Vyn's Sweet Chapter 03-07

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West Hemingway Heights Street: Causality (1)
West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis - Park (Day).png

Go to the garden behind the restaurant and listen to why Vyn is behaving abnormally.

The public garden behind the restaurant has a sweeping view and is surrounded by several trees and flowers.

Just looking at it improves your mood — no wonder Vyn likes it here.

Vyn leads you to a nearby bench and sits down. You raise your head slightly to look up at the vast sky.

A gentle breeze caresses your face as a few leaves slowly fall close by.

You: I'm ready to listen, so you can start whenever.

Vyn: All right.

Vyn looks at you deeply before nodding and shifting his gaze to the flowers in front of him.

The flowers sway in the wind, their various colors blending like a chaotic mess of thoughts.

Vyn: You are already aware that I am creating a new personalized treatment plan for Ms. Frost.

Vyn: But there are some undetermined factors that I must carefully consider.

Vyn: So I called an older gentleman yesterday who is very experienced. His name is Eckel.

You: Is he a famous psychiatrist?

Vyn: Yes. Remember when I told you a similar situation happened in the Haspran family? He was the doctor who treated the patient back then.

You: I remember. What did you guys talk about? Why are those "undetermined factors" making you anxious?

Vyn: Well...

Vyn thinks for a moment before he starts to tell you what happened yesterday. It's as if you can see exactly what happened as you hear him describe...

Vyn's Residence

Vyn's Residence - Living Room (Night).png

Eckel: No. I disagree.

An old yet powerful voice sounds from the other side of the video call, his tone resolute.

Vyn's brow furrows in confusion.

Vyn: ...Why do you disagree?

Vyn: I do not understand, Mr. Eckel.

Vyn: My treatment plan for Ms. Frost will be similar to the one you used in the past, but it will not be an exact copy. I will make decisions based on what she needs.

Vyn: Could you possibly explain why you disagree? That way, I can more easily and quickly make adjustments to the plan.

Eckel: ...

An odd groan can be heard coming from the other line. It seems as if Eckel is in a bad mood.

Eckel: The treatment plan I used for a member of the Haspran family will not necessarily work for ordinary people.

Vyn: ...

Vyn is taken aback for a moment, causing him to remain silent for a few moments in shock. He then thinks of something, his expression growing somewhat cold.

Vyn: I am sorry, but if you give such a vague answer... I have no way of adjusting the treatment plan.

Vyn: By the way, what makes you say the plan you used for the Haspran family "will not necessarily work for ordinary people"?

Vyn: As a medical professional, do you believe there are some things that only people from the Haspran family can understand or utilize?

Eckel nods with certainty as if Vyn is simply stating a universal fact.

Eckel: I believe it is the same understanding that every person of Haspran blood possesses.

Vyn's gaze grows sharper, but his proper upbringing allows him to maintain formal etiquette.

Vyn: Mr. Eckel, I called you for advice because I want to ensure that my patient's treatment plan is safe and reliable.

Vyn: If you simply want to demonstrate your lofty faith in the Haspran family, I suggest you find a more appropriate occasion in the future.

Eckel: ...Understood.

The person on the other end of the video call is silent for a moment before nodding. He seems somewhat astonished by Vyn's apathetic attitude when his family is mentioned.

Vyn: Back to the topic at hand, Mr. Eckel. I hope your judgment will remain objective and logical...

Vyn: The treatment plan you used helped your patient return to normal. Now, I will improve upon it until it is virtually perfect.

Vyn: I have also made several detailed adjustments based on my patient's personal situation. Is there anything else you find inappropriate?

Eckel sighs with an apparent reluctance, seemingly considering how to phrase his next statement.

Eckel: Regardless... I believe this treatment plan is more fitting for individuals who have grown up in a complex environment, were forced to mature early, and are strong-willed.

Eckel: Not everyone can completely tear down their cognitive system, reconstruct it, then return to normal, after all.

Eckel: In my 40 years as a professional... there have only been a select few.

Vyn smiles coldly, revealing a glint of mockery in his expression.

Vyn: I am sorry, but I believe you think too highly of the Haspran family while underestimating the will of ordinary people.

West Hemingway Heights Street

Stellis - Park (Day).png

Vyn: That is essentially what happened... Overall, it was not a very smooth conversation.

You can understand why Vyn responded the way he did in that situation.

You: So after hearing what Eckel had to say, you're worried something bad might happen if you use the improved treatment plan with Eira Frost?

Vyn: I do not want to confirm anything with absolute certainty, but I am 99% confident in this plan.

Vyn: Even so, I do not want to risk my patient's safety. If there is only a 1% chance that it could be dangerous, I still have to be very careful.

You: Do you have any other plans?

Vyn: I have considered a few, but none can compare when evaluated from a comprehensive perspective.

You: Okay, I think I understand the situation now...

Just when you are about to help Vyn analyze the situation, his phone suddenly rings.

Vyn: ...It is my assistant.

You can hear a voice coming from the phone after Vyn picks up the call, but you can't hear exactly what's being said. You only get the feeling that their speech is extremely rushed.

Vyn: What? ...They did not break in, right?

Vyn: All right, I understand. We will head back now. Stop them and call the police right away.

Vyn looks distressed after he hangs up the call.

You: What happened?

Vyn: Mr. and Mrs. Frost showed up on the first floor of the clinic. They were trying to break in, but someone stopped them.

Vyn: It looks like we need to head back and figure this out before we can continue our talk.

You: Okay, let's move fast.

You rush right back since the incident occurred so suddenly, but Vyn doesn't look as worried as he did a few nights ago. It looks like he already has a plan.

Giannovyn Research Center - Reception: Causality (2)
Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center

Giannovyn MHRC - Office (Day).png

Hurry back to the research center with Vyn, and cooperate with the police to persuade Mr. and Mrs. Frost to leave.

When you and Vyn reach the clinic, the police are already at the scene.

Mr. and Mrs. Frost seem a little fearful of the police officers. They stand off to the side, glancing at one another sneakily as you and Vyn approach.

As for the police's questions, Mr. and Mrs. Frost only give simple answers or remain silent. They obviously came prepared, insisting that they only came to visit.

Vyn explains that outside factors cannot be allowed to provoke Eira Frost during the initial treatment phase, including family members.

After the police carefully look over the treatment agreement and signatures to ensure everything is in order, they persuade Mr. and Mrs. Frost to head back home.

You: ...They just don't know when to quit.

Vyn: I am afraid they will not stop here.

Vyn: And judging from their reaction just now, they have "wisened up" quite a bit. They did not expose anything that could get them caught.

You: I think...

You: They consulted with someone, or have someone secretly "guiding" them.

Vyn: Yes, that is certainly a possibility.

You: But you don't need to concern yourself with that. That's my area of expertise, so just leave it to me.

You: Okay, we can't let ourselves get too wound up. We need to relax a little...

You get an idea as you spot the tea set on the table.

You: Why don't you relax for a bit while I'll brew some tea?

Vyn's gaze moves from the teacup to you. He is seemingly intrigued by your suggestion.

Vyn: Then I will wait here to sample it.

Soon after, you bring over some freshly brewed black tea.

You set the wooden tray down on the small table in front of Vyn, lining up three cups of tea side by side.

You: I tried brewing it like you taught me before, but... I made two extra cups.

You: You can try all of them and see which one you like best.

Vyn's brows raise a little, and his expression is somewhat curious.

Vyn: All right. I will start from the left.

He picks up the teacup and blows on it. When it cools down, he takes a sip.

Vyn pauses for a few seconds each time he tries one of the cups, carefully savoring the flavor before moving on.

Vyn finally raises his head and looks at you after he tries all three cups.

Vyn: I am quite curious to know how you brewed these three cups.

You: Huh? Is something wrong? Do... they taste bad?

Vyn: Not at all.

Vyn: In fact, they each have their own unique traits. The cup on the left is rich but slightly bitter, while the cup in the middle is a little astringent.

Vyn: Comparatively, the last cup is the most perfect. It is not astringent whatsoever, has an aromatic flavor, and a persisting aftertaste.

You: Well... I pretty much brewed them like you taught me before.

You: But I didn't follow the same process for the third cup.

Vyn blinks a few times, seemingly surprised.

You: When I was brewing the first two cups, I kept trying to remember what you taught me to do. But when I was actually doing it, I kept feeling like I was missing something.

You: I was worried I wouldn't be able to exactly recreate the same flavor of your tea, even if I remembered every single step. There are always going to be little differences.

You: So for the third cup, I used your basic method but made some small adjustments based on my own understanding.

Vyn: ...

Vyn listens patiently as you speak, looking shocked once again. After thinking for a few moments, he speaks with mixed emotions.

Vyn: I understand... To some degree, your "adjustments" were certainly successful.

Vyn: In reality, brewing tea can be a very difficult process to control. Several factors can affect the flavor.

Vyn: Even I cannot guarantee that the final product will taste... exactly the same as the previous cup.

Vyn looks down thoughtfully at the teacup in front of him. It's as if he is looking right through it, considering something else.

Vyn: Imagine there was an experienced individual who used a novel method to brew tea quite some time ago.

Vyn: But he believes that method will not suit other people's tastes, even if it is "adjusted" accordingly... What do you make of that situation?

Vyn is talking about tea on the surface, but his words seem to have a deeper meaning.

You: I think the reason he might say that is because he's never tried it for himself, or he's stuck in his ways.

You: In fact, only someone who drinks tea has the deepest understanding of whether a brewing method might be suitable for someone or not.

You: But if the person brewing the tea "hides" the method before serving it, then the person drinking it will never know what kind of flavor it is.

Vyn: ...

Vyn: Yes... You are exactly right.

Vyn: If it has never been tested with a true "tea drinker," then the "tea maker's" opinion will certainly be biased to some extent.

Vyn thinks deeply for a moment. His original doubts have seemingly vanished, but his current expression is more solemn than before.

Vyn: Then what if...

Vyn: In the end... my decision turns out to be wrong?

Vyn: Like if I created a new plan for a patient, but it was very risky and possibly even uncontrollable... What would you say?

Vyn rarely doubts his decisions this much, but it's clear that he is very calm and preparing himself for every possibility.

You: I...

I believe in your decision

You: Actually, I can't imagine anything bad happening as a result...

Vyn: Why?

You: Because I trust in your decisions.

You: I trust that you'll never make any impulsive decisions when it comes to a treatment plan. You always carefully consider and gauge everything.

You: So I trust your judgment, no matter what. I have faith in your expertise, and even more faith in you as a person.

Vyn: I see.

Vyn's furrowed brow gradually relaxes.

We can face the consequences together

You: I trust your judgment. If your decision does lead to serious consequences, I'll be there to face them with you.

Vyn: Are you... not afraid?

You look into Vyn's eyes and shake your head.

You: If it turns out poorly, then we'll figure out a way to fix it.

You: And you're not afraid, so why should I be?

Vyn: I really cannot argue with that.

Vyn: I understand what you mean.

Vyn gazes at you, his eyes full of emotion. It's as if your response fully washed away all of his doubt.

He picks up one of the teacups in front of him, completely unconcerned that it is the slightly "bitter" brew. He then takes a few sips.

Suddenly, his hand holding the cup freezes.

You: What's wrong?

Vyn: I... just remembered something important.

Vyn seems somewhat frustrated that he didn't think of it earlier, which makes you even more curious.

You: Did you forget something? Does it... have something to do with the details of the treatment plan?

Vyn: Exactly.

Vyn: Back then in Svart, I discussed which of Eckel's plans to choose with the patient.

You: Wait, choose?

Vyn: Yes. The situation back then was quite similar to this current one. Eckel prepared several plans, but only one was quick, efficient, yet risky.

Vyn doesn't explain the past in detail. Instead, he begins speaking about the process of choosing a treatment plan.

Vyn: Ms. Eira Frost's circumstances are similar to my family member's — both are and were trapped in serious situations with no time to waste. The calm period after the breakdown can actually be even more dangerous.

Vyn: Back then, we both chose the fast and efficient, yet risky, option.

Vyn: But... I believe there was another key element to the plan's eventual success.

Vyn: It was something we talked about privately back then, but I did not tell Mr. Eckel. The patient asked me to keep it a secret.

You: What was it?

Vyn: To put it simply, that secret had to do with... "hope."

Sensing your curiosity, Vyn smiles and gives you a promise.

Vyn: Because it is related to the treatment plan, I would like to wait until the treatment process is nearly complete before I tell you everything.

Vyn: That includes the incident from the past I mentioned before.

You: All right. Then I'll be waiting for that day!

This is both a promise and an anticipation of positive results in the future.



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