Marius "Overtone"/Rewards

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< Marius "Overtone"
Revision as of 05:38, 15 November 2023 by Harmonea (talk | contribs) (+characters)

Story Summary



Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Candlelight Dinner
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Marius: I wonder if I have the honor of taking you out to dinner this weekend?

Agree to it

You: Sure. An invitation from Mr. von Hagen? Of course.

Marius: Haha. Alright then!

Something's not right

You: Something doesn't feel right... You're being way too polite.

Marius: No! I don't have anything up my sleeve!

Marius: I just want to spend the weekend with you.

Marius: Let me arrange a romantic candlelight dinner for you!

I can't wait

You: Wow, I can't wait.

Marius: Don't worry. I've already made the reservations!

Something normal

You: Wow, that's too much. Let's just do something normal.

You: We can pass on all the... candlelight and stuff...

Marius: Ok, ok, we'll do it your way.

Marius: Let's go to that restaurant you've always wanted to go!

Really happy!

You: Really? Yay!

You: Wait. Don't you need to make reservations a month ahead of time?

You: And, how did you know where I wanted to go...

Marius: Pax invested in that restaurant. I just happened to see your name on the list of reservations.

How'd you know?

You: Eh? How'd you know that I wanted to go there...

Marius: Pax invested in that restaurant. I just happened to see your name on the list of reservations.

Marius: Since you were on that list, then you must have really wanted to go, right?

Marius: But, you don't have to do that next time.

Marius: Just tell me where you want to go and what you want to eat. I'll figure something out.

Thank you

You: Thank you, Marius...

Marius: Why are you so serious all of a sudden?

Marius: Could it be that you're too moved to say anything?

Marius: Haha. Then, I'll have to work even harder to make you feel like this much more often.

Praise the power of wealth

You: So, this is the power of money...

Marius: I just want to make you happy.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

Marius: Hey, you there? I need a favor!

Marius: Can you teach me to play the guitar?

Why all of a sudden?

You: Haha, of course!

You: Why do you want to learn how to play the guitar all of a sudden?

Marius: I just do. I want to be an all-rounder artist.

Pay up first

You: Ha? Sure, but it's gonna cost you!

Marius: Ok, no problem! You name the price. I'll be a really good student.

Marius: How about we start this weekend? My guitar and I will be waiting for you in my room!

Sounds weird

You: That... sounded weird...

Marius: Hm? I have no clue what you mean.

Compensation for door-to-door service

You: Will there be a special compensation for providing door-to-door service?

Marius: Of course!

Marius: As a sign of my gratitude, I will accompany you to do whatever you want once we're finished. How's that?

A big meal!

You: Then... you have to take me out for a big meal!

Marius: Sure! Take your pick.

A movie!

You: Let's go for a movie after we finish!

Marius: Sure! I didn't expect you'd be the one to invite me out for a movie together.

Marius: Let me double check my weekend schedule.

Marius: Oh no! I forgot that I had to go to the gallery this weekend. There's a piece I need to finish for the seminar...

Go take care of it then

You: Go do that first then.

Marius: No, no... hold on. Let me think.

What a shame

You: I see... What a shame.

Marius: I know, right? Man...

Marius: Looks like we're going to have to cancel...

Go painting with him

You: Don't worry... I can come with you to the gallery!

Marius: Really?! I thought you wouldn't want to come.

Marius: Great! Then, I'll be waiting for you at the gallery this weekend!

Marius: Be there or be square!

Find another time

You: It's ok. Maybe some other time then.

Marius: Wow, that's so nice of you! I thought you'd be angry that I flaked out.

Marius: Come over next weekend then. I'll arrange everything.

Marius: We'll do whatever you want when we finish with the lessons!

Story Locations

Stellis Central Business District
Central Business District
Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png
Stellis Central Business District
Lakeside Park
Stellis - Park (Day).png
Main Character's Residence
Your Residence
Main Character's Residence - Downstairs (Day).png

Story Characters

Female Student A

Passerby F1 character icon.png
Female Student B

Passerby F1 character icon.png