Menagerie of Lights Event/Interviews: Difference between revisions

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Named Story NPCs

Jen Mendoza

Interview: Jen Mendoza

Jen Mendoza: Miss [Player]? It really is you.

You: Miss Mendoza? Did you join the block-building contest?

Jen Mendoza: Yes.

You: What a coincidence. Well, let's get started. I wanted to interview the contestants.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Jen Mendoza: I'm into building blocks lately.

Jen Mendoza: I've been having trouble focusing, so my friend recommended building blocks to me.

Jen Mendoza: And it works. When I'm building with building blocks, I get really focused on them.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Jen Mendoza: I'm looking for some tutorials on this theme so I can practice.

Jen Mendoza: I'm just a beginner, but I aim to win.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Jen Mendoza: I'm not a professional, but I often go looking for inspiration in famous paintings when I build.

Jen Mendoza: Paintings from different eras inspire me in different ways.

You: (Sounds like an effective strategy...)


You: Have you heard of Z?

Jen Mendoza: An artist, right? I heard Ms. Marino mention him.

Jen Mendoza: Ms. Marino speaks highly of him. She said that Z is very popular among the upper classes.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Jen Mendoza: I've heard some rumors saying that Z is retiring.

Jen Mendoza: I hope he can carry on making his creations in peace and isn't distracted by the outside world.

You: Miss Mendoza, you seem different from before.

Jen Mendoza: Do you mean I look more energetic?

Jen Mendoza: Well... after what happened with Janus, I did a lot of thinking. Now, I think it's important to look ahead in life.

Jen Mendoza: Spending your whole life in remorse and regret is just going to ruin your life.

You: You're right. I wish you all the best for the future.

Jen Mendoza: Thank you.

Harry Grant

Interview: Harry Grant

Harry Grant: Hello, Miss [Player].

You: Harry? Are you in the block-building contest?

Harry Grant: Yeah, I happened to have time.

You: I want to interview some contestants. Is that okay?

Harry Grant: Sure.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Harry Grant: Because Joey is obsessed with building blocks. She is at peace when she fiddles with them.

Harry Grant: I was thinking maybe I could get the prize for Joey. It's the only edition in the world.

You: (I see...)

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Harry Grant: I haven't practiced for the theme yet, so I'll have to hurry.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Harry Grant: I really like Millais' "Ophelia." I saw it in a book, and I was impressed.

Harry Grant: The innocent Ophelia floats in the water humming a song, like a mermaid finally free from the sinful world.

Harry Grant: Millais presented the classic scene from Hamlet to the fullest.


You: Have you heard of Z?

Harry Grant: Yes, a famous artist whose works are always fetching high prices.

Harry Grant: I once attended an auction. The scenes of the crazy bidding wars are still fresh in my mind.

Harry Grant: I remember that the painting went to... an upscale businessman.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Harry Grant: Z has not released any new work for a long time, and some say this is a sign of his coming retirement.

Harry Grant: I hope that whatever choice he makes, he is following his heart.

You: Okay. That's all for the interview. Thanks.

Harry Grant: You're welcome. I should go home, Joey's waiting for me.

You: Okay! Say hi to Joey for me.

Ingrid Rosworth

Interview: Ingrid Rosworth

You: Ms. Rosworth? Are you participating in the block-building contest?

Ingrid Rosworth: So it was you on the phone. The little lawyer from Themis.

You: Yes, it was me. I'm here to interview some contestants...

Ingrid Rosworth: Then let's get started. My time is valuable.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Ingrid Rosworth: Life would be boring if you couldn't find anything interesting to do.

Ingrid Rosworth: The block building contest is quite interesting, isn't it?

You: Y- yes.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Ingrid Rosworth: I don't really care. I will do my best regardless of what the theme is.

Ingrid Rosworth: Your questions are too superficial.

You: (...She stresses me out every time I talk to her.)

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Ingrid Rosworth: I'm more interested in the value attached to paintings than in the paintings themselves.

Ingrid Rosworth: I once worked on an inheritance case where the client's father had a number of famous paintings in his name but they were replaced with forged ones by the nanny.

Ingrid Rosworth: The nanny insisted she was innocent, so the client hired me.

Ingrid Rosworth: It was a tricky case, but the pay was quite generous. I made many times more than an unknown lawyer like you could make in a lifetime.

You: I-Is that so...

Ingrid Rosworth: So, what do you say? Want to come and work for Baldr? You can be my assistant the next time we get another case like that.

You: I'm fine where I am...


You: Have you heard of Z?

Ingrid Rosworth: I've heard of him. One of his paintings has set a new auction house record.

Ingrid Rosworth: A big client of mine admires him a lot. Sadly, Z's paintings are not something that you can get with just money alone.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Ingrid Rosworth: I can't think of anything at the moment, but... I'd like to meet him.

Ingrid Rosworth: I'm always interested in mysterious men.

You: That's all for today. Thank you.

Ingrid Rosworth: No problem. I should head back to the office.

You: Okay. Goodbye, Ms. Rosworth.

Winnie Cooper

Interview: Winnie Cooper

You: Winnie, I didn't expect to see you here at the block-building contest.

Winnie Cooper: Hi, Miss [Player]! I was quite surprised when you contacted me.

You: I'd like to interview the contestants, so let's get started.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Winnie Cooper: I came across building blocks recently and found them fascinating. I wanted to give it a little practice.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Winnie Cooper: It's quite interesting. I checked out a lot of famous collections from the library to study.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Winnie Cooper: I have read a lot of books about The Mona Lisa. It's quite impressive.

Winnie Cooper: There is quite a bit of speculation about the model for The Mona Lisa. Some say she was da Vinci's lover, and some say that she was just from his imagination.

Winnie Cooper: I'd love to see that mysterious smile in person someday.


You: Have you heard of Z?

Winnie Cooper: Of course. The famous artist. I heard that he will be the honorary judge for the contest.

Winnie Cooper: I'm a big fan of his work. It has a unique power to it.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Winnie Cooper: Well... He hasn't been active for a long time.

Winnie Cooper: Some say he's gotten himself into some kind of trouble. Others say he is planning on retiring.

Winnie Cooper: I just hope Z won't give up painting. I hope he remembers that he still has us: his fans.

Recent situation

You: It's been a long time. How's your grandpa doing?

Winnie Cooper: He is doing much better.

Winnie Cooper: When he saw me playing building blocks, he said he wanted to try it.

You: Thank you, that's all for today's interview.

Winnie Cooper: You're welcome! Now, I'd better go practice.

Other NPCs

College Student

Interview: College Student

You: Hi, are you a participant in the block-building contest?

You: I want to interview some contestants. I've spoken to you before.

College Student: I know. Can we hurry this up a bit? The movie is about to start.

You: Okay, okay.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

College Student: Passion. Lots of our club members joined the contest.

You: What club?

College Student: The Building Blocks Club. I'm the president.

You: You must be a master of building blocks.

College Student: I'm alright. Many of our members are very good, too.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

College Student: It's an uncommon idea. Our club is doing a study of masterpieces of various styles.

You: Why?

College Student: To win the contest, it is essential to do some research.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

College Student: Not much. But I was impressed by one painting while researching the theme of the contest.

You: What was it?

College Student: Impression, Sunrise.

College Student: Recreating the impressionistic work with building blocks is quite a challenge.

You: (She is no doubt the president of the Building Blocks Club. She can't get off the subject of blocks.)


You: Have you heard of Z?

College Student: I have. He is the judge of honor for this contest.

College Student: I've studied his paintings. It won't be an easy job to recreate them with building blocks.

College Student: But I will do my best.

Things you want to say to Z

You: Is there anything you want to say to Z?

College Student: I don't know much about oil painting, but I can feel the power in his paintings.

College Student: Maybe it's from his love for art. I hope he can keep it up.

You: That's the end of the interview, thanks.

College Student: You're welcome. Right on time for the movie. Goodbye!

You: Good bye.

Delivery Person

Interview: Delivery Person

You: (Ehh... the next person to interview... is a courier?)

You: Hi! I'm here to interview some of the block-building contest participants. I've spoken to you before.

You: Do you have a moment now?

Delivery Person: Sure. I've finished work for today.

Delivery Person: Let's get started then.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Delivery Person: Puzzle blocks are one of my hobbies. I play with them whenever I'm free.

Delivery Person: But this is my first contest.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Delivery Person: So that's the theme. Sorry, I've been so busy with work that I haven't had time to check.


You: Working as a courier must be tiring.

Delivery Person: A little. But, the robots Pax launched recently have been very helpful in sorting packages. It has greatly improved our efficiency.

Delivery Person: We are very grateful to Pax.


You: Have you ever heard of Z?

Delivery Person: I know him. My girlfriend loves him. She says he's the most amazing and talented artist in the world.

Delivery Person: She couldn't stop saying that, and I'm getting a little jealous myself.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Delivery Person: Well... Actually, my girlfriend's birthday is coming up, so I hope Z will wish her a happy birthday.

Delivery Person: She'd be thrilled if he could give her his autograph.

You: You are so sweet.

You: That's all for the interview. Thank you. Happy birthday to your girlfriend.

Delivery Person: Thanks!

Male Victim

Interview: Male Victim

You: Oh... This guy's arm is injured.

Observe: cast

You: (He's in a plaster cast. Looks pretty serious.)

Observe: face

You: (Seems like a person with bad temper.)

You: (Well, as long as he's a block building contest participant, I'd better start interviewing now.)

You: Hi! Excuse me, are you one of the contestants?

You: I've spoken to you before. I want to do an interview with the contestants.

Male Victim: Oh, so you're the one I spoke to on the phone.

Male Victim: Let's get started.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Male Victim: I just like it.

You: Your hands are... injured.

Male Victim: Oh, this? I had a fall the other day.

You: Now that you're injured, can you still...

Male Victim: Are you questioning my talent?

You: No, no.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Male Victim: I like it. I have an opportunity to challenge myself in the contest.

Male Victim: Don't underestimate me just because of my injury. I am a master of building blocks and have won many awards.

You: That's amazing. I hope you win this time too.

Male Victim: Definitely!

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Male Victim: Art... I haven't paid attention to it lately. But, Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" left quite an impression on me.

Male Victim: I saw it in my history textbook back in middle school, and it has been in my mind ever since.

You: (I'm also really impressed by "The Last Supper.")


You: Have you heard of Z?

Male Victim: What's that? The latest building block set?

You: No, no. Z is a famous artist.

Male Victim: Artist? Oh, I remember. You're talking about the judge of honor, right?

Male Victim: He does fit the theme of the contest.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Male Victim: Well... I'm looking forward to his commentary on the intersection of building blocks and art.

Male Victim: I hope his comments inspire me.

You: All right, that's it for today. Thank you for your cooperation.

Male Victim: My pleasure. If you need someone to interview next time, just let me know.

You: S-Sure thing.


Interview: Photographer

You: Hi, is that a camera you're holding?

Observe: camera

You: (He's got the newest Pax camera. Is he a photographer?)

Observe: hair

You: (The highlighted hair looks stylish.)

You: (He must be some kind of professional artist.)

You: (A block building contest participant! I'd better start interviewing now.)

You: Hi, I want to interview some of the block-building contest participants. I've spoken to you before.

You: Do you have a moment right now?

Photographer: Sure, go ahead.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Photographer: Love. I'm a building block photographer.

You: A building block photographer?

Photographer: Yes. I creatively take photos of building blocks.

Photographer: For example, I take pictures of building block-based miniature scenes. I can tell all kinds of stories with my photography.

You: That's amazing. I didn't know there was such a profession!

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Photographer: I like it a lot.

Photographer: I don't think art should fade with time. It should live on in various new forms.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Photographer: I prefer photography to paintings.

You: Could you tell me why?

Photographer: Paintings are subjective while photographs are more objective.

You: (That's an interesting way to look at it...)


You: Have you heard of Z?

Photographer: Yes. I've been following him the past few years. I heard he's going to be a judge in this contest.

Photographer: If that's actually true, that's awesome. Z has always been a mystery in public. I'm looking forward to meeting him here.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Photographer: Actually... I've heard some rumors recently that Z might quit painting.

Photographer: I don't know what happened to him, but I hope he doesn't give it up.

Photographer: With his talent, he will definitely become one of the greats if he keeps it up.

You: Great. That's the end of the interview. Thanks for your cooperation.

Photographer: No problem. See you soon.

You: See you soon!

Shop Owner

Interview: Shop Owner

You: The meeting place for this interview is a cake shop?

You: Hi, I want to interview some of the block-building contest participants. I've spoken to you before.

You: Are you free right now? Seems to be business hours.

Shop Owner: It's fine. This is my shop, and it's not busy at the moment.

Shop Owner: Let's get started then.

Reason for participating

You: Why did you join the contest?

Shop Owner: I love building blocks. I participated in several competitions back when I was younger.

Shop Owner: This is the first block building contest in Stellis. It's a rare opportunity, so I had to come.

You: When you were younger?

Shop Owner: Yup. My dream was to be a building block designer.

Shop Owner: Although I run a bakery now, I've never stopped making things with building blocks in my free time. I post them on social media.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Shop Owner: It's an unusual theme, but I've participated in similar ones before.

You: Really?

Shop Owner: Haha, that was over a decade ago.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Shop Owner: Not much. I remember a customer ordered a very special cake.

Shop Owner: The cake was decorated with Van Gogh's "Sunflowers." It was for his best friend.

You: That's so nice!


You: They are so delicate! Did you make all the cakes?

Shop Owner: Yes. Making cakes is like building with building blocks. It requires creativity.

Shop Owner: If you want a cake, I can offer you a discount.

You: I do have a friend's birthday coming up...

Shop Owner: In that case, I recommend you try some of our new products. Taro mousse, orange cheese...

You: (She's a good marketer.)


You: Have you heard of Z?

Shop Owner: Yes, he's a famous artist, right? I admire his work.

Shop Owner: His work "Shepherd Girl" is very moving.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Shop Owner: Z is very talented, and I hope he will create more works.

You: Thank you very much. That's all for today.

Shop Owner: No problem. I had a great time chatting with you. Let me know next time you want to order a cake.

Short-Haired Girl

Interview: Short-Haired Girl

You: Hi, are you a participant in the block-building contest?

You: I want to interview some block-building contestants. I've spoken to you before.

Short-Haired Girl: Oh yes, I know. Here, this is for you. It's some milk tea I just bought.

You: Oh... Thank you!

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Short-Haired Girl: I love building blocks. I've been playing with them since I was a kid. About... ten years?

You: You seem to really love building blocks.

Short-Haired Girl: Mm-hmm. Working on building blocks helps me concentrate. I enjoy it.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Short-Haired Girl: The theme is deeply meaningful in a way.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Short-Haired Girl: I love Renoir's works, especially "Little Irène."

Short-Haired Girl: A young girl with blonde hair sitting on the grass. It's refreshing and dreamy, yet with a touch of slight melancholy.

Short-Haired Girl: It's a classic impressionist piece.

You: You know a lot about classic art.


You: You seem to know a lot about painting. Do you mind telling me what your profession is?

You: Are you a student? I see you're wearing your school uniform.

Short-Haired Girl: No. I graduated years ago. I'm a cartoonist.

Short-Haired Girl: As for the uniform... Haha, since the focus of my comics is on school, I find that wearing the uniform inspires me.

You: School-themed comics?

Short-Haired Girl: Mm-hmm. It's a story about a magical girl from a different world learning to fit in on campus.


You: Have you heard of Z?

Short-Haired Girl: Yes, the famous artist, right? I like his work.

Short-Haired Girl: Rembrandt is extremely hard to match, but Z has done it.

Short-Haired Girl: Z captures the contrast between light and shadow perfectly.

Things you want to say to Z

You: Is there anything you want to say to Z?

Short-Haired Girl: I like him a lot, but he isn't putting out any new works as of late.

Short-Haired Girl: I hope he releases something new soon. I can't wait to see it!

You: That's the end of the interview. Thank you so much.

Short-Haired Girl: No problem. I'd better go back to my drawing. The deadline is coming up, and I still haven't done my drafts for this month.

You: Good luck! Thanks for the tea!

Young Live Streamer

Interview: Young Live Streamer

You: Hi, I want to interview some of the block-building contest participants. I've spoken to you before.

Young Live Streamer: I know. Let's speed this up, I have to rush back to the live stream.

You: Live stream?

Young Live Streamer: Yeah, I am a block-building live streamer.

You: Oh, I see.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Young Live Streamer: My fans insisted. They said I was so good at building blocks that it would be a shame not to join the contest.

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Young Live Streamer: I think I can win no matter what the theme is.

Young Live Streamer: I'm very confident.


You: Have you heard of Z?

Young Live Streamer: Z? A popular streamer these days? I don't think I've seen that name on the charts.

You: He's a famous artist...

Young Live Streamer: I see.

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Young Live Streamer: To make things happen, regardless of what you do, you have put in a lot of effort.

Young Live Streamer: I've been livestreaming for three years nonstop. I believe Z is at least as consistent as me.

Block-building live streamer

You: What do you usually livestream about?

Young Live Streamer: Lots of things. Building models with blocks, time trials against other streamers, etc.

Young Live Streamer: My fans love to see me recreate portraits with building blocks the most.

Young Live Streamer: I can recreate any portraits.

You: That's amazing.

You: That's the end of the interview, thanks for your cooperation.

Young Live Streamer: You're welcome. Don't forget to check out my live stream at 7 every night.

You: Okay, sure.

Young Man

Interview: Young Man

You: My next target to interview will be... the guy over there.

Observe: comic

You: (Is that a comic book in his hand? Hmm, and the cover girl looks pretty cute.)

You: (He must enjoy reading comic books a lot.)

Observe: headphones

You: (He's wearing headphones. Seems like he couldn't hear me...)

You: (A block building contest participant! I'd better start interviewing now.)

You: Hello! ...Hello?

Young Man: Oh, sorry. I was listening to music.

You: It's fine. I just want to interview some block-building contestants. I spoke to you before on the phone.

Young Man: Yeah, I know. Let's get started.

Reason for participating

You: What made you sign up for the contest?

Young Man: BabyBunny posted on social media saying she would join the contest!

You: Who is BabyBunny?

Young Man: She is a famous cartoonist on social media. She is talented. Her work can heal people's hearts, just like magic.

Young Man: BabyBunny loves building blocks. So I was thinking I might run into her at the contest.

You: The book you are holding... is it BabyBunny's work?

Young Man: Yes. This is BabyBunny's latest work, "The School Life of a Magic Girl."

Theme for the contest

You: What do you think about the theme of the contest, "Recreate Classic Masterpieces"?

Young Man: So that's the theme of the contest? I don't have much talent with building blocks, but I'll work hard! For BabyBunny, of course.

World-Famous Art

You: What do you know about world-famous art?

Young Man: I don't know much about traditional paintings, but I do know a lot about comics.

Young Man: Cosmic Warriors, Super Monsters, and so on. I have complete collections of them.


You: The School Life of a Magical Girl? That sounds interesting.

Young Man: Right. It's very touching. I cried after reading it.

Young Man: BabyBunny is amazing. Each character in her work feels so real... Like they actually live among us.

You: Really? I'll have to check it out sometime.


You: Have you heard of Z, the famous artist?

Young Man: Artist? Is he a cartoonist? I love comics.

You: No. Z focuses on classical oil paintings.

Young Man: Huh? Oh! That's impressive!

Things you want to say to Z

You: If you had a chance to talk to Z, what would you say?

Young Man: Since he is an artist, he must be tender and kind like BabyBunny.

Young Man: I hope all the kind people of this world find happiness.

You: That's all for the interview. Thank you.

Young Man: You're welcome. Goodbye!

You: Bye!