Vyn's Sweet Chapter 03-08

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Vyn's Living Room: The Secret to Hope (2)
Vyn's Residence

Stellis - Vyn's Residence 1F RPG map.png

Pack your things and leave. Meet with Eira Frost and Alder Caldwell.

The next day, you and Vyn head out to see Eira Frost and Caldwell.

Today is special, as they must decide which treatment plan to proceed with.

As Vyn gets dressed, he looks more natural and composed than he did yesterday. This is the usual him.

You: Looks like everything's ready.

Vyn: Yes. The preliminary plan has also been drafted.

Vyn: I am just unsure which plan Ms. Frost and Mr. Caldwell will choose.

Vyn: If Ms. Frost is doing well, she will definitely have her own opinions concerning treatment options.

Vyn: Her subconscious desire to rescue herself is actually very strong.

Vyn thinks of something, smiling confidently.

You: Well, we will have to talk about it with them to know what they're thinking.

You: C'mon — let's go!

Giannovyn Research Center - Consultation Room: The Secret to Hope (2)
Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center
Treatment Room
Giannovyn MHRC - Consultation Room.png

Go to the clinic with Vyn and speak with Eira Frost and Alder Caldwell.

Vyn has a hunch that some useful legal evidence might emerge while discussing treatment plans with Eira Frost and Caldwell.

So after making sure that they are both okay with it, you follow Vyn into the clinic as an attorney.

Caldwell is organizing some boxes off to the side. When he spots you two coming in, he washes his hands and walks over.

Eira Frost is lying in the hospital bed. She seems a bit drained but looks much better than before.

Eira Frost: Hi, Dr. Richter, Miss [Player].

You and Vyn have already visited Eira Frost multiple times. As long as no one mentions anything about her parents, her mood remains relatively stable.

But she is doing everything in her power to suppress those thoughts. Once they are triggered and explode again, she'll be on the verge of another breakdown.

Before Caldwell can sue, you have to ensure Eira Frost's mental and physical well-being at the very least. That means she needs a new treatment plan.

Vyn: Ms. Frost, I would like to discuss the new treatment plan options with you.

Vyn: I will outline everything for you and Mr. Caldwell, and you both can choose for yourself.

Vyn: Naturally, I will provide a simple assessment of each plan.

With that, Vyn begins to explain the plans in detail.

Vyn directly states that the first option is his preferred plan. It is comparatively fast and efficient, but also quite risky.

The other options all have their various pros and cons, but recovery will be slower.

Eira Frost: I want to choose the fastest method... I... I want...

Eira Frost gets a little worked up, moving her arms to hug herself.

Alder Caldwell: But, Eira... moving slower would be better for you...

You: ...

Eira Frost: No... I want...

Eira Frost shakes her head. The more she explains herself, the more worked up she gets.

Alder Caldwell: Eira, don't worry. I...

Caldwell rushes over in an attempt to calm Eira Frost down, but Vyn raises his hand to gesture for him to stop.

Vyn: Maybe we should listen to what Ms. Frost really thinks.

Caldwell is taken aback for a moment, then looks at Eira Frost anxiously. However, he still decides to trust Vyn's judgment.

Alder Caldwell: All right.

Vyn: Ms. Frost, what I am about to say might be very painful or uncomfortable for you...

Vyn: But I still believe you must hear it.

Vyn: It is that...

Vyn: I cannot save you.

Vyn speaks every word with deliberate emphasis. His tone is steady, without any hesitation whatsoever.

Vyn's shocking statement has seemingly left Eira Frost frightened, and she stares at the mild-mannered doctor in front of her in disbelief.

Eira Frost: ...Dr. Richter? What... what do you mean?

Vyn: I did not mean to scare you. I simply mean what I said.

Vyn: Psychiatrists are not gods. We cannot save everyone with the wave of a magic wand.

Vyn: You must become conscious of several things on your own — all I can do is provide support.

Eira Frost: Ah...

Eira Frost is even more bewildered now. Seemingly unconsciously, she begins to look around for Caldwell. She opens her mouth as if she is about to call his name.

Just then, Vyn raises his index finger to his lips to make a shushing gesture.

Vyn: Shh...

Vyn: Do not ask others for help. It will not work.

Vyn: If I cannot even save you, how will anyone else?

Vyn: As I said, you must figure it out on your own.

Eira Frost: Figure it out on my own? How am I supposed to... Dr. Richter... please don't joke about this...

Eira Frost: I can't do anything... I'm a failure... Nobody wants me...

Vyn interrupts Eira Frost, looking at her somewhat sternly.

Vyn: Losing your family and your job, your parents taking advantage of you... That is reality.

Vyn: But that is not everything in your life, is it?

Eira Frost: Not... everything in my life...?

Eira Frost freezes for a second, then repeats Vyn's words to herself in a low voice. Certain words seem to have struck a chord with her.

Vyn: Yes. You deserve a future that is more promising than your present, past, and all the horrible situations you talk about.

Eira Frost: A future...

Vyn: And this future will belong to you alone. Only you can grasp it.

Vyn: So, Eira Frost, only you can save yourself.

Eira Frost: Can... I really... save myself...?

Vyn: You are the only one who can.

Vyn: Will you choose to save yourself and walk toward the future? Or will you choose to let others save you and relive the same hellish agony...

Vyn: Ms. Frost, I hope you can listen to your own heart and make your choice based on how you feel.

Eira Frost: ...

Eira Frost is no longer trying to protest or escape the situation. She begins to seriously consider which choice she should make.

During this time, Vyn remains silent, only looking encouragingly at Eira Frost.

Caldwell stands beside Vyn anxiously, but he doesn't dare to interfere. He seemingly realizes how important Vyn's actions are for her.

You stand there with your heart in your throat, practically holding your breath as you wait for Eira Frost's response.

After some time, Eira Frost shifts her position but doesn't look to Caldwell for his opinion. Rather, she looks in front of her at Vyn with some trepidation and anticipation in her gaze.

Eira Frost: If that's the case...

Eira Frost: Dr. Richter, can I ask...

Eira Frost: How should I save myself?

Vyn: ...

Vyn's tensely straightened back suddenly relaxes. A relieved smile reveals itself in his golden eyes hidden behind his glasses.

He is happy for her.

Vyn: You have finally taken this step.

Vyn: The moment you voluntarily asked that question, you set foot on the road to save yourself.

Vyn: And now comes the part I need to do — to help you save yourself.

Vyn walks over to the nearby table and takes out a few pieces of paper and a pen. He then hands them to Eira Frost.

Vyn: And today, I will help you by giving you a suggestion.

Vyn: Ms. Frost, give yourself hope.

Eira Frost: Hope?

Vyn: Starting now, write down twenty hopes you have for the future on that paper. It does not matter if they are realistic. The more specific, the better.

Eira Frost: My hopes... for the future?

Vyn: You could also call it a "plan," but this plan must include the most imperative hope, one that you most want to see realized.

Eira Frost: The hope I most want to see realized...

Eira Frost nods pensively.

Vyn pauses for a moment, perhaps aiming to give Eira Frost some time to think.

After some time, he speaks softly.

Vyn: If I asked you right now to tell me the "hope" you most want to see realized, could you tell me?

Eira Frost: ...

Eira Frost freezes for a moment, unsure how to answer.

Vyn: If you can tell me, I will accept your opinion and treat you with the method you prefer. I will help you get better as soon as possible.

Eira Frost: Really!? Let me think...

Eira Frost seems excited and perplexed at the same time. She turns to glance at Caldwell without thinking but quickly looks away as if she suddenly remembered what Vyn had told her.

Eira Frost: Hmm... I have to figure this out on my own...

Vyn immediately takes note of this. It seems like he's very happy with Eira Frost's behavior, so he gives her another push.

Vyn: Perhaps that hope may cause you to sacrifice the other nineteen plans just to make it come true.

Vyn: Even so, it is also the "hope" you most want to grasp in your entire life.

Vyn: In your heart, what is it? Is it something specific, or is it a feeling?

Eira Frost slowly closes her eyes. Her mind travels as she follows Vyn's words, constantly searching and repeating them in her heart.

After some time, Eira Frost softly gasps. She opens her eyes, looking somewhat excited.

Eira Frost: I...

Eira Frost: I want... I want a future that truly belongs to me...

Eira Frost: I want to open my own store, I want to be in charge of myself without any restrictions... I want... I want to take control of my own life!

It's as if Vyn lets out a deep sigh as he chuckles softly. You can hear the happiness and relief in his laugh.

Vyn: Ms. Frost, I am very happy to hear that answer as your psychiatrist.

Vyn: I hope you will remember that feeling, as well as this answer.

Vyn: Concerning whether it will solidify as a firm "hope" in your heart, and as for any other plans you may have for the future...

Vyn: You can take your time. I will wait for your final answer.

Before you and Vyn leave the consultation room, Caldwell leans up against the wall, nearly crying tears of joy. It looks like he also recognizes how hard-earned Eira Frost's change was.

Vyn: Please look after Ms. Frost. Let me know right away if anything happens.

Alder Caldwell: All right! Thank you, Dr. Richter!

You and Vyn get your things together and head downstairs to wait for the car.
