Secrets of the Tomb Artifact Intro-III: Eagle of Khaimit

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  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Astral Memory icon.pngAstral Memory x20

  • Unlock Condition: Exploration Knowledge level Intro-III
  • Note - During its initial limited run, this stage's first clear reward was: Antiquated Coin icon.pngAntiquated Coin x100


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


Tomb of Ita
Tomb of Ita
Khaimit - Ruins.png

Artifact Discovery

You: This necklace isn't only nice and special, but it's also really heavy. I think it's made of solid gold...

Museum Curator: It's true. The whole necklace is made of pure gold with many precious stones.

Museum Curator: The body of the eagle is made of ruby and turquoise. And as for the rest... Well, I'm not too sure myself, either.

You: (Gems and gold! I wonder if I can afford it if I work all the way from the ancient Khaimit period till now without stopping...)

You: (Ah, what am I thinking!?)

The curator has already identified its age by the time to snap back to reality.

Museum Curator: Look like something from the eighth dynasty period, but that's all I can make out for it. You can ask the experts in this field.

You: An expert? You know the expert, don't you?

Museum Curator: Yeah, that's right. His name is Myatt, an old friend of mine. He is also an expert in the history of ancient jewelry.

Museum Curator: He should be at the institute right now. Go over there with your stuff to ask him.

You: Understood, We'll head right down.

Rubis Street RPG map
Rubis Research Center
Misc Location - Library.png

The curator told you to go to the research center and ask Professor Myatt about the Eagle Necklace.

Professor Myatt: Eagle necklace? Let me have a look.

Professor Myatt is an old man of similar age to the curator. After listening to your explanation, he then puts on his glasses to study the necklace.

Not a moment later, he seems to suddenly remember something, putting down the necklace in his hand.

Professor Myatt: I almost forgot. I can not start my research without that one...

You: That one? Do you need any research equipment?

Professor Myatt: No, not really! *Sigh* Didn't the curator tell you?

You: Um, The Curator did not say anything...

Professor Myatt: He really...forget it. I'll just say it then. It's camel milk tea, a specialty of Rubis.

Professor Myatt: I always drink a glass before doing my research, so that my back doesn't get sore, my legs don't hurt, and my mind becomes clear!

Marius: Wow, that sounds like some amazing milk tea right there.

Professor Myatt: Young man, you will know it once you try it yourself.

You: So... you want us to help you go buy a cup?

Professor Myatt: Exactly! What a smart girl!

Professor Myatt: That milk tea store is on the far west side of Rubis. Make a quick trip down for me?

Professor Myatt: By the way, remember to add ice, full sugar level, with more pearls.

Rubis Street RPG map
Rubis Street
Khaimit - Rubis RPG map.png

Professor Myatt tells you to buy some milk tea in the street. Don't forget that it's camel milk tea.

Marius: Hi, could I get a cup of camel milk tea. Uh, with extra ice, full sugar level, and extra pearls.

Employee: Okay. Just a moment.

Marius: By the way, is this camel milk tea really made from camel milk?

Employee: That's right, it's our original Rubis camel milk tea. You can't get it anywhere else.

Employee: Haven't you two had it before? I find that the flavor and topping you ordered are the most recommended for Camel Milk Tea.

You: (It seems that Professor Myatt knows quite a lot about milk tea...)

Marius: Really? We're actually buying it for someone else, and this was what they told us to get.

Employee: Oh, you two seem to be foreigners. Do you want to try it too?

Marius: [Player], do you want to drink it?

Have a taste

You: Sure. I'll have a cup.

Marius: Then, I want the hot one with coconut, so we can switch drinks and try different flavors.

You: Sure!

No thanks

You: Nope, I'm fine.

Marius: I'd like to try it, so I'll order one, and you can have mine later.

You: ...

Employee: Guys, your milk tea is ready.

Marius: Thanks, I have a taste ... Ohh, it tastes quite special.

Marius: Let's go and take this back to Professor Myatt.

Rubis Street RPG map

The mystery around the eagle necklace has been solved. Go and tell the curator.

Professor Myatt: Yeah, that's the taste. It's great!

Professor Myatt drinks the milk tea you brough him, unable to help the praises that slip through.

Professor Myatt: Okay, I'll take a look at the necklace now. Give me a while.

After a while, Professor Myatt comes out of the research laboratory with the necklace and a report.

Professor Myatt: It's a pure gold necklace studded with gemstones. I've written the composition in the report.

Professor Myatt: It looks like to be the funeral object of Nora, the young princess of the Eighth Dynasty. You can bring this writen report to the curator. The more exact details are written on it.

You: Okay, thank you! We'll be leaving now!

Rubis Street RPG map
Rubis Museum
Misc Location - Library.png

Professor Myatt tells you to buy some milk tea in the street. Don't forget that it's camel milk tea.

Museum Curator: Haha, I knew it. Myatt's definitely able to deal with something like this.

Looking at Myatt's report, the curator nods repeatedly.

Museum Curator: Lapis lazuli, rutile, blue crystal... This necklace used many types of gemstones, which clearly indicate its importance.

You: Professor Myatt has just mentioned that this is the burial object of Princess Nora. Can you tell us something about this princess?

Museum Curator: Well, the iris crystal platinum here is a tribute to the royal family. Combined with the literature and information he provided, it is indeed the belonging of this princess...

Museum Curator: Nora was the most beloved youngest daughter of Pharaoh at that time. Despite being a princess, she preferred weapons over lavish clothes.

Museum Curator: It was recorded that she wanted to join the war field with her father and brother at age of 8. The Pharaoh, of course, did not agree.

Museum Curator: The princess was particularly fond of eagles and dreamed about soaring in the sky like one. But unfortunately, she died of illness at the age of twelve.

Museum Curator: As one of her most beloved objects during her life, the necklace was buried with her.

You: Died earlier... How regretful! A princess with ambition...

Museum Curator: Yes. Medical care in ancient times was poor and children died prematurely from time to time. Even the princess was not immune.

Museum Curator: Okay, I will keep this artifact for the exhibition. Thanks again!

Marius: You are welcome. Feel free to contact me if you need anything.
