Enduring Light: Secret Chat III: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 07:35, 20 January 2024


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Secret Chat III: Luke

Bloody shirt

You: Journalist Pearce, there's something... I want to talk to you about...

Luke: What is it?

You: Can you tell me the truth... about the bloody shirt?

Luke: Would you believe me if I told you?

You: Yes. If you're willing to tell me... I'll definitely believe you.

Luke: Okay... But you're the only one I'm telling this to.

Luke: Please keep it a secret for me.

You: I promise.

Luke: The bloody shirt is a keepsake of mine. It has nothing to do with Boss Qian.

You: A keepsake?

Luke: Remember the mentor that taught me everything about being a reporter?

Luke: The shirt belonged to him.

You: ...

Luke: I was born into a very poor family. Borrowing their words, we were lowly peasants.

Luke: In a time of instability, poor and powerless people like us get bullied all the time...

Luke: On top of that, my father was a gambling addict... He was greedy and obsessed with cards. He never really cared for me after I was born.

Luke: In his eyes, I was probably worth less than a pair of dice on the table...

Luke: Then, one day, he died because of the debt that he owed. And I became an orphan.

Luke: I'll skip the turmoil that I had to go through. It wasn't until after I grew a little older that I met a kind reporter.

Luke: He was the one that brought me into the news industry, and to Xuzhou News Agency... He showed me the ropes...

You: (I can tell that the mentor meant a lot to Luke.)

Luke: I thought everything was getting better. I believed that I could slowly start to change things.

Luke: Little did I know, the inside of the news agency was no different from what I experienced when I was younger.

Luke: There was no such thing as freedom there. I couldn't change anything. The people with power and authority controlled... and covered up everything.

You: What do you mean?

Luke: My mentor... He reported on things he wasn't supposed to...

Luke: So, the head of the agency pulled his editorial, and my mentor suffered the consequences of his actions.

You: What happened to him!?

Luke: ...They said that he got drunk and died of a fall, but everyone knows what happened.

Luke: He didn't fall! When I found him, there were wounds on the back of his head! The blood from the wound... flowed all the way down his shirt...

Luke: I kept the shirt... not only to remind myself to always be careful, but to also remember him by...

[Obtain Intel: Journalist Pearce > Master's bloody shirt]

You: I didn't think...

Uncle Li

Luke: Little Boss, do you... miss Boss Li?

You: Yes... Although we still haven't found where he went...

You: But I haven't stopped missing him. I also believe that Uncle Li will return.

You: But such hopes might just be an empty dream in the end.

Luke: Having hope is a good thing. Hope... fills people's hearts with motivation and courage.

You: Yeah... You're right. Although a lot has happened with the hotel lately, I don't feel sad or defeated at all...

You: Maybe it's this hope of mine that I have to thank.

Luke: I can tell that Boss Li was really good to you. He also taught you well.

You: Yeah, although Uncle Li and I aren't actually related... He's actually someone who's more than just family to me.

[Obtain Intel: Boss Li > Family to Little Boss]

Luke: Huh? Aren't you a distant relative of Boss Li's?

You: (Uh oh... I slipped up...)

You: Hmm... Fine, I'll tell you... but please keep it a secret.

Luke: Okay.

You: I was an orphan. I never had a home until a kind family adopted me.

You: My adoptive parents are friends with Uncle Li. Uncle Li doesn't have any children, so he was extra kind to me.

You: Later, my adoptive parents went away to do business, and I left Xuzhou with them...

You: Although Uncle Li and I rarely got to see each other after that, we often wrote to each other and our connection remained.

Luke: I see...

Luke: Now that I think about it... If Boss Li is willing to hand the Li Hotel over to you, then he must've seen you as a daughter of his own.

You: Yeah, I think so too.

Secret Chat III: Artem


You: Consultant Wing, do you have... any dreams of your own?

Artem: Dreams?

You: Yeah... I know that talking about dreams is a little outlandish in such a chaotic time...

You: But if you have a dream, I would still like to hear it.

Artem: Don't worry, I don't think it's outlandish. It has just been a while since anyone has asked me something like this.

You: Yeah, people are more concerned about feeding themselves and staying warm... Dreams and aspirations aren't things they'd be thinking about...

You: So... what's your dream, Consultant Wing?

Artem: My dream...

Artem: Is to become a righteous person that is useful to the country.

Artem: And my wish... is for the world to find peace.

You: I'm sure they'll both come true one day.

Consultant Wing's curiosity

Artem: Little Boss, now that you've arrived in Xuzhou, and taken over the Li Hotel...

Artem: Does that mean you will be permanently staying here?

You: Why are you suddenly asking me about that?

Artem: I'm just... curious.

Artem: It's all right if you don't feel comfortable telling me.

You: It's not that... It's just that... I haven't decided yet.

Artem: You haven't decided yet?

You: Yeah. My initial plan was to travel before coming to Xuzhou. I wanted to see the world with my own eyes...

You: I thought I would just take over the Li Hotel for a period of time before handing it back over to Uncle Li...

You: But seeing the situation now, and how Xuzhou is doing... I'm going to have to give it some more thought.

Artem: I see, I understand.

Secret Chat III: Vyn

If not a teacher

You: If you weren't a teacher, Interpreter Richter, what would you rather be doing?

Vyn: I have given it some thought before. I would be a doctor.

You: A doctor? Why?

Vyn: Hmm... I once heard a story when I was still in school. Its truthfulness can no longer be validated, but it still had a great impact on me.

Vyn: In the story, there was a doctor who had great respect for life. He spent his life traveling around, curing and saving anyone who crossed his path... He was a very respectable person.

Vyn: His environment was very similar to the era that we are in now. An era filled with gang conflict and clashes between various forces...

Vyn: Those in power even placed bets on the lives of ordinary people for their own benefits.

You: *sigh*... It's cruel, no matter how many times you hear it. Profit, power, and wealth... How can these things be more important than human life?

Vyn: Yes, it is not right to ignore the lives of others.

Vyn: However, the same thing happens in the story. It tells of a gang that wanted to expand its territory and influence...

Vyn: So, they hid massive amounts of emergency medicine, planning to blame it on another gang...

Vyn: However, this doctor chose to give his life to retrieve the medicine, so that ordinary people could be saved.

You: A single life for countless other lives... What a shame.

Vyn: Yes, I thought so too... But later, I realized that he was actually a very happy man.

You: Why do you say that?

Vyn: Because throughout his life, he had been fighting for his dreams and beliefs...

Vyn: And at the end of his life's journey, he stumbled upon a soulmate that truly understood his heart...

You: A soulmate... huh...

You: (What's this sudden sense familiarity when I look at Interpreter Richter...?)

Interpreter Richter's inquiry

Vyn: There is something I would like to talk to you about, Little Boss.

You: What is it, Interpreter Richter?

Vyn: I want to ask you about your relationship with the Renhui Relief Hospital...

You: !!!

Vyn: You looked very surprised when Officer Zhong mentioned that he found the group photo on me. Almost as if you remembered something.

Vyn: If there were no connections between you and the relief hospital, you probably would not have acted that way.

You: That's...

You: Fine. I'll tell you, under one condition. I need you to answer a question of mine first.

Vyn: Please, go ahead.

You: You have half of a group photo from Renhui Relief Hospital. Did you take that from the relief hospital?

Vyn: Yes, I was an orphan that was taken in by the Renhui Relief Hospital... After I got a little older, I was adopted by a couple from out of town.

[Obtain Intel: Interpreter Richter > Orphan]

You: (Vyn didn't hesitate to answer my question. Wait... He's an orphan as well!? That means...)

You: (The Little Boss and Interpreter Richter have both lived in the Renhui Relief Hospital before?)

Vyn: It is your turn now, Little Boss.

You: Okay... I admit it.

You: The reason I was so surprised is that I also have half of a group photo from the Renhui Relief Hospital.

[Obtain Intel: Photo Half (Right) > Same group photo]

Vyn: You are... also from Renhui Relief Hospital?

You: Yeah, I was adopted when I got older. My adoptive parents are friends with Uncle Li.

Vyn: ...

Vyn: I see. You have been very honest with me. I will keep this a secret for you.

You: Me too. You don't need to worry.

Vyn: Okay... There is another thing I would like you to know.

Vyn: The children in the photo from back then were all sent to different places... Only a few were successfully adopted like you.

[Obtain Intel: Photo Half (Left) > Childhood memories]

You: (Only a few...? Is there a hidden meaning behind Vyn's words...?)

Secret Chat III: Marius

Growth environment

You: President von Hagen, I've been curious about something...

Marius: What is it, Little Boss?

You: After Boss Qian swindled your father and took your family residence away... Was your family...

Marius: Well, we did have to go through a huge downgrade. We moved out of the residence and stuffed ourselves into a small house.

Marius: My parents were busy with work at the time, but for me...

Marius: Even though living an ordinary life was bland, it wasn't too much to handle.

Marius: I remember that house had a small garden upfront. There are many purple bellflowers around it too... It was beautiful.

[Obtain Intel: President von Hagen > Purple bellflower]

Marius: Oh, and there were always people coming to steal flowers. I recall seeing them a couple of times.

You: I see...

You: (Wait... I remember having a dried bellflower in my suitcase... Could it be that...)

[Obtain Intel: Wilted Flower > Flower thief]

You: (But if I'm connected to President von Hagen... What's the story behind it...?)

President von Hagen's concern

Marius: Do you ever think about leaving Xuzhou, Little Boss?

Marius: If you'd like to leave... I can arrange for that to happen.

You: Did something happen? Why would you suddenly say something like that...?

Marius: Hmm... nothing big.

Marius: I just think that the conflicts in Xuzhou are overly complicated right now. There are too many parties at play.

Marius: You have an innocent personality, and you're not from Xuzhou Town to begin with... It's best that you don't involve yourself any further.

You: It almost sounds like you're worried about me, President von Hagen.

Marius: Oh? You noticed?

You: Yeah. Thank you for looking out for me, but I'm not going anywhere...

You: Besides, the incident regarding Boss Qian hasn't been solved yet. Uncle Li left the Li Hotel to me...

You: I can't leave just because I'm scared of the possible dangers.

Marius: Okay... I do understand how you feel.


Xuzhou Town
Li Hotel Lobby
Bygone City - Venue Lobby (Night).png
