Marius' Sweet Chapter 02-06

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x100


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Heart Rate: President's Office
Pax Group

Pax Group - President's Office (Night).png

Marius seems to have something to say. Return to the President's Office and talk about it with him.

Back at Pax, you feel a sense of fatigue permeating your body as soon as you sit down on the couch.

You: (There have been too many ups and downs in one day. I'm exhausted from the information and emotional overload.)

Marius hands you a cup of warm water and sits down next to you.

Marius: Miss, you must be tired. Thank you for running around with me.

You look at him, and a corner of your heart softens.

An idea appears in your mind. You turn around and hug him.

You: You're the one who must be tired.

You: Marius, you've done very well. I mean it.

Before he can open his mouth to explain, you have already sensed all the effort he has put in.

For a moment, he seems stunned. Then, he raises his arms and gently wraps them around you.

Marius: As soon as I heard the news of Crimson's press conference, I suspected that someone on the Board of Directors might have leaked the information.

Marius: So I told Vincent to keep an eye on the directors' movements.

You: Oh, this is what you were talking about in the studio?

Marius: Yes. Then, at the board of directors meeting, I taunted and challenged them as a form of test.

Marius: I made a bet with Edison on purpose.

Marius: I already discovered his link to the anonymous emails before.

Marius: So, it didn't matter whether he leaked the information or not. Either way, I'll take this opportunity to remove him from the board of directors.

Marius: But surprisingly, he was frightened by the wager.

You: So that's when you received the message from Vincent.

Marius: Yes, Miss, very clever.

Marius: When Vincent found out that he has a meeting with someone in North Stellis, he immediately informed me.

Marius: What we just heard confirmed all my suspicions.

Marius: It's actually a good thing. Since Edison is the perpetrator, I don't have to show him any mercy anymore.

You: Then... why didn't you go in and confront Edison back in north Stellis?

Marius: Because the removal of a director must be announced, and the reason for the dismissal must be made public.

Marius: Regardless of whether this is due to information leaks or anonymous emails, it will have a negative impact on Pax and... my brother's public image.

Marius: Therefore, the best way is to make Edison resign.

Marius: If it's merely a wager, not only can we force Edison to leave the board of directors voluntarily and protect both Pax and my brother's image, but also...

Marius looks down. He seems to be completely honest, but you feel as though he is withholding something.

You: (Does Marius have something else to say?)

You: And what else?

Marius: Don't worry. I just suddenly thought of something unimportant.

He raises his head again. His eyes are clear — so clear, you can even see your own reflection in them. It calms your nerves instead.

You: (Marius has always been very honest with me. So... maybe there's something he doesn't want to talk about now.)

You: (He must have his own reasons if he doesn't want to talk about it now.)

He stands up and takes your hand. You squeeze it tightly in return.

You: (It's clear that this incident was unexpected, but Marius is handling it in his own way...)

You: (He even quickly came up with ways to counter his opponents, one by one. Almost like......)

You: (Like it was all part of a plan... but is Marius part of the plan or not?)

You're shocked by your own revelations.

You: (What am I thinking? How could this be arranged by someone...)

Marius: Miss, let me show you something.

You: Eh?

While you are lost in thought, you suddenly realize that Marius has led you to the windows.

You didn't notice it earlier, but it's already nighttime.

The night is dark. Thousands of lights twinkle like specks of light, and the stars in the sky are like broken shards of diamonds, embedded in a dark blue cloth of silk.

The two sources of light resonate with each other, making the entire scene appear surreal.

Marius: Isn't it beautiful?

You: ...It's gorgeous.

You: It's gorgeous, but it feels lonely...

You raise your hand and glide your fingertips against the glass, smoothing Marius' eyebrows in the reflection.

Marius: Yes, it is so beautiful that it seems almost unreal.

Marius looks at you, his eyes sparkling like shooting stars.

Marius: I've always wanted to show you this view whenever I see it.

Marius stands beside you in front of the windows. He turns to look at you. There is a vast sea of light behind him.

Marius: Miss, do you think I'm a little selfish?

Marius: It's a lonely view, but I still want you to enjoy it with me.

Marius is smiling, but his eyes glimmer so brightly that they look like they are about to shed tears.

Suddenly, you realize that Marius was not only asking about the night view.

What he cares about is how you see the world he lives in.

Marius: Do you think I'm a little scary?

Marius: Manipulating people's emotions, playing with politics, scheming and plotting...

You place the palm of your hand gently against his chest. His heart beats slowly, but powerfully.

You: You want to guard this place, don't you?

You: Including this lonely and beautiful view. Although you feel lonely, you're still doing your best to protect it.

You: I'm only starting to understand the burden you're carrying on your shoulders.

You gaze into the distance again. At this point in time, the burden and loneliness you feel may be less than even a sliver of the burden Marius usually carries.

You: Extreme measures are necessary for extreme situations.

You: I just need to know that your heart is still the same as before.

Under your palm, his heart beats faster and faster. Although you can't hear it, you can still sense his pulse resonating in your ears.

Maybe that's not Marius' heartbeat at all.

Marius: [Player]...

Marius: Thank you for your company.

He bends down and kisses your lips softly, like the gentlest breeze.

Your fingers are entwined with his, and the distance between your minds and bodies diminishes.

Marius: Shouldn't you pay back what you owe me?

Before you close your eyes, you steal one final glance at Marius.

Your beloved possesses a pair of eyes more beautiful than the stars in the sky.
