Shadows of Themis

From Tears of Themis Wiki
Revision as of 06:29, 6 August 2021 by imported>Quintessentii

Tears of Themis features multiple types of Shadow of Themis ("banners") where each has its own pool of Visions (manifesting as Cards) and pity count. Rates and card availability are listed under [Probability] located top left of each Shadow of Themis.


The amount pulls to guarantee a SSR or SR card is called pity. In all Shadow of Themis pulls, a SR card or higher will appear within 10 pulls while a SSR card will appear within 100. One exception is the Permanent "Shadow of Themis" where new players will begin with a 30 pity to guarantee their first SSR. Thereafter, the Permanent Shadow of Themis will return to 100 pity for SSR. Pity only carries towards the same type of Shadow of Themis.

Beginner's Pity. 30 Visions to get a Guaranteed SSR on Permanent Shadow of Themis

Vision tutorial with DAVIS will not pull a SSR or count towards pity. One out of the main story SR card with private messages will be drawn (Luke SR "Once Upon a Time," Luke SR "Together with You," |Artem SR "Staying Humble," Artem SR "Darkest Before Dawn," Marius SR "Butterflies," Marius SR 'Falling into You," and Vyn SR "Spilling Light") along with a combination of R cards.

Vision History

A log of visions pulled in the last seven days can be found through Profile > Customer Service > Self-Search (Go to the Self-Search page) > Vision Logs.

Shadow of Themis Types

Permanent Shadow of Themis

Beginning with 64 Visions, the Permanent Shadow of Themis is the largest pool of Visions available. SSR is guaranteed within 100 draws while SR or above is guaranteed within 10 draws.

Probability Distribution
2.00% 11.57% 88.43%

The Permanent Shadow of Themis contains the exclusive sports cards (Luke SR "Moment of Danger," Artem SR "Focus Fire," Vyn SR "Gentleman's Game," and Marius SR "A Dance on the Clouds.").

Pity count in Permanent banner is not shared with another banner.

Rotation Shadow of Themis

The Rotation Shadow of Themis a limited-time rate-up of four cards in a 48 card pool. It features two rate-up SSR (with only two SSR in the pool) and two rate-up SR (out of 14).

Probability Distribution
1.60% 11.74% 88.66%

SSR pity is favoured towards obtaining a new SSR. If you do not own all SSR cards in a Shadow of Themis' card pool, you are guaranteed to draw one new SSR card within 100 Visions. Your guaranteed count will not reset if you draw an owned SSR card, but will reset when a new SSR card is drawn. If all SSR cards are owned, one random SSR is guaranteed within 100 Visions and the pity will be reset.

Pity count in Rotation Shadow of Themis will carry over to subsequent Rotation Shadow of Themis.

Event Exclusive Shadow of Themis

The Event Exclusive Shadow of Themis a limited-time rate-up of four cards in a 48 card pool. It features two rate-up SSR (with only two SSR in the pool) and one rate-up SR (out of 15).

Probability Distribution
1.60% 11.74% 86.88%

SSR pity is favoured towards obtaining a new SSR. If you do not own all SSR cards in a Shadow of Themis' card pool, you are guaranteed to draw one new SSR card within 100 Visions. Your guaranteed count will not reset if you draw an owned SSR card, but will reset when a new SSR card is drawn. If all SSR cards are owned, one random SSR is guaranteed within 100 Visions and the pity will be reset.

Pity count in Event Exclusive Shadow of Themis will carry over to subsequent Event Exclusive Shadow of Themis.


Name Type Start Date End Date Featured Cards
Permanent banner promo.png
Permanent Shadow of Themis
Permanent 2021-07-28 12:00 UTC+9 N/A

Shadows of Themis Rotation (July 30, 2021-August 06, 2021) promo.png
Shadow of Themis Rotation 1
Rotation 2021-07-30 12:00:00 UTC+9 2021-08-06 11:59:59 UTC+9
Luke "Alluring Gaze" icon.png
Artem "Atmospherics" icon.png
Vyn "Mercury in Retrograde" icon.png
Marius "Dream of Thebes" icon.png

Summer Breeze promo.png
Dazzling Summer (2021)
Event Exclusive 2021-08-05 12:00:00 UTC+9 2021-08-26 2:59:59 UTC+9
Luke "Shape of You" icon.png
Artem "Entwined Fate" icon.png
Vyn "Cool Summer" icon.png

Shadows of Themis Rotation (August 06, 2021-August 13, 2021) promo.png
Shadow of Themis Rotation 2
Rotation 2021-08-06 12:00:00 UTC+9 2021-08-13 11:59:59 UTC+9
Marius "Narrow Road" icon.png
Vyn "Near and Far" icon.png
Luke "Radiant Sunlight" icon.png
Artem "Autumn Dreams" icon.png

Shadows of Themis Rotation (August 13, 2021-August 20, 2021).png
Shadow of Themis Rotation 3
Rotation 2021-08-13 12:00:00 UTC+9 2021-08-20 11:59:59 UTC+9
Marius "Eye of the Beholder" icon.png
Luke "Perfect Partner" icon.png
Vyn "False Tears" icon.png
Artem "Sparks" icon.png

Shadow of Themis Rotation 0820 1200 - 0827 1100(UTC+9).jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 4
Rotation 2021-08-20 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-08-27 10:59:59 UTC+9
Vyn "Medieval Suspense" icon.png
Artem "Loving Memories" icon.png
Luke "Timely Rescue" icon.png
Marius "Overtone" icon.png

Rotation Shadow of Themis 827 – 910 1100(UTC+9).jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 5
Rotation 2021-08-27 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-09-10 10:59:59 UTC+9
Luke "Alluring Gaze" icon.png
Vyn "Near and Far" icon.png
Artem "In Sickness or in Health" icon.png
Marius "Child at Heart" icon.png

For Hearts and Mysteries 20210903 110000 ~ 20210927 110000 (UTC+9).png
For Hearts and Mysteries (2021)
Event Limited
Round-robin: 2 SSR rate-up
2021-09-03 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-09-27 10:59:59 UTC+9
Luke "Iridescent Heartbeat" icon.png
Artem "Dreamful Melodies" icon.png
Vyn "Heartfelt Suspense" icon.png
Marius "In the Darkness" icon.png

Shdow of Themis Rotation 6 2021910 1100 – 924 1100 (UTC+9).jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 6
Rotation 2021-09-10 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-09-24 10:59:59 UTC+9
Artem "Atmospherics" icon.png
Marius "Narrow Road" icon.png
Luke "Inner Sanctum" icon.png
Vyn "Lingering Warmth" icon.png

Loving Harmony Event Shadow of Themis.jpg
Loving Harmony (2021)
Birthday Event 2021-09-22 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-10-03 04:00 UTC+9
Vyn "A Star in the Night" icon.png
Vyn "Near and Far" icon.png
Vyn "Medieval Suspense" icon.png

Shdow of Themis Rotation 7 20210924 1100 – 1008 1100 (UTC+9).png
Shadow of Themis Rotation 7
Rotation 2021-09-24 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-10-08 11:00 UTC+9
Luke "Perfect Partner" icon.png
Marius "Eye of the Beholder" icon.png
Artem "Autumn Dreams" icon.png
Vyn "False Tears" icon.png

Shdow of Themis Rotation 8 20211008 1100 – 1022 1100 (UTC+9).png
Shadow of Themis Rotation 8
Rotation 2021-10-08 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-10-22 11:00 UTC+9
Artem "Loving Memories" icon.png
Vyn "Medieval Suspense" icon.png
Marius "Dream of Thebes" icon.png
Luke "Timely Rescue" icon.png

Symphony of the Night promo.png
Symphony of the Night (2021)
Event Exclusive 2021-10-20 11:00:00 UTC+9 2021-11-03 04:00:00 UTC+9
Marius "Fabulous Feast" icon.png
Vyn "Between Good and Evil" icon.png
Artem "Fixated on You" icon.png
Luke "How I Remember You" icon.png

Shadow of Themis Rotation 9.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 9
Rotation 2021-10-22 11:00 UTC+9 2021-11-05 11:00 UTC+9
Luke "Alluring Gaze" icon.png
Artem "Atmospherics" icon.png
Vyn "Lingering Warmth" icon.png
Marius "Child at Heart" icon.png

Shadow of Themis Rotation 10.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 10
Rotation 2021-11-05 11:00 UTC+9 2021-11-19 11:00 UTC+9
Luke "Perfect Partner" icon.png
Marius "Eye of the Beholder" icon.png
Vyn "Mended Heart" icon.png
Artem "Autumn Dreams" icon.png

Romantic Rail Getaway part 1.png
Romantic Rail Getaway
Event Exclusive 2021-11-12 11:00 UTC+9 2021-11-28 04:00 UTC+9
Luke "Peaceful Place" icon.png
Marius "Will of the Trees" icon.png

Shadow of Themis Rotation 11.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 11
Rotation 2021-11-19 11:00 UTC+9 2021-12-03 11:00 UTC+9
Vyn "Medieval Suspense" icon.png
Artem "Loving Memories" icon.png
Luke "Radiant Sunlight" icon.png
Marius "Overtone" icon.png

Luke All Year-Round Shadow of Themis promo.png
Luke All Year Round
Birthday Event 2021-11-28 11:00 UTC+9 2021-12-09 11:00 UTC+9
Luke "Warm Embrace" icon.png
Luke "Perfect Partner" icon.png
Luke "Alluring Gaze" icon.png

Rotation 12.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 12
Rotation 2021-12-03 11:00 UTC+9 2021-12-17 11:00 UTC+9
Marius "Narrow Road" icon.png
Artem "Atmospherics" icon.png
Luke "Timely Rescue" icon.png
Vyn "Mercury in Retrograde" icon.png

Xmas Partyland.png
Xmas Partyland
Event Exclusive 2021-12-11 12:00:00 UTC+9 2022-01-01 4:00:00 UTC+9
Artem "Por Una Cabeza" icon.png
Marius "All Through the Night" icon.png
Vyn "Snowy Fairy Tale" icon.png

Rotation 13.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 13
Rotation 2021-12-17 11:00 UTC+9 2021-12-31 11:00 UTC+9
Luke "Alluring Gaze" icon.png
Vyn "Near and Far" icon.png
Marius "Dream of Thebes" icon.png
Artem "In Sickness or in Health" icon.png

Rotation 14.jpg
Shadow of Themis Rotation 14
Rotation 2021-12-31 11:00 UTC+9 2022-01-14 11:00 UTC+9
Artem "Loving Memories" icon.png
Marius "Eye of the Beholder" icon.png
Luke "Inner Sanctum" icon.png
Vyn "Lingering Warmth" icon.png