Vyn "Cool Summer"/Rewards

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< Vyn "Cool Summer"
Revision as of 06:50, 15 November 2023 by Harmonea (talk | contribs) (+characters)

Story Summary


Summer HarvestWith how much time I have spent gardening, I have never felt more deeply than today how different it is from farming.

Summer Harvest illustration.png

Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Thrill of Travels
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Vyn: You have talked about traveling quite a few times lately.

Vyn: Do you enjoy traveling?

Like to travel

You: Yes, I love it!

You: You get to experience a lot of interesting things when you travel.

Vyn: I understand how you feel.

Vyn: Visiting different lands and appreciating different sights are joyous occasions.

It's a way to relax

You: I think it's a good way to relax.

Vyn: Truly. For those of us trapped in a concrete jungle...

Vyn: Traveling grants you the opportunity to break from restrictions and free yourself.

Vyn: Do you... always travel alone?


You: No, I get friends to come along!

You: It's more fun to laugh and enjoy things with others.

Vyn: It seems like you place import on who you travel with, not the trip itself.


You: I usually travel alone.

You: You can go anywhere you want and do anything you want!

Vyn: It looks like you really enjoy traveling.

Vyn: What kind of places would you go to?

Visit popular tourist spots

You: I like to go to popular tourist spots to take photos, then show it off in a post!

You: Haha, I know that it seems a little shallow...

Vyn: It does not.

Vyn: A tourist spot being popular only means that it is a place worth visiting.

Enjoy nature

You: I like to go into the mountains and the wilderness. And become one with nature.

Vyn: Yea, being surrounded by nature is a great way to relax yourself.

Vyn: I wonder if I... might have the opportunity to travel with you again.


You: Sure! I look forward to traveling with Dr. Richter very much!

Vyn: Really? I am very happy you think that way.

If time allows...

You: Of course... if the time is appropriate...

You: It's just that we're both very busy with work... I'm afraid we won't have time...

Vyn: As long as we both want it, we can make it happen.

Vyn: If I... can be your companion in your travels...

Vyn: It will definitely be a precious memory I never forget.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Cycling Invitation
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

You: Dr. Richter, is Stellis University hosting a cycling event?

Vyn: Yes. Many students from the institute will be participating over the weekend.

Let's join too

You: If you're free, let's go too!

You: I have no plans this weekend.

Vyn: I would never turn down an invitation from you.

Want to take a look

You: Dr. Richter, You don't have to work over the weekend, do you?

You: You want to go check it out?

Vyn: Hmm? Just to check it out?

Vyn: I can tell that you really want to participate in this event.

You got me

You: Ah... you noticed huh.

You: When I was in college, this event always conflicted with my internships. I missed it four years in a row...

Vyn: I will be in your company this time. You will not miss it again.

You're exaggerating

You: Just... slightly... haha...

You: ...Looks like I really can't keep anything from you.

Vyn: You are very easy to read. You do not need to hide yourself in front of me.

Vyn: Is there anything interesting about this event?

There's a prize

You: Yeah! You get a prize just for participating!

You: If you're able to win a placement, the prizes are even better! Let's go, Dr. Richter!

Vyn: I probably should not respond this way, being the novice that I am.

Vyn: But for you, I am willing to try my best.

Makes you happy

You: It's nice to be able to ride with so many people!

Vyn: I see.

Vyn: Hearing that makes me want to experience it as well.

Vyn: I will come find you over the weekend, and we can ride over?

Ride shared bikes

You: Sure! We can ride the public bikes there.

You: Dr. Richter, You don't have a bike, do you?

Vyn: Actually... I do.

Ride your bike

You: Alright! We'll take my bike there, then borrow one from the school.

You: You get to ride in the back this time!

Vyn: Thanks... but no thanks...

Vyn: I have a bike. I bought it after our vacation last time.

Vyn: I cannot let something I have learned to go to waste, right?

We can ride together in the future

You: That means we can go on a biking trip in the future!

You: It's good exercise, and it's good for the environment!

Vyn: Yes, and it is another reason to ask you out.

Vyn: Let us make this cycling event the beginning of our cycling dates.

Take me on more trips on your bike

You: Carrying someone on the bike is also a worthy skill to keep! So you'll have to carry me from now on!

You: Haha... I'm just kidding. I can't ask you to do that...

Vyn: Was it just a joke? I was actually looking forward to it.

Vyn: Looks like I need to work harder to make you feel safe in the backseat.

Vyn: I will see you over the weekend.

Vyn: I look forward to this voyage together.

Story Locations

Town in Neighboring State
Hotel Lobby
Misc Locations - Small Town Interior (Day).png
Main Character's Residence

Main Character's Residence - Downstairs (Day).png
Town in Neighboring State
Road Around Town
Misc Location - Small Town (Day).png
Town in Neighboring State
Old Residence
Misc Location - Classic Study (Day).png
Town in Neighboring State
Hotel Lobby
Misc Locations - Small Town Interior (Night).png
Town in Neighboring State

Misc Location - Small Town (Night).png
Town in Neighboring State
Hot Spring
Woods - Day.png
Town in Neighboring State
Cold Spring
Woods - Night.png

Story Characters

Professor Xumen

Passerby M3 character icon.png

Passerby M1 character icon.png
Hotel Manager

Passerby M1 character icon.png