Bakerlon Main Story: Embarkation Ceremony

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Food Truck: Embarkation Ceremony (1)

Train - Corridor (Day).png

The Mobius Embarkation Ceremony is about to start. Head over to the dining carriage for a surprise!

*Ding*... *Ding*...

On the way to the dining carriage, the voice of an employee is heard over the broadcast again.

Staff: Esteemed passengers, the Mobius Embarkation Ceremony is about to commence.

Staff: Please move to the dining carriage and witness this exciting occasion!

As more people make their way to the dining carriage, the corridors begin to fill with noisy and excited chatter.

Passenger A: Where's Mr. Kahn? Is he here yet?

Passenger B: I don't think so. Mr. Kahn should still be preparing his speech for the embarkation ceremony.

Passenger B: But I heard... Mr. Kahn has prepared a surprise for everyone!

Passenger A: Wow, I'm looking forward to it.

With excitement bubbling among the passengers, you can't help but wonder about Mr. Kahn and the surprise.

You: A surprise? What could it be?

Vyn: I speculate that it will be a common advertisement.

Marius: Yeah, these so-called "surprises" are hardly ever surprises.

Vyn: Are you talking about yourself?

Marius: Just speaking from experience.

You: (Here we go again...)

Luke: Enough chit-chat. It's almost time. We should head inside.

Artem: I contacted Miss Schneider before we boarded. She will also be present at the embarkation ceremony.

Artem: We can meet with her after it ends.

You: Sure.

Food Truck: Embarkation Ceremony (2)
Food Truck
Mobius - Food Truck RPG map.png

Find a place to sit with everyone and wait for the Embarkation Ceremony to start.

The dining carriage on the Mobius retains the same luxurious vintage decor.

A record player in the corner plays a blue serenade mixed with a few whispers from the passengers...

It's as if turning the clock back a few hundred years, where time is frozen in an era away from electronic devices and relying only on letters for communication.

Marius: There are many local celebrities from Bakerlon.

Marius: [Player], look...

You: ...

Following Marius' gaze, you re-examine the passengers in the dining carriage once more.

You: Eh? They're all celebrities?

Vyn: Yes.

Artem: Several wealthy merchants from Bakerlon are sitting on the couch.

Artem: The people chatting in the back of the dining area are well-known entrepreneurs and academics.

Luke: This place is filled with famous celebrities and wealthy merchants. Kahn Corporation must have gone through a lot of trouble to get them to attend.

Marius: It seems Kahn Corporation was very selective in its passenger manifest.

Vyn: Yes, only the rich and famous will expand their influence...

Marius: With increased influence, it will open better paths forward for them in the future. Mr. Kahn knows what he's doing.


The light bell you heard over the broadcast sounds in the dining carriage.

Attendant: Passengers, please settle down in your seats.

Attendant: The embarkation ceremony is about to commence.

This time, you can clearly see that the sound is coming from a golden bell in the hand of a crew member.

You: (The bell was rung by hand... As expected of a vintage train.)

At the sound of the bell, the passengers, who had been murmuring in small groups, turn to find seats.

A few moments later, crew members arrive, delivering plates and drinks.

Marius: Come on, let's get a seat too.

Food Truck: Embarkation Ceremony (3)
Dining Car Reception Area
Train - Bar.png

The young man who was arguing with Mark is standing nervously to the side. Say something to calm him down.

Male Entrepreneur: Welcome, everyone, to the Mobius Embarkation Ceremony.

Shortly after sitting down on the couch, a man in a suit steps into the dining carriage.

He walks over to the guests and clap their hands in greeting.

Passenger A: It's Mr. Kahn!

Passenger B: Welcome, Mr. Kahn!

You: (That's Mr. Kahn, the person responsible for the Kahn Corporation?)

You: (It's my first time seeing him, but there's something familiar about him.)

You: (Is this... what they mean by all foreigners look alike?)

Mark Kahn's arrival also heralded the official start of the luxury train ride.

The clapping continues amid the cheers.

Meanwhile, a lone woman sitting by the window raises her eyebrows.

You: (It's Miss Schneider!)

You tap on the table to draw Artem's attention to the window, and he nods to indicate he knows.

On the other side, Mr. Kahn continues with his embarkation ceremony speech.

Mark Khan: Thank you all for your enthusiasm.

Mark Khan: As the sponsor, I am very honored to have this opportunity to stand here and introduce the features of this train to you.

Mark Khan: Based on the characteristics of Bakerlon, this train will offer its passengers...

After Mr. Kahn goes over the train itinerary, a passenger stands up...

Passenger A: Mr. Kahn, I heard this trip was advertised with a special surprise! Can you tell us what the surprise is?

Mark Khan: All expenses for this trip will be waived. Does that count as a surprise?

You: Everything's free!?

Marius: Oh? That's pretty generous of him.

Mark Khan: All expenses on this trip will be covered, so I hope everyone has a great experience on the train.

Mark Khan: In addition, there will be a luxurious buffet for all passengers today.

Mark Khan: Well, I'm sure everyone is looking forward to it, yes? Please move to the dining area and enjoy!

The passengers whisper excitedly upon hearing of Mr. Kahn's generosity.

Shortly after, a success of dining carts are pushed in, the fragrance of the food mouthwatering.

Vyn: No effort was spared in this publicity stunt.

Marius: He does seem enthusiastic, but... maybe it's a bit much.

Marius: Maybe he wants to turn this train trip into a key travel destination?

Artem: Ginnungagap Island is also a popular tourist destination, so it makes sense to combine the two.

Artem glances at the passengers gathering in the dining area.

Artem: ...Miss Schneider is in the dining area. Let's go greet her.

You: What about everyone...?

Marius finishes your sentence before you can.

Marius: Of course we can go together. I'm hungry and could use a bite to eat!

Luke: I wonder how delicious it tastes, but it smells great.

You: Yeah! Let's go check it out together.


You have just entered the dining area, and are looking for a place to sit when you hear the thud of something falling on the floor.

Shouting soon follows.

Mark Khan: Watch where you're going! Do you not have eyes!?

There is another crash, followed by the muffled voice of a young man.

You: Hmm? What's going on over there?

Mark Kahn stands by a dining table, his eyes wide with anger, wiping the red wine stain on his pants with a napkin.

Young Man: Sorry, Mr. Kahn... It's my fault...

Apparently, the unfortunate young man was getting wine for the table when he bumped into Mark.

And even more unfortunate, the wine spilled on a pair of expensive pants.

Mark Khan: Look at my pants! They're all wet with yellow stains... You clumsy idiot!

You: (Yellow? Aren't those red wine stains? I guess Mr. Kahn is so angry that he got his words mixed up.)

Young Man: Sorry, Mr. Kahn... I'll help clean it up...

In a panic, the young man puts down his glass and tries to wipe the stain with his napkin, but Mark pushes him away.

Mark Khan: Stop! You're making it worse. Don't touch me with your filthy hands!

However, Mark's anger does not subside as he tries to kick the young man.

You: !!!

Attendant: Mr. Kahn!

A stunned crew member tries to stop him, but it's too late.

Mark wobbles around, perhaps because his movement was too large, or the space in the exquisite carriage is too small...

Mark Khan: Ouch...

With what seems to be a kick to the corner of a table, Mark scowls and stares at the young man, raising his fist in anger.

The next moment, Luke pulls the young man away and stops Mark's hand with his own.

Luke: Mr. Kahn, I don't think you should resort to violence.

Marius: Some people keep up appearances and pretend to be gentlemen when, in reality, they're far from it.

Vyn: My ears were troubled by how loud you were.

Vyn: Pretending to be a gentleman but losing his temper in front of others...

Vyn: If I were you, I would probably hide in a corner with shame and reflect on what I did.

Mark Khan: You...

Mark, who is grabbed by the arm, freezes for a moment. His face is flushed red, maybe because he was provoked.

He tries to pull his arm away, but it doesn't budge. All he can do is stare.

Mark Khan: Who are you people?

Luke: Just normal passengers.

Mark Khan: Passengers? Did I invite you?

You: Mr. Kahn, this train is operated within jurisdiction.

Artem: Do consider the consequences of being violent.

Attendant: E-everyone, please calm down!

Taking advantage of the standoff, a crew member rushes over to stop everyone.

Attendant: Mr. Kahn, the conductor, Simon... needs to confirm the dinner banquet with you. Would you like to...

Mark Khan: Hmph!

As the crowd grows, Mark seems to realize his mistake and walks away without saying a word.

You: (What's with that man's attitude...? It was a complete shift from before. What triggered him?)