Mirage of Blooming Swords 2-1: New Evidence

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New Evidence (1/4)
Themis Law Firm
Themis Law Firm 1F
Stellis - Themis 1F RPG map.png

Go to Themis Law Firm to start a new chapter in this story.

Three days have passed since your last talk with Captain Morgan at the police station about the Sky Gladiolus theft case.

There is no update from Captain Morgan.

You can't stop thinking about this case...

You: It's been a few days now but I haven't heard anything from Captain Morgan. I wonder if Mr. Wing has contacted him...

You: Hmm... I'll ask Mr. Wing.

New Evidence (2/4)
Themis Law Firm
Artem's Office
Stellis - Themis Artem RPG map.png

Did Artem contact Darius Morgan yet? Go to his office and ask him.

Artem: Hello, Captain Morgan... Have the transaction records for Croft's account been compiled?

Artem: I see. I'll confirm it right away. Talk to you later.

You: (Mr. Wing is on the phone with Captain Morgan?)

You: Mr. Wing, does Captain Morgan have some updates for us?

Artem: Yes. Anne Croft's transaction records have been sorted out. Morgan has sent us an encrypted file. The password is 0730.

You: Great. I'll go check out the file.

New Evidence (3/4)

Enter the password and confirm the contents of the encrypted files sent by Darius Morgan.

You: It must be the attachment on this new email. Hmm... The password is... 0730...


You: Got it! Mr. Wing, look... it's the Sky Gladiolus trading information uploaded by Anne Croft!


You: Password incorrect? Huh, did my hand slip!? Let me try again. 0730...

Artem: Croft has made sales 5 times and, in total, there are more than 20 Sky Gladiolus sold.

Artem: The largest order was for 10 Sky Gladiolus and the buyer paid Croft a deposit of 1 million...

You: This means that Anne Croft has been selling them on the black market.

You: But... the number of Sky Gladiolus shown in the transaction record is far less than the total number stolen, which is strange.

Artem: True. Normally, the botanical garden would plant a few extra Sky Gladiolus in case something unexpected happens.

Artem: If Croft just wanted to make money, all she had to do was steal the backup ones...

You: Right! So why would she take all the Sky Gladiolus and cause such a public outcry?

Artem: Maybe there is something we don't know yet...

You: Mr. Wing, let's go to the police station and talk to Captain Morgan in person. I want to see what he thinks.

Artem: Sure. Let's go.

New Evidence (4/4)
Stellis City Police Department
Police Station
Stellis Justice Dept - Waiting Room.png

There's something suspicious about Anne Croft's transaction records. Go to the police station and talk with Captain Morgan.

Walking into the police station, you are surprised to see the scene in front of you.

Apart from Morgan, the other three members of the NXX are seated on the couch. They seem to have been waiting for you for quite a while.

You: Huh, you're all here?

Darius Morgan: I sent the encrypted file to all of you synchronously, but I didn't expect you all to get here around the same time. Nice teamwork.

Artem: Captain Morgan, is there anything else aside from the transaction records in the file?

Darius Morgan: That's all we got. We've carefully sorted out the data, so there shouldn't be any errors or omissions.

Vyn: But there is a huge difference in the number of Sky Gladiolus in Anne Croft's transaction records and the number that got stolen, which remains unexplained.

Marius: If someone wants to make money, the goal would be to remain low-key. But what Anne Croft did is so high-profile... It's not normal.

Darius Morgan: She might be planning to do a bigger trade and is waiting for the right time.

You: She took so many Sky Gladiolus... Where is she storing them?

You: What is the best place to store that many plants at once without being noticed by the police?

Darius Morgan: Yeah... I can't figure that one out either.

Luke: I've got a question. Why are there only deposit records, but no records of the subsequent final payment?

Darius Morgan: This website changed the final settlement to in-person payment as of three years ago.

Darius Morgan: The trades can happen anywhere around the world in secret. It's hard to catch the dealers without getting an accurate address in advance.

Marius: Captain Morgan, I bet this black market website has been troubling you for a long time now.

Darius Morgan: Yes, indeed. Three years ago, we had the opportunity to catch the guy running it and destroy their operations all in one fell swoop.

Darius Morgan: But something happened that day... Our information was leaked...

Darius Morgan: The search team was attacked and several officers were injured... One of them died, unfortunately.

Darius Morgan: After that, we did some investigation but nothing useful has been turned up... until this case.

You: So the Sky Gladiolus theft was actually what led to this black market website which has remained undetected for years.

Darius Morgan: You could say that. The theft has been a kind of opportunity.

You: Oh, have you found any clues about Anne Croft's boyfriend?

Darius Morgan: Not yet.

Marius: I found Anne Croft's encrypted blog in the Big Data Lab. There may be some clues in it.

Marius: I'm going to Pax headquarters. The cracking tools there can unlock the blog's password.

You: Can I come with you?

Marius: Sure. It's always nice to have some extra help.

Darius Morgan: Contact me as soon as you have any information. Thank you for the help.

Darius Morgan: You three can stay here and assist the police in continuing to crack the information on the black market website.

Darius Morgan: Time is running out. We have to solve this case and recover the missing Sky Gladiolus before the City Anniversary ceremony.

So, once again, each of you sets off to dig into your own parts of the investigations.

Will there be any breakthroughs this time? Will you be able to uncover the truth before the celebration? No one knows, for now...
