Summer Splash: Early Bird Warm-up

From Tears of Themis Wiki


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Story Script

Summertime Fruit Tea: Proper Balance

Luke's new creation is unexpectedly popular and instantly shoots to the top of the sales charts as soon as it launches. Almost every single customer orders one cup.

The insane influx of customers also means that he ends up working non-stop for two hours.

When he finally wraps up the big order, you dash over to him and put up an "Away from break" notice, ensuring that he can rest for a bit.

You: Luke, go take a break.

Luke: It's okay! I'm not tired.

You: You might not be tired now, but at this rate, you'll find yourself unable to stand straight once we finish up tonight. Go take a break!

You ignore Luke's protests and stare him down, making sure he listens.

Luke finally surrenders and has to hide under the bar with you to take a break.

Luke: I—I'm not that delicate...

You: It's not about being delicate. It's about balancing work with rest so you can work more efficiently when you need to.

Luke: Okay, I understand. Then we'll hide out here during our break.

You: Take a break here for a while. I still have other things to do.

Seeing that you are about to get up and leave, Luke quickly grabs you.

Luke: Hey, you're the one who said we needed to balance work and rest. You can't just leave.

You: I already got a break earlier. You're the one who worked for two hours straight.

Luke: It's no fun for me to hide out here alone.

Luke: And it's not like we have that many customers today. Can you please keep me company?

You glance around the store. It's true. There aren't many customers.

You: Okay, fine. Only for a bit though.

Luke: Okay.

Festive Seafood Rice: As a Team

You finally have a rare chance to rest, but Artem is spacing out as he looks at the empty plate before him.

You: Is there something on that plate, Mr. Wing?

Artem: Um... no.

You: Then why do you look so frustrated?

Artem: ...So you noticed.

Artem: I was just thinking about how this plate looks a little plain. It's too simple compared to the other dishes after plating.

You: But I actually think that is just your style.

Hearing these words, Artem turns to look at you curiously.

You: Your cooking is always healthy and delicious. Plus, it really draws in the customers.

You: The flavor of the food doesn't change, no matter how pretty the plate. Taste is still the most important part of a dish.

Artem: That's very perceptive of you. Seems like I ran my thoughts into a dead end.

You: Not that. You're serious by nature, so you often get really hung up on these things.

You: I think that's actually a great thing about you, Mr. Wing.

Artem: Why does it feel like everything I do is worthy of a compliment in your eyes?

His previously serious and thoughtful gaze is now full of amusement, and he waits for your reply with a small smile.

You: Really? I was just speaking the truth.

Artem: And that's what makes you great. You can always find the good in anyone or anything.

You: Um... Let's stop flattering each other.

You: We don't have a lot of time left to rest. Let's enjoy it.

Artem: Sure.

Ocean Breeze Swiss Roll: Exclusive Brew

Vyn has been busy making desserts all this time. You didn't think you'd see him making tea during the break, much less using ice water.

You: Are you making cold brew tea. Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Ah, you caught me.

Vyn: I just finished preparing it. It will be done in another four hours.

You: It takes that long?

Vyn: Due to the low temperature of the ice water, the tea leaves need to be soaked for longer.

Vyn: However, this method of brewing ensures that the bitter tannic acid and the caffeine do not seep out from the tea leaves...

Vyn: So the flavor of this tea will be sweeter than if it was brewed using hot water.

You: I see! Then it'll be worth the wait.

Vyn: Indeed. Anything beautiful is naturally worth the wait.

Vyn looks at you with a slight smile.

Vyn: So can you save some time for me four hours later?

He raises his wrist and glances at his watch.

Vyn: That should be right when business slows down.

You: Of course. The seaside is the perfect place to drink cold brew tea.

Vyn: Precisely. It is settled then.

Summer Fun Banana Split: Creative Apron

Marius: Miss, can I please borrow your apron?

You: Sure, but what for?

You take off your apron and place it in Marius' open palm.

Marius: You'll learn soon enough.

He spreads out the apron on the counter, then takes a box full of paint and paintbrushes out of the drawer.

He soon gets the colors ready and steadies the brush to paint on your apron.

You: ...

After about 15 minutes, Marius stands up. Your apron is now covered with a painting of the rolled ice cream he made.

It looks a bit like promotional art for the product, but it's also really pretty. It kills two birds with one stone.

Marius: How is it? Do you like it?

You: Yes! I felt like it was a little boring for all of us to have the same aprons.

You: Now that you've painted this one, it's my own exclusive apron.

Marius nods as if he's thinking about something. He then adds your initials to the top-left corner of the apron with the paintbrush.

Marius: Now it's really your own exclusive apron.

You: Thanks. But what gave you the idea to paint this on my apron?

Marius: Because I saw how you got flustered when you picked the wrong one. I wanted to find a way to differentiate the aprons for you.

Marius: I happen to be good at painting, so I decided to use this method.

You: You just "happen" to be good at painting?

Marius: Yeah. Am I wrong?

You: Then what do you want to paint on your apron?

Marius: Hmm... Cartoon versions of us making shaved ice. How's that?

You: I think it's brilliant!

Marius: Okay, you got it!


Seaside Cafe

Misc Location - Seaside Cafe.png
