Luke "A Star in the Palm"/Rewards

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< Luke "A Star in the Palm"
Revision as of 09:05, 13 December 2023 by Harmonea (talk | contribs) (+summary, locations, characters, template update)

Story Summary


Darts Scoring RulesLuke had the habit of playing darts whenever he was organizing his thoughts. As time passed, you became familiar with its scoring rules.

Darts Scoring Rules illustration.png

Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Airport Pickup
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Luke: Are you awake yet?

I woke a while ago, otherwise I won't make it on time

You: I woke up quite early. I won't be able to pick you up from the airport otherwise.

Luke: Sorry... I made you get up early for nothing.

I just woke up

You: I just got up! I'm getting ready to leave now!

Luke: It's okay. You don't need to rush.

Luke: I've only just arrived at the airport. There's a thick fog over here, and the flight might be delayed for half an hour.

Luke: So why don't you just stay home and catch a couple more snoozes? No need to come pick me up.

I'm up already

You: It's fine. I'm already up.

Luke: With this weather, I'm afraid that the plane will still be grounded even after half an hour's delay.

It's only half an hour

You: A slight delay is no problem at all. I'm heading out!

Luke: So don't worry, take your time.

Luke: The weather is quite bad here. I'm not sure if the plane will take off after half an hour.

Luke: Sorry for wasting your hard-earned rest. I think it'd be better if you stayed home instead.

I want to see you sooner

You: What's wrong with me wanting to see you sooner!?

Luke: Sorry, there's nothing wrong with that.

Luke: Actually... I also wanted to see you sooner.

Think of it as a welcome home

You: Someone has to be there for you after you land.

You: You'd always be there for me whenever I came back from my trips!

You: Every time I see you running towards me, I'd think "I'm home now."

Luke: I feel the same too.

It's decided then

You: Then it's decided. I'll be there shortly!

Luke: Okay. I'll look forward to seeing you then!

So, do want me to pick you up?

You: So, Detective Pearce, do you want me there or not?

Luke: Of course I want to see you! I'm greatly anticipating my warm welcome back~

Luke: Oh, I just remembered. It might get colder in Stellis in the next few days.

Luke: Before you go out, remember to wear extra layers.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Negligible Merit
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

You: When did you get so good at darts?

Luke: It's nothing special. I just played darts often after I went to the capital.

Luke: I also had matches with my colleagues once in a while, so I became pretty good at it after a while.

Please explain yourself

You: What kind of matches? I'd like to hear more if there's no confidentiality involved~

Luke: Sure.

Luke: It's nothing exciting though. I think it'll be nothing more than a boring story.

Why didn't you say anything?

You: Darts, bartending, billiards... Where did you learn so many things from, and why haven't I heard anything about this?

Luke: Uhh, I felt like those things were quite plain, so I didn't feel the need to talk about it.

I'm interested

You: I still want to know, nevertheless.

You: I want to know everything about you!

That's not plain

You: How are darts, bartending and billiards plain!?

You: I feel like they're all plenty interesting!

Luke: Okay. I guess I'll tell you then.

Luke: But I've learnt lots of new things, so this might take a while~

Let's get started

You: Then let's hurry and get started! When are you free?

Luke: We can start at any time.

I have a lot of time

You: I have all the time in the world to hear you out!

You: How about we chat till the next morning, just like what we did as kids?

Luke: I don't think staying up too late is a good idea. I've already pulled enough all-nighters due to my job.

I want to make a quip...

You: Sorry, wait. Let me say something...

You: Normal, huh. Why can I feel you grinning from the other side of the screen?

Luke: It's not my fault that you hyped it up so much~

Luke: Why don't you come to my house, and we can chat all we want while playing games?


You: Sounds good! We'll pass that level for sure next time!

Luke: That's the spirit! I've developed a few more strategies. We can try them out when you're over!

Luke: We'll win for sure!

I'll be even worse at the game

You: I feel like I'll fare much worse if my attention's divided like that...

Luke: I'll prepare something nice to eat.

Luke: We can have a nice long chat and munch on some snacks~

Story Locations

Time's Antiquities
Luke's Home
Time's Antiquities - Bedroom (Day).png
Stellis Central Business District
Central Business District
Stellis - Outside Themis (Night).png

Misc Location - Restaurant 1 (Night).png
Stellis Central Business Distrit
Bar Street
Stellis - Central Business District (Night).png

The Abyss.png

Story Characters

Mr. Cole

Passerby M2 character icon.png
Aydan Jimenez

Passerby M1 character icon.png