Cyrus Poole

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Cyrus Poole sprite.png


"Please investigate this carefully. Even if... Mr. Whitaker really chose to commit suicide, I want to know why..."


Gender Male
Occupation High school student, part-time waiter

Voice Actors






Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 汪远 / 汪遠 (Wāng Yuǎn)

Japanese 水野崇洋 (Takahiro Mizuno)

Korean 한수원


Cyrus Poole is a student at Hoover High School who was in Robert Whitaker's class until his recent death. Neighbors report that Cyrus could be seen at his teacher's home frequently; Cyrus says this is because he's in a single parent family and that his mother is currently hospitalized, so Robert had been helping take care of him through various means such as preparing dinner, assisting with extra tutoring, and advocating for an exception to Hoover High School's rule against students having part-time work, as Cyrus could not pay the attendance fees for the school without doing so. Robert also lent money to Cyrus and introduced him to a better job as a waiter in a family restaurant in the Stellis CBD, two blocks from Themis Law Firm.

Cyrus, who is noted to have a baby-faced appearance, lives a 30-minute drive away from the neighborhood in which his school and work are located, generally commuting alone by bike. He was quite distressed at his teacher's death and was eager to help anyone looking to investigate.[2][3]


Story Appearances
