yes, it's because of his brother... What a shame.

Mr. Jones: But I think Timmy really likes painting. He won't just easily give up. He'll be a great painter someday!

You: (Well, I think so too!)


Female Teacher: Hey, Timmy finally came to class today... I was so worried before when he wasn't showing up.

You: Hi, what were you just saying about Timmy finally coming to class? Has he not been to class for a long time?

Female Teacher: Yeah... He's missed several days. He said he didn't want to draw anymore and wanted to be a soccer star.

You: (It seems that Timmy is actually planning to give up drawing...)

Female Teacher: But recently Timmy seems to have changed his mind again and he's back to drawing.

Female Teacher: I don't know why, but recently Timmy seems to have something on his mind. He keeps saying that he is waiting for a new challenge from his brother...

You: (Timmy actually cares so much about his brother though he tries to hide his feelings.)

You: (Somehow, I think Timmy and Marius are similar in certain ways.)

Female Teacher: Ah, I'm sorry. I've been talking the whole time. I haven't even asked who you two are...

Marius: We're Cyrus Brown's friends. We heard that Timmy has been taking classes here, so we thought we'd stop by and see him.

Female Teacher: I see... Do you guys want to come in?

Female Teacher: There's a visiting area for parents. You can watch the children in classes there.

Marius: Thanks. But the class is almost over, so we'll just wait for Timmy at the door.

Brotherly Bond (3/4)

The class should've finished by now. Go find where Timmy is.

After about half an hour, the drawing class is over.

One by one, the students come out of the class, including the boy you're waiting for.

Marius: Timmy, we haven't seen you for a long time.

Timmy Brown: Hey, it's you... How come you are here?

Marius: Someone told me that you were taking drawing lessons here. So we came looking for you.

Timmy Brown: You are a liar!!! Did you have someone secretly following me?

You: (This kid is just getting paranoid!)

Marius: Hey, I told you that when I found a clue, I would come and share it with you.

Marius: So we were looking for you.

Timmy Brown: Did you find a clue!?

Timmy Brown: Umm... what's the pencil and eraser my brother left for me all about?

Marius: Hang on! Timmy, you're asking so many questions all at once. I don't know where to start.

Marius: Come with me to the studio message board and I'll show you the answer.

Brotherly Bond (4/4)
Stellis Hemingway Heights
Children's Studio
Misc Location - Store.png

Go into the studio with Timmy.

As you enter the studio, Timmy impatiently drags Marius to a corner of the hall.

There is a cork wall with notes written by parents and students from the drawing class.

Under the notes are the 26 letters of the alphabet.

They are posted on the wall in order, like a row of ribbons, probably put up by the students themselves.

Timmy Brown: Here we are. This is the studio message board.

Timmy Brown: Marius, can you tell me the answer now?

Marius: The answer is on this wall.

Marius takes out the metal box, opens the lid and hands it to Timmy, and then takes out the ultraviolet light and shines it inside...

Timmy Brown: What? This is...

Similar to your reaction, Timmy is stunned the moment he sees the words in the box.

However, his expression of surprise only lingers for a moment on his boyish face. It soon turns into an expression of sadness and loss.

Timmy Brown: It's my brother's handwriting...

Marius: "West Hemingway Heights Street, Message on the Children's Studio." We came here because of the secret message.

You: Timmy, the puzzle your brother left for you is all around you.

Timmy Brown: A message... There must be a clue from my brother on the message wall...

The young boy lowers his head, wipes away the tears at the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and turns his head towards the wall of messages behind him.

He raises his head, going through the messages one by one, his eyes wandering, looking for the clue in his mind.

You: (Timmy's attitude seems to have changed...)

He used to be resistant, but now he takes the initiative. During this period, you can witness a change in the boy.

Timmy Brown: I found it! I found it!

Timmy Brown: Marius, look... This is the note from my brother!

Marius takes the note from Timmy and looks at it.

Marius: "Do not forget about ordinary, everyday beauty. It is found within every nook and cranny of daily life..."

Marius: "The secret has been sealed within the forest. Message time: September 7th, 4:20 PM"

You: Strange... Why did he give such a specific time?

You: Usually, if people want to specify a date, they will only state the day and month...

Marius: This is a peculiar way to leave a message.

Marius: September 7th, 4:20 PM. Could it be... that there's a special meaning behind this time?

Timmy Brown: It's my birthday. This... This is the time I was born.

Marius: Birthday? That's a meaningful time indeed.

Marius: So, a clue that has something to do with his birthday... What could it be?

You: "Do not forget about ordinary, everyday beauty." Does that mean that we should pay more attention to our surrounding things?

Marius stares at the message wall for a while.

A moment later, his eyes seem to sparkle and his lips curl into a big smile.

Marius: I get it! These numbers could be a code.

You: You mean... 97420?

Marius: Yeah, and look at the order of the alphabet on this wall.

You: From A to Z, the ninth digit is I. The number 9 corresponds to the letter I.

Marius: 7 corresponds to G, and 4 corresponds to D...

Timmy Brown: So the letter combination of 97420 is IGDT?

You: Well, what do these four letters mean?

Marius: It's a QWE format password. If you convert these four letters according to the rules of the keyboard alphabet, you will get...

Marius opens his phone and quickly taps the keyboard and then shows it to you and Timmy.

Marius: HOME.

You: HOME?

You: ...Cyrus Brown's puzzle ends up pointing to "home!"

Home is the simplest word in the world, yet it is also the most complex.

Family... household... home... It not only symbolizes relationships, but also an unbreakable love.

About the message that Cyrus Brown wanted to convey to his brother... Could that be what it means?

Marius: So far, of the two sentences on the note, the first part has been solved. The answer is your home.

Marius: Then the next sentence... "The secret has been sealed within the forest." What could that mean?

You: Secret... sealed... I think it has to do with something that's locked up, right?

Timmy Brown: Secret, home...

Timmy Brown: I get it! Marius, [Player], come with me. I'm gonna show you something at my house!

Timmy suddenly exclaims, and without waiting for you to react, he rushes out of the studio immediately.

You: Timmy!

You: Oh no, he is too fast... What is he going to show us?

Marius: We'll see.

Marius: Let's go. Or we won't be able to catch up.

You: Okay, let's go.

[Acquire evidence: "To Timmy (III)"]


To Timmy (III)

To Timmy (III) icon.png

Evidence Description (Spoilers)

"Do not forget about ordinary, everyday beauty. It is found within every nook and cranny of daily life... The secret has been sealed within the forest. Message time: September 7th, 4:20 PM."