Vyn "False Tears"/Rewards

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< Vyn "False Tears"
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Text: Orchestra Concert

Vyn: Will you come to listen to an orchestra performance with me?

I will!

You: I'd be happy to! It's such a pleasure to be able to listen to it live.

Vyn: Looks like we have the same interest.

Vyn: I also enjoy listening to live performances.


You: Of course! Where is it held?

Vyn: It is at the same music hall as the violin concert we went to last time.

Vyn: I like live concerts more.

Vyn: I hope that... I can have someone to enjoy that atmosphere with me.

It has a more direct feeling

You: Yeah. You can directly feel the musician's emotions in the music.

Vyn: That is right, the same song can invoke different feelings when played by different musicians or in a different setting.

Vyn: This is something truly alluring.

It feels more emotional

You: Yeah. You become fulled indulged in the music when you're there in person.

Vyn: Some people really do get deep into it.

Vyn: Is there a particular piece that you are fond of?


You: I am fond of Bizet's "Farandole."

You: When people talk about Bizet, they always talk about his famous opera "Carmen".

You: But I think his other works are also just as amazing!

Vyn: The fame of "Carmen" overshadowed much of Bizet's other works.

Vyn: Whether this is good or bad, only he knows.

The Ride of the Valkyries

You: I like Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries."

You: When I hear the music, I can visualize the beautiful Valkyries riding and galloping across the skyline!

Vyn: Yes. "The Ring of the Nibelungs" can also be considered a masterpiece of Wagner's.

Vyn: The segment depicting the Valkyries really is powerful.

Can't think of one in particular...

You: I've heard quite a bit... but...

You: But... I can't name any off the top of my head...

Vyn: That is fine. I was just asking on a whim. There's no need to think too much about it.

Vyn: Oh, yes. An internationally acclaimed band from Vienna will also be here to perform at the concert.

I trust your taste

You: I trust your taste. Things you like are never bad.

Vyn: Thank you for trusting me.

Looking forward to it

You: That's so amazing! I'm so excited!

Vyn: The seats have already been reserved.

Vyn: I believe that this concert will not disappoint.

Text: Cultivating Hobbies

Vyn: Sorry, I just saw your message.

Vyn: Why the sudden interest in my hobbies?

I want to get to know you

You: I just want to know more about you, Dr. Richter.

You: But I feel a bit embarrassed asking something like this in person.

Vyn: No need to feel embarrassed.

I was just curious

You: Oh, nothing. It was just on my mind, so I asked.

You: If you don’t want to tell me…

Vyn: No need to worry. There is nothing I cannot tell you.

Vyn: I am glad that you are willing to learn more about me.

Vyn: As for what my hobbies are… want to take a guess?

I can’t

You: Oh, just tell me! I won’t be able to guess it.

Vyn: Alright, I will tell you.

Vyn: I do not especially like anything. However, I do sometimes listen to classical music.

Vyn: Sometimes, I will make desserts or do some gardening

Making desserts

You: You seem to be… good at making desserts?

Vyn: Making desserts is something that enriches life.

Vyn: Other than that, I sometimes listen to classical music and do some gardening.

Your hobbies are so elegant

You: Even your hobbies are so elegant, Dr. Richter…

Vyn: Thank you.

Vyn: I simply enjoy them, but I am no expert at it.

Why do you like these things?

You: What’s there to like about these things…?

Vyn: You have got me there.

Vyn: It is probably just a cultivated interest. I came to like it after trying it a few times.

Vyn: But in comparison, I enjoy gardening the most.

Vyn: How about you? Are you interested in gardening?

A little interested

You: Of course I am.

You: One of my dreams in to have my own garden to tend to the flowers and plants.

Vyn: That sounds great.

No interested

You: How should I put this… gardening seems… a little too hard for me.

Vyn: How will you know if you have not tried it?

Vyn: And I am here, so there is nothing to worry about.

Vyn: I recently got a few rose plants and am preparing to move them into the garden this weekend.

Vyn: If you are available, may I invite you to join me?

Accept his invitation

You: Sure, but I’m honestly not very good at this…

You: It’s gonna be up to you to teach me!

Vyn: Do not worry.

Vyn: Let us look forward to the weekend.

Think about it

You: Let me think about it…

You: I’ve got an urgent case recently…

Vyn: That is ok. We can do it the next time you are free.

Vyn: You are always welcome in my garden