Luke's Sweet Chapter 01-02

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Make the Bed (1/2)
Time's Antiquities
Luke's Residence 3F
Stellis - Time's Antiquities 3F RPG Map.png

Luke's bed is a bit messy. Help him make it.

Top right

You: Luke's phone? He still likes to leave things everywhere.

As you pick up Luke's phone, a sudden vibration startles you. It's a text message.

You: "Mr. Pearce, I'll see you at the shop around 9 AM. I need you to help fix..."

You: Can't see the last few words... It's probably Luke's new job.

Bottom right

You: His bed feels so soft and... it's still warm.

You: Ahhhh... Luke's body heat...

Top center

You: Huh? A notebook?

You: Couples Bucket List: Have breakfast together; Go shopping together; Cook together...

You: Have breakfast together? We just did it...

You: Did Luke plan this before inviting me here?

Top left

You: Is this book really about antique restoration?

You: It's so much like a chemistry book. There are so many professional terms. I can not understand it at all.

Make the Bed (2/2)

After making Luke's bed, see if there's anything else that needs to be done.

You: Finally done. It looks much tidier now.

You: Hmmm... Why did I feel awkward when I was making the bed?

You: Never mind. Let's see how Luke is doing in the kitchen and tell him about the new job.

Prepare for Work
Time's Antiquities
Luke's Home
Time's Antiquities - Bedroom (Day).png

After making Luke's bed, see how Luke is doing in the kitchen.

You: Luke is so into washing dishes...

In front of the sink, Luke is wearing an apron and washing dishes patiently. He is such a good boyfriend.

Luke: [Player], could you get me some water? That was too many buns... I'm so thirsty.

Luke waves his foam-covered hands at you, implying that he needs help.

You pick up a glass from the table and pour Luke a glass of cold water.

You: Here.

Luke drinks the water from your hand and exhales comfortably.

Luke: Phew. When it comes to quenching thirst, cold water is the best.

You: I agree.

Luke: Do you need some water? You had a lot of food as well. You must be thirsty.

You: Now you mention it, I am a bit thirsty...

So, you pick up the glass and take a few sips.

The cool liquid slides down your throat. Only then do you realize...

You: (Hold on, did I just drink from Luke's glass...)

Luke: [Player], your face... is getting a little red... What's wrong?

You: No, it's not...

You: (Strange... We drank from the same glass all the time when we were kids. Why does it feel so awkward now...)

You turn away from him to calm your pounding heart and immediately change the subject.

You: Hey, you've got a message on your phone. Someone is coming to you to fix something.

Luke: Let me check.

Luke rinses the foam off his hands, wipes them dry, and picks up his phone. He checks it up for a few seconds.

Luke: It's Mr. Orozco. He told me the other day that he had an old tape recorder he wanted to be fixed.

You: I see... By the way, when will I have the chance to see "our boss" in action?

Luke: Anytime you want. I'll show you.

You: Is it difficult to repair old stuff?

Luke: Common ones are easy to repair, but antiques are hard.

Luke: All the missing parts on antiques are only available in a specific market. If I can't find the right part there, I'll have to make one myself.

You: It sounds very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

While chatting, you and Luke soon finish washing the rest of the dishes.

Luke: All right. It's time for you to go to work. Let me drive you there.

Go to Law Firm
Themis Law Firm
Law Firm Front Desk
Themis Law Firm - Reception (Day).png

Let Luke send you to work this morning.

Luke holds your hand tightly all the way to the office and he walks you to the front desk. For the first time, you feel that the commute is so short.

You: So fast...

Luke: Head in. Don't be late. I'll pick you up after your work.

You: All right...

Luke: Wait, did you forget something?

You: What is it?

Luke points at his cheek. You walk closer to him curiously.

You stand on your tiptoes to have a better look at Luke's cheeks. He is smiling brightly and you just don't see anything unusual.

You: It's pretty clean. What do you want me to see?

Luke: Ah...

Luke exhales exaggeratedly and shakes his head helplessly. He points at his cheek again.

Luke: A goodbye kiss.

You: ...!

You suddenly feel a rush of heat on your cheeks and you freeze in place. It's not until a few seconds later that you understand Luke's words.

A goodbye kiss? But... you are both at the front desk...

This is awkward but it's the first time Luke has asked for a kiss... What should you do?

Do it

You decide that your boyfriend's request is more important. So you slowly move closer to Luke.

However, the moment your lips are about to touch his cheek, Luke backs up.

You: !!!

Luke: I... I was just kidding.

Luke scratches his head and turns his face away, exposing his reddened ears to your view.

Luke: Um... Actually... a hug is pretty good for me.

You: (He is even shyer than me?)

What... He was the one who asked for it... Now he's backing out?

You: Okay. A hug then.

Luke gently leans down and embraces you in his arms.

The warmth of the hug reassures you, as it always does.

But deep down in your heart, you somehow feel like something is missing.

Think over it a little more

You: (A goodbye kiss? Should I kiss Luke goodbye...)

While you are hesitating, Luke smiles and strokes your head as he always does.

Luke: Don't be nervous. I was just kidding. Just give me a hug.

You: Okay...

Your body falls into a familiar embrace. You don't know if it's just you or if Luke did get embarrassed for a moment.

Although Luke's warmth reassures you as always, somewhere in your heart something is missing.

You: I... I'm gonna get in.

Luke: Okay! Enjoy the day!

You watch Luke walk out of the office and the feeling in your heart remains.

But what is this subtle feeling?
