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(Created page with "{{Stage |gameMode=Event |stageType=Story |name={{PAGENAME}} |previousStage= |nextStage=FFT Ollie - Memory 1 |stageCost=None |firstClearReward=None |unlock= |guide= ===Script=== {{Script |scriptHeader=Artem's Residence |characterLinks=You!Main Character,Artem!Artem Wing |script= {{Float|{{Background location|name=Artem's Residence|location=Artem's Residence|image=Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Day).png}}}} The morning sun shines through the tall glass window onto the pol...")
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Revision as of 22:04, 30 August 2023


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


Artem's Residence
Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Day).png

The morning sun shines through the tall glass window onto the polished marble floor.

You stand in front of the coffee machine, enjoying the bitter aroma of roasted coffee while trying to fight off the morning drowsiness.


You: Who is it?

You walk to the entrance and open the door, only to find a deliveryman standing there with a smile.

Courier: Is Mr. Wing home? These packages are all for you two. Do you have a lot of pets at home?

The deliveryman taps the cart full of packages, greeting you warmly.

You look at the packages piled as tall as you and decide not to explain.

You: Ahh... that's a lot, indeed. Sorry for the trouble.

The deliveryman carelessly waves his hand and asks for your signature. Then he moves all the packages into Artem's home.

You: I can't believe we bought so many things for Ollie...

Just then, you suddenly realize that Artem, who usually gets up earlier than you, is nowhere to be seen. You inadvertently glance up to the second floor.

You: Is he not up yet?

You: Maybe Ollie was bothering him too much last night. I should go take a look.

Curious about the situation in the bedroom, you tread lightly to the second floor and push open the door to Artem's bedroom...

Artem's Residence

Amiable Invitation full.png

The morning light shines softly, enhancing the dim and quiet of the room.

But the scene on the bed makes an imprint in your mind.

Artem is using his arm as a pillow, sleeping carefully in a protective posture.

In his arms, a white ball of fluff is sleeping soundly with her belly up.

Ollie: Woof.

The fluffy white ball, perhaps chasing something in a dream, moves her legs in the air. In the end, she accidentally kicks Artem in the face.

Artem: Hmm...

Feeling the impact of the kick on his face, Artem mutters something in his sleep.

You: ...

He must be exhausted, seeing how he didn't even wake up from a kick to the face.

But his hair, which had always been neat and tidy, falls across the bridge of his tall nose in front of his eyes.

An inexplicable attraction pulls your gaze as your eyes fall on the corner of Artem's mouth, kicked by Ollie.

You: He's sleeping so soundly...

You bite your lips, easing the adrenaline you feel from the scene before you.

Last night, Artem took Ollie into his bedroom and told you to sleep in the guest room so you wouldn't be disturbed.

You: It seems Ollie really did a number on him.

It's vivid that Artem wasn't used to sleeping in this position, but he was too tired to care.

Deep in slumber, Artem's head slips from his arm. Then, you notice the messy pillows.

You: (But this scene... looks a bit familiar...)

The scene of last night when you first saw Ollie emerges before you...

Last night after work, Artem took you home to pick up the lawsuit file for an old case.

When you opened the door, the scene before your eyes took you aback.

Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Night).png

Artem's home, which had always been clean and tidy, looked as if it had been ransacked by thieves.

Almost everything was on the ground, and nearly nothing was intact.

Just as the idea of calling the police popped into your mind, an adorable ball of white fluff rushed out of nowhere!

Ollie: Woof!

You: Artem... When did you get a dog?

Artem crouches and picks up the little cutie jumping excitedly around his feet.

Artem: This is Ollie, Celestine's Pomeranian, and I'm taking care of her for now.

Artem: Something went wrong with the renovations for their new house, so she and Jeremy need to supervise the work. In the meantime, I'm taking care of Ollie.

You: Celestine got a dog!? How did I not know that?

You: Wait... how did she hide it so well? I've never seen any dog fur on her clothes.

Artem: Well, Jeremy is Ollie's main caretaker. Celestine just helps out from time to time.

Artem looks down, petting the white ball of fluff.

Artem: As for dog fur... Celestine mentioned that Ollie doesn't really shed. Maybe Jeremy has a knack for raising dogs.

You look at Ollie, who looks like a cloud in Artem's arms, and can't help but reach out to pet her.

You: She's so soft and adorable!

Ollie sniffs your hand and starts squirming excitedly in Artem's arms.

Artem: Hold on... Hey...

Ollie jumps nimbly from Artem's arms and circles around you.

You: Does she... want to play with me?

You look at the messy chaos around you, then back at an excited Ollie.

You: I heard dogs make a mess at home because they have too much energy, and I guess Ollie is no different.

Artem reveals a helpless expression, which is uncommon.

Artem: Celestine told me Ollie has a lively personality... I guess this is what she meant.

Artem: I didn't set aside time to take care of Ollie tonight. I underestimated her.

Artem is exhausted from dealing with a complicated case today, and now he has to take care of Ollie...

You: How about...

You: I'll stay here today and help you take care of Ollie. We can also discuss the case.

You: That way, we'll save time on the road and be more efficient since two heads are better than one.

Looking at the state of his home, he looks at you with slight embarrassment.

Artem: It'll be pretty late once I'm done cleaning up... If you're staying, what do you want as a midnight snack?

Apple pie from before

You: Apple pie! You make a delicious apple pie, and I've been craving it recently.

Artem: Sure... Then I'll make a low-calorie version that's both filling and easily digestible.

You: Great! Then... I'll be responsible for walking the dog and cleaning up the living room!

You decide

You: You decide. Whatever you make is delicious.

Artem: I remember I have enough ingredients in the fridge for four dishes and a soup, as well as Ollie's dinner, which should be ready in no time.

You: Four dishes and a soup? Isn't that too much?

Artem: With the two of us, we can try a smaller portion of each dish. Even for a late-night snack, balanced nutrition is important.

You: Every meal with you is gourmet!

You: Well, I'll clean up the living room, then play with Ollie for a while.

You: That way, we should be able to finish everything by midnight.

Artem: As you wish.

Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Upstairs (Day).png

You: (In the end... Ollie is exhausted after taking a walk, but...)

You: (After eating the meal that Artem prepared for her, Ollie quickly recovered her energy and started dashing around at midnight...)

You: (Artem couldn't rest well the whole night.)

Seeing Artem so exhausted, you quietly tiptoe over to him, wanting to take Ollie from him so he can sleep better.

Artem: Hmm...

Artem suddenly makes a sound, his long eyelashes quivering.

You freeze in place, kneeling silently beside the bed and waiting for Artem's reaction.

Artem seems to sense your presence, subconsciously pulling his arm back, which forces Ollie to shift as well.

The fluffy dog fur covers Artem's face in an instant.

Artem: Ugh...

He reaches his long fingers out, scratching Ollie's belly, as he looks up from a cloud of fur.

Artem: Ugh... What are you...

You retreat your hands back, lying your head on the edge of the bed and looking at Artem.

You: I wanted to take Ollie away, but you woke up.

Artem rubs his eyebrows with his knuckles to relieve drowsiness, then sits up.

Artem: Ollie needs to eat and go for a walk in the morning... I need to get up.

You help Artem rub his arm, which is probably numb from having been slept on.

You: Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll take care of Ollie.

Artem touches your hand on his shoulder. Most of the drowsiness has already disappeared from his voice.

Artem: But you were also tired last night. You took Ollie for a walk and cleaned the living room. It's my turn today...

You: It's fine. Do we really need to be so calculative about such trivial matters?

Based on what you know about Artem, you can almost guess what he's going to say next. So you say it before him.

You: Today, we'll take care of her together.

You: In the days to come, Ollie will be living with us, right? How can I leave you with all the work?

Artem lifts his hand and gently touches your face. The smile in his eyes looks like peaceful water in the morning sunlight, almost overflowing.

Artem: Yes, you're right.