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Latest revision as of 07:00, 7 May 2024


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Return of Confidence I: Southeast Stellis Street
South Stellis
Southeast Stellis Street
Stellis - South Stellis RPG Map.png

Chat with Luke.

As you're deep in thought, Luke finishes his call and returns to your side.

The disappointment has disappeared from his eyes, and he seems to be in a better mood.

You take his arm, wanting to comfort him, but you end up swallowing the words back down.

Perhaps you don't need to say anything... You just need to be by his side.

You: What is it? Who called?

Luke gently pats the back of your hand, his lips curling upward.

Luke: It was Aaron. He said Rickmon is doing better and asked if we wanted to visit him.

You: !!!

For you and Luke, while the investigation has come to an impasse, Rickmon doing better... is just the great news both of you need to hear.

Thinking of this, you squeeze Luke's palm.

You: Let's go visit Rickmon and give ourselves a break.

You: Maybe a meeting with him will give us a fresh perspective, and we'll be able to sort out our feelings.

Luke: All right.

Return of Confidence II: Central Business District
Stellis Public Hospital
Hospital Ward
Hospital - Patient Room (Day).png

Visit Morten Rickmon in the hospital with Luke.

After meeting Aaron at the entrance, he leads you to the familiar ward.

Nothing has changed inside the ward. Even the faint smell of disinfectant is still present.

The only difference is that Morten Rickmon is standing at the window, looking outside while clutching the notebook tightly in his hands.

It seems the wounds on his face have mostly healed, and he appears to be in a better state of mind.

Aaron Yishmir: After you guys left that day, I changed the treatment plan for him, which seemed to be effective.

Aaron Yishmir: Compared with before, Rickmon seems to be in a much more stable mood.

Aaron Yishmir: Unfortunately, his brain damage is irreversible, causing a slight deviation in his information cognition and memory...

You: So... that's why he can't remember that Kilner is...

Despite not finishing your sentence, Aaron knows what you mean and nods.

Aaron Yishmir: Kilner's death was a devastating trauma for Rickmon...

Aaron Yishmir: As such, his brain protected itself by sealing off the memory.

You: I see...

Luke: But perhaps... this is the best ending for him.

You and Luke look at Rickmon, wanting to ask him other questions...

Although the two of you haven't officially met him, he has become a very important person.

However, Aaron seems to notice both your burning gazes and coughs lightly.

Aaron Yishmir: Try talking to him if you guys want.

Aaron Yishmir: His mental state is much more stable. He isn't as vulnerable as before.

You: ...

Luke: ...

You and Luke exchange a look and nod at the same time.

Thus, the two of you approach Rickmon and stand with him by the window.

He seems to be looking at the sky, and also at the clouds...

After a few minutes of silence, Luke turns to Rickmon and speaks.

Luke: Rickmon, you may not know me, but I still have to thank you.

Luke: If you hadn't persisted in your investigation from Bridmere to Stellis... If it weren't for you getting injured...

Luke: We probably wouldn't have gotten to the bottom of it.

Luke pauses for a moment, a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Luke: Even though the investigation has reached an impasse...

Luke: I promise you, I will uncover the truth and find out who did this to you... to both of you.

Morten Rickmon: ...

Rickmon stares blankly at Luke, and you don't know whether he understands or not.

A long time passes before Rickmon seems to react, muttering a few awkward words.

Morten Rickmon: T-Thank you... both.

You: ...

Luke: ...

You and Luke didn't expect Rickmon to respond...

But his thank-you triggers something within you and Luke, causing your hearts to sink.

While the two of you are still stunned, Rickmon lifts his right hand and stretches a finger, as if wanting to write something.

Luke hurries to offer his palm.

Morten Rickmon: H... Here...

Trembling, Rickmon manages to write two letters in Luke's palm before tilting his head.

Morten Rickmon: Ugh...

He wants to continue writing... but his uncontrollable mental state plunges him into a lifeless state.

Rickmon's fingertip stops after the second letter, then he looks out the window once more.

His rare moment of lucidity comes to an end...

You: Luke... Rickmon, he...

Luke takes your hand before you can ask.

Luke: Come on, [Player], let's clear our heads.

You: Okay...

The two of you say goodbye to Aaron with heavy hearts and leave the ward.

Return of Confidence III: Central Business District
Stellis Central Business District
Central Business District
Stellis - Central Business District (Day).png

Sort through the information with Luke again.

After leaving the hospital, you can't wait to ask about what happened.

You: So what did Rickmon write in your palm?

Luke: Two letters, I and N.

You: ...Should we separate the letters or keep them together? What does it mean?

Luke holds his chin, thinking for a moment, then shakes his head.

Luke: These two letters can refer to too many things. I think Rickmon wanted to write the complete word...

Luke: But didn't finish in time.

You manage a nod, thinking back to Rickmon's lifeless eyes.

You: You're right. But these two letters don't seem to have anything to do with Victoria Pharmaceuticals...

You: Were we investigating the wrong lead?

Luke: ...

Luke doesn't respond to you, and the two of you walk aimlessly in the streets.

After some time, you and Luke still can't make heads or tails of what the two letters could refer to.

You: (Our old clues led to a dead end, and we have no idea where the new clue leads...)

You: (Is this where our investigation ends?)

The noisy crowd in the street is a stark contrast to the deafening silence between you and Luke.

You can't help but clench your fists in this silence, thinking back to what Rickmon wrote to Kilner.

A fierce unwillingness to accept the current state of the investigation, rises in your mind. You pound your fist into the palm of your other hand.

Luke: What is it?

Noticing your "strange" behavior, Luke looks at you with concern.

You: I'm fine. I just can't accept the way things are.

You: It feels like I can do something more for Rickmon, instead of just having random thoughts without any clues...

Luke: ...

Luke blinks, his lips quivering.

Then he gently unravels your fist and slides his fingers in between your fingers, interlocking them.

Luke: You're right. There must be something more we can do for them.

Luke: I made an error with my speculation... but it just means I haven't thought it through completely.

Luke: And that might be related to the clue that Rickmon gave us.

Luke: I have a strong feeling...

Luke: If we continue with the investigation, we'll find out what those two letters mean.

Luke sweeps away all the negativity, boosting your confidence as well.

You: Why don't we put aside the letters for now? Let's comb through all the clues that we have and see if we missed anything, okay?

Luke: All right.

You and Luke spend some time reviewing all the clues up to this point and go back to Morten Rickmon's whereabouts.

You: Victoria Pharmaceuticals was closed long before Rickmon came. That must mean nothing came of his investigation here.

You: But why did his trail stop here...?

Luke: ...

Luke: I see. The surveillance footage captured where Rickmon was last seen.

Luke: But it doesn't necessarily mean that's where he disappeared...

You: Huh?

Luke: If he found something so important that he chose to avoid surveillance, it stands to reason that he wouldn't show up elsewhere.

You: ...!

Luke's words are filled with wisdom, triggering something within you.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere these days, but they don't provide 100% coverage...

Just like when Rickmon was caught on camera in North Stellis. He could have avoided surveillance if he were careful enough.

However, the last known surveillance footage inadvertently "blinded" the investigation that you were in a hurry to solve.

You: So that means Rickmon wasn't discovered by someone from Victoria Pharmaceuticals...

You: He found something during his investigation and covered his tracks intentionally?

Luke: Yes, that's what I'm thinking.

Luke: It seems we should pay a visit to the pharmaceutical factory and see if we can find something important.

You: All right.
