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Story 1

Scene 1: Camp Site

After a five-hour ride, the tour buses park side-by-side next to a beautiful and open green field.

Our location for the company retreat has country vibes with green hills and misty mountains in the distance.

However, no one is in the mood to enjoy the scenery after getting off the bus...

Colleague A: Pukes...

Colleague B: Wheezes!

A bus full of people got car sick. People scramble to move their luggage away and retrieve stools so that the ill can sit and rest.

Kiki quickly sets down a folding chair for you.

You: Ugh...!

You hold your chest as you tried to hold off the urge to vomit. You can hear someone growling from the back.

Celestine Taylor: I can't believe you! This is what happens when I put you in charge of the bus! Everyone got car sick!

Celestine Taylor: Why were you even working on the bus? Do you think your partner will do nothing? Did you really think the others wouldn't follow suit?

Celestine Taylor: The mountain roads are enough to make anyone sick! Staring at their laptops only made it worse!

Hearing that, you hold onto the tree, attempting to stand up in a hurry.

You: ... Celestine... That's not what happened...

Soon after leaving the firm, Artem received a call and immediately pulled out his laptop and began to work.

Everyone became tense upon seeing him enter work mode. Everyone ceased everything, afraid of making a noise that might disturb him.

It was too awkward to just watch him work, so you pulled out your laptop too, which started the chain reaction.

You: ... So... that's why everyone... Pukes!

Celestine Taylor: Okay okay, stop talking!

Celestine quickly run over and sits you down. Then, she glares fiercely at Artem.

Celestine Taylor: It's still your fault! If you didn't start, no one would've followed!

Artem: ... You're right.

Artem: I should have been more aware of my actions since they could affect the employees. I'm very sorry.

You: Then I am responsible too! I was the one that started the chain reaction...

You: As an adult, I should make my own judgments and be able to take care of myself.

You: So, Celestine, regarding today's incident, I also share 50%... Pukes!

Celestine Taylor: ...

Perhaps it was the dramatic ending to your act that finally puts a smile on Celestine's face.

Celestine Taylor: Forget it. Leaving a workaholic like you in charge of the entire bus was a bad decision. I am responsible too.

Celestine looks across the grass field at her car sick colleagues. Some had recovered and were walking about slowly.

Celestine Taylor: How about this? I'll bring the others to a farm nearby to pick some fruits and vegetables.

Celestine Taylor: MC is in pretty bad shape, so you stay here and take care of her.

You: But...

Celestine Taylor: You should rest. When you're ready, head over to the stream nearby. Maybe you can catch a fish for dinner!

Celestine laughs as she pats your back. Then, she leads a large group of your colleagues towards the farm.

Suddenly, you and Artem are alone.

Artem: Wait for me here.

Artem looks for something in the car for a while and returns with a cup of water.

Artem: Sniff this first.

Artem holds the freshly-cut ginger up to your nose. The spicy smell goes straight to your head.

The smell instantly clears your head and you feel much better.

As Artem hands you the cup, you can see the steam wafting from it. It smells faintly of vinegar.

Artem: I added some vinegar. It'll help with the car sickness.

You reach out to take the cup, but Artem holds onto it.

Artem: I'll hold it. Just drink.

With no energy to fight back, you slowly sip from the cup as Artem holds it.

The feeling of car sickness fades as the warm water with a little vinegar soothes your stomach.

Story 2

Scene 1: Woods

Artem: Are you sure you're okay? I can go fishing by myself.

You: I'm okay, I'm okay! I'm feeling much better! It'll be good for my body if I walk and get some fresh air!

You: Look, Artem! A chestnut!

You use two branches to form a chopstick to pick up the urchin-like burr.

You show Artem the crack in the shell, revealing two chestnuts within.

You: I always thought that chestnuts grew on trees like apples and peaches.

You: It wasn't until I watched a video recently that I learned chestnuts have a furry shell.

While you are looking for other chestnuts, you spot various fruits on trees and vines in the distance.

You: Melons and dates!

You run excitedly over to the trees, jumping a couple of times in an attempt to reach the fruits. Frustrated, you finally gave up.

You: ... Why did it grow so tall...

A pair of hands reach over your head. Artem picks them with ease and places them in your fish basket, carrying it in your stead.

Artem: I didn't know you know so much about wild fruits. These are pretty rare ones.

You: I couldn't tell the difference until recently. I follow a video blogger that shares about rural food and life.

You: The video blogger often posts about going into the mountains to pick wild vegetables, which he then turns into delicious food.

Artem: You're interested in rural lifestyle?

You: Yes. Especially when I'm exhausted from work.

You: Seeing the beautiful Arcadia-like places in the videos and the poetic way of living relaxes me.

You: I would even sometimes daydream about renting a place there if I can afford it. One with a garden and an ocean view.

You: What about you? Have you ever considered changing your lifestyle?

You regret it almost immediately. Artem, who works even on vacation, probably doesn't get tired, much less than want to change his lifestyle.

Artem: I haven't thought about changing careers, if that's what you mean.

It's just as you thought...

Artem: But, I like to watch movies and take leisurely drives to relax.

You: Eh? You also feel the need to relax?

Oh crap... you accidentally said that out loud!

Artem: ... Looks like you have quite the misunderstanding about me.

Artem: I like my job, but that doesn't mean I don't get tired.

Artem: I do relax after having solved a big case, or if a case is particularly difficult and I can't find a headway.

Artem and you arrive at the stream and Artem finds a shaded spot under a tree.

Artem: Let's fish here.

You: Okay, then I'll wash the wild fruits!

You crouch beside Artem and place the fruit-filled fishing basket into the stream, planning to grab a small melon.

As you pick up a melon, you feel a tickling sensation on your fingertips. You flip your hand over...

And you see a black furry caterpillar, about as thick as your finger, crawling up your hand.

Seconds feel like minutes, or even an eternity, as your mind goes blank.

Huh? A scream? Yours? Probably... There's a distant sound that comes through the haze.

You cannot breathe or move. Petrified, you can only watch as the caterpillar inches its way up your arm.

Closer... Closer...

Finally, a hand appears and brushes the caterpillar off.

Then, he holds onto you tightly.

His embrace is strong yet gentle. The numbness slowly fades as you regain mobility big by big, starting from where he holds you.

The blood flow returns to your body. Your vision is clear once again.

It is only then that you realize that you are leaning heavily against Artem's chest.

While holding onto you, Artem squats by the stream, washing your arm.

Artem: There. All clean.

He stares at you, his face mere inches away. A familiar woody scent burns into your nose.

You can hear a pounding heartbeat through the thin jacket. Yours? His?

You: ...

Artem: ...

Clatter! The fishing rod Artem had left on the ground jerks upwards.

You also "jump" up from Artem's arms, jolting along with it.

You: A... a bite!

You quickly try to pick up the fishing rod that he'd left on the ground earlier, but it slips within your grip.

The wet fishing rod is hard to grasp, and the fish on the line is fighting for its life. You can't hold one.

Artem: Calm down.

Artem grabs it, stabilizing the fishing rod that was shaking violently.

Artem allows the fish to splash around freely. As it slows down, Artem begins reeling it in.

As the huge fish is pulled from the water, the water splashes to form a small rainbow under the sun.

You: You're amazing, Artem! Such a huge fish, with such ease!

Artem: You need to be calm when fishing. The action of lifting the rod and the timing of reeling it in is important.

While talking, Artem begins to reel in the fishing line.

Suddenly, the fish, as if realizing its imminent death, thrashes around wildly, slipping into the water.

The fishing rod bends deep towards the water and the line taut, as the fish fights for its life.

Calmly, Artem holds the rod firmly upright. You can clearly see the strong and well-defined muscles of his arms.

The fish finally tires itself out.

Artem: There.

Artem removes the hook from the fish and places it in the basket.

Artem: There are many factors to consider when fishing, including the breed of fish, water depth, lure type, and seasons.

You: I didn't know that there were so many things you have to pay attention to when it comes to fishing.

Artem: Sorry, this is probably a boring topic.

You: Not at all! I feel as if I've opened the door to a whole new world. It's interesting!

You: I'm just a little envious, watching from the sidelines...

Artem: I can teach you in the future if you want.

You: Not today?

Artem: You've had a rough morning on top of the initial car sickness. Rest for now.

Yeah, fate seems intent on keeping you on your feet at all times this fine morning...

You sigh as you feel the exhaustion spread throughout your body.

You: I guess I'll find a place to rest for a while...

You scan your surroundings and spot a clean and large rock, deep in the woods, that you could lean on.

You are suddenly pulled back just as you are about to head over.

Artem: Don't!

You: What's wrong, Artem?

Artem loosens his grip on your wrist. He coughs lightly, ears bright red.

Artem: ... I was just going to tell you not to stray too far away. if something were to happen, I'd be too far to help.

Recalling the incident just now, a chill runs down your spine. You nod as you sit down next to him.

You: You're right!

Story 3

Scene 1: Camp Site

Time passes as Artem fills the fish basket. You walk back to the camp with Artem, but there's no one in sight.

Artem: Celestine called and said they'll be back in about two hours. We're free to do as we please until then.

You: Then, why don't we start preparing the food? The fish has to be marinated for a while before grilling for it to taste good.

You: Since you were responsible for catching fish, I'll take care of the killing.

With how busy he is, Artem definitely doesn't know how to cook.

Even though the fish vendor kills and cleans the fish when you buy it, it shouldn't be all that hard, right?

So, you and Artem set the tables and begin preparing the food.

While Artem organizes the ingredients and cooking utensils, you search online on how to deal with the fish.

You: It says to first knock the fish unconscious.


You feel a sharp pain on your forehead the moment your pick up the fish.

With a strong whip of its tail, the huge 30-centimeter fish slaps you before flopping to the ground in an attempt to escape.

Artem looks at you in astonishment, probably because of the sheer loudness of the smack.

You: How mean! You stop right there!

You push through the pain as you chase the fish. Thrashing everywhere, the slippery fish escapes your capture.

Seeing your struggle with the fish, Artem quickly walks over. The fish thrashes towards him.

You: Artem, watch out! That fish likes smacking people...

Before you can even finish, Artem knocks the fish out with a clean hit from the hilt of the knife.

You: Artem... you know how to kill a fish?

Artem: Don't you...?

Smiling awkwardly, you try to change the topic, but you notice something off about the ingredients table...

On the right is a rack with five knives of various sizes. There is even a knife-sharpener and a pair of scissors.

On the left is a rack full of spatulas and spoons.

From the models and logo on the handles, it looks like all the cooking utensils are from the same maker.

In the middle of the ingredients table, there is a row of spice bottles and a set of colored cutting boards.

You: Artem, what is all this?

Artem: Celestine told me that we were going to be doing our own cooking, so I brought some tools along.

You: You mean to say... that all of this... is yours?

Artem: Yes. But it's inconvenient for me to bring everything, so I only bought the ones I commonly use.

You: ... You mean, there's more?

You: Artem... are you a master chef?

Artem: I just do some basic home cooking.

You scan the table again. The many cooking utensils, spice bottles, and cutting boards tell a different story.

Artem senses your doubt

Artem: When I first learned how to cook, I could only follow the step-by-step instructions in the cooking book.

Artem: I followed the cooking book down to a tee, everything from the knives, cutting board, spices, and ingredients.

Artem: Though I don't need to measure the spices anymore, I've retained the habit of using different cookware.

After saying that, Artem looks at the unconscious fish, then at you.

Artem: Hmm... I think it'll be better if I take care of this fish.

You: Oh... okay.

You nod your head in shame.

Artem's swift movements with the knife puts you in awe of his skills. Soon, the fish is completely cleaned.

He slices the fish's body a couple more times before putting in a bunch of stuff you don't know.

You thought he was done, but Artem starts gently massaging the fish.

You: Artem, are you massaging the fish?

Artem: Yes. This is to remove the fishy odor and to also make the fish more tasty.

Really? No wonder your fish doesn't taste all that good when you do grill it...

Seeing Artem's fluid movements, you have mixed feelings.

You: ...

Artem: Are you bored?

You: ... Ah?

Artem: I must be boring you since I don't know any trending topics to talk about. Sorry.

You: No, no! I'm not bored at all!

You: I'm just... amazed by your culinary skills...

You: Artem, you're always so busy with work, yet you can still find the time to cook... and you do it so well...

You: I'm clearly not as busy when compared to you... yet...

Artem: ...

Artem: Do you think girls need to be good at cooking?

Artem: There's no need for that.

You: Huh?

Artem: People cannot, and should not, be defined by their genders as to what they should be and what they can do.

Artem: People are multi-faceted. There is more than one way to be excellent.

Artem: Your are excellent in your own way.

Artem: No matter if it's being an attorney or being a girl.

You: ...

Artem's serious response to your casual complaint takes you by surprise.

Artem: Besides... if you can't cook, all's fine so long as you have someone else who can do it for you.

You: Artem, you will definitely make a great husband someday!

Artem suddenly drops the spice bottle in his hand. You reach out to catch it.

You: !!!

That is when you realize what you just said. It was over the line, especially towards someone of the opposite gender!

Why did you blurt that out of all things? Quick! Change the topic!

You: Um... Artem! Can you teach me how to massage the fish!?