Artem's Sweet Chapter 01-04

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Reason for Coming I: Artem's Living Room
Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Day).png

Ask about the reason why Juan Fowler came.

The cartoon was ending by the time we returned to the sofa.

Artem places the plate of fruits on the coffee table and hands Juan a fruit fork.

The child hits the pause button on the remote, his gaze darting timidly between us and the plate of fruits.

You: Don't worry. You can tell us anything.

Juan Fowler: I... I overheard Dad calling you...

Juan Fowler: He said that he was gonna divorce Mom, and he said this family no longer felt like home.

Juan Fowler: *sob* Dad was never like this in the past...

Juan Fowler: He said that I am his treasure, and that Mom is his heart... How can he not keep to his word!?

You: ...

You and Artem exchange a look. Neither of you say anything.

Juan Fowler: I know that you're both really great lawyers! So... Can you please not take my parents' case?

Juan Fowler: I don't want them to separate. I don't want to become an orphan!

Juan's voice takes on a slightly teary edge as he speaks.

Artem: Don't worry. Your father only came to consult me, he hasn't actually gone through with it.

Artem: They might have just had a couple of disputes with each other...

Artem pats the boy's head and takes a few tissues to wipe his tears away.

Juan Fowler: *sobbing* Mom and Dad used to love each other so much...

Juan Fowler: Just like... Just like you two earlier!

You: Like us, earlier?

Juan scratches his head and ponders for a while.

Juan Fowler: Dad would always hold Mom's hand wherever they go. They'd always be full of laughter and smiles.

Juan Fowler: I don't know why, but things between them feel a little different than before...

Juan Fowler: Be it at home or outside, they're always on their phones or computers, working and working non-stop...

Juan Fowler: All they do is work and work. They never sit down together just to chat anymore!

Juan Fowler: That's why I had a feeling that they were going to break up.

Juan Fowler: Besides taking care of me, they're both immersed in work...

Juan Fowler: Is work really all that important!? Is it more important than me and their relationship with each other!?

Juan's words make you recall Kiki's previous "worries" once more...

(Themis Pantry flashback)

Kiki Bennet: The two of you are lovers now. You should spend more quality time together so that your relationship becomes stronger!

Kiki Bennet: What if your feelings fade, and Mr. Wing falls for someone else because of your neglect?


Juan Fowler: Can you help me?

Juan interrupts your train of thought with a tearful plea.

Juan Fowler: Can you help me make my parents go back to the way they were before? Just like how the both of you are now!

Artem: Juan...

Artem softly utters his name and goes silent right after...

In this moment of silence, you understand his unspoken words...

You: (If Juan's gut feeling is right, then his parents' relationship might already be estranged.)

You: (But... how do I tell this to a kid?)

You: Juan, we'd be better off contacting your parents first...

You: They must be worried about you, considering how you ran out. You have to tell them that you're safe, at least.

Juan dejectedly nods and falls silent once more.

Reason for Coming II: Artem's Living Room
Artem's Residence
Artem's Living Room
Stellis - Artem's Residence 1F RPG Map.png

Artem is contacting Octavio Fowler. Go talk with Juan Fowler alone.

You: (*sigh* How should I go about comforting him?)

You: (Should I distract him by talking about something else?)

You: (Or should I ask him about his parents' past to distract him from the issue?)

You: Hey, Juan. Do you know how your parents met each other?

Juan Fowler: Of course! They used to tell me the story all the time!

His eyes light up at the mention of his parents.

Juan Fowler: They met at one of their university's clubs. Dad was Mom's senior...

Juan Fowler: They're also in the same industry, so they're together in that sense even if they're not working in the same company...

You: Have they always been this busy?

Juan Fowler: Yeah. But they'll always make time for me.

Juan Fowler: I like building model airplanes, so Dad would always build them with me.

You: I see. What about your mom, then?

Juan Fowler: I love sweet and sour pork ribs! Mom would make them for me every weekend no matter how busy she got!

Juan Fowler: Miss [Player], do you ever quarrel with Mr. Laywer?

You: Huh? Why do you ask?

Juan Fowler: My parents don't ever quarrel with each other anymore... My classmates all envy me, saying that it's great that they don't.

Juan Fowler: But is it really a good thing?

Looking into Juan's eyes, you find yourself at a loss for words.

There is nothing but sincerity and earnestness in his clear eyes.

You: (He likes to watch "Penn the Pony", so how about we talk about it!)

You: I see that you really like "Penn the Pony." Why do you like it so much?

Juan Fowler: Because...

Juan's eyes light up as he talks about his favorite cartoon.

Juan Fowler: Penn is really clever and never backs down from any challenges...

Juan Fowler: Plus... his parents have a good relationship with each other.

Juan Fowler: I like watching the parts where Penn spends time with his family. It reminds me of the times I spent with Mom and Dad in the past.

You: (His parents must have had a great relationship in the past, for it to have made such a big impact on him...)

Juan Fowler: Have you known Mr. Lawyer for long?

Juan Fowler: Mom and Dad met each other at university, so they've known each other for a long time now...

Juan Fowler: What's with all you adults!? It doesn't matter how much time passes. I'll always love the model airplane that my dad bought me...

Juan Fowler: They've had feelings for each other for so long. How can they just split up just like that?

You don't know how to respond to his question...

Perhaps this issue is a little too complicated, and is something far beyond a child's understanding.

Or perhaps... It's because the look he's giving you is both sad and sincere.

You find yourself unable to tell him...

Artem: Ahem.

Artem's appearance makes you breathe a sigh of relief.

Artem: Can you come here for a moment, [Player]?

You nod and look towards Juan, who carefully picks up the remote again.

Juan Fowler: Can I watch another episode of "Penn the Pony?"

You: Sure. You can eat these fruits and snacks too.
