A Love Poem to Skadi/Script: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "==Encounter Log (Main story)== ===125px|link= Strange Invitation=== {{Script |scriptHeader=Main Character's Residence |characterLinks=You!Main Character |script= {{SL|You|Uh... You mean that you want me to go to Skadi Island with you?}} {{SL|Evelyn Fuller|Yes! Please, you're the only one who can help me!}} The caller is Evelyn Fuller, a university friend you met in a student organization. She's currently the editor of a geography mag...")
(Created page with "==Encounter Log (Main story)== ===125px|link= Strange Invitation=== {{Script |scriptHeader=Main Character's Residence |characterLinks=You!Main Character |script= {{SL|You|Uh... You mean that you want me to go to Skadi Island with you?}} {{SL|Evelyn Fuller|Yes! Please, you're the only one who can help me!}} The caller is Evelyn Fuller, a university friend you met in a student organization. She's currently the editor of a geography mag...")

Revision as of 12:24, 8 January 2022

Encounter Log (Main story)

Skadi Strange Invitation.png Strange Invitation

Main Character's Residence

You: Uh... You mean that you want me to go to Skadi Island with you?

Evelyn Fuller: Yes! Please, you're the only one who can help me!

The caller is Evelyn Fuller, a university friend you met in a student organization. She's currently the editor of a geography magazine.

Recently, she's been planning to write a travel guide for Skadi Island, a popular tourist destination.

Skadi Island is situated where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Arctic. It has many volcanoes, hot springs, and black sand beaches.

It is a popular destination for young people due to its mild climate, rich faerie culture, and amazing view of auroras from any part of the island.

You: But there are so many tourist attractions on Skadi Island. Why do we have to... visit a haunted place...

Evelyn Fuller: You don't get it. Those places have been written into the ground, but how many guides have you seen about haunted houses?

Evelyn Fuller: It took me a lot of effort to find out about this from a friend.

Evelyn Fuller: They say that almost no one knows about it except for some of Skadi's locals.

Evelyn Fuller: If this gets published, our magazine sales will get a boost for sure!

The place Evelyn was talking about is an abandoned manor located in a forest by Gullin Falls.

Rumor has it that this manor is the "Demon's Tomb" that sealed away the "Lord of Nightmare," who once tried to destroy Skadi Island.

On polar nights, the sinister Lord of Nightmare will wander around the manor, dressed all in white.

If you accidentally come near the place during that time, he will steal your soul.

Evelyn Fuller: How about it? Give it some thought. If you agree, I'll cover all trip expenses.

Evelyn Fuller: All you have to do is come with me to the manor, then write a travelogue about your experience there. You don't have to worry about anything else.

Evelyn Fuller: A free vacation abroad. It's a pretty good deal!

You: ...

Evelyn Fuller: Please! This is my once-in-a-lifetime request!

You: ...Fine...

Evelyn Fuller: Thank you! That's all for today. I'll let you know when I'm done arranging everything!

You: ...


???: What's up? Skadi Island got you down after coming here?

You: It has nothing to do with the island... I'm just wondering why I'm such an idiot...

Shortly after she invited you over the phone, Evelyn sent you the entire travel itinerary.

However, what you didn't expect was...

On the day of your trip, you went to the airport early. However, Evelyn informed you that she couldn't leave with you because of work.

She entrusted you to a local friend at Skadi Island and asked you to visit the manor and finish your travelogue.

???: Hearing your side of things, the situation really is kinda... awkward.

The man in front of you is the friend in question. He is Johann Brose, the owner of a lodge and a bar.

He seems to be popular around here. After arriving in Vikya, many residents have approached along the way and greeted him warmly.

The majority of them were female.

Johann Brose: You don't have to be too worried. The Manor of Hermes has a strange reputation...

Johann Brose: But it's essentially just an abandoned house. There's nothing scary in there aside from dustbunnies.

You: The Manor of Hermes? Is that what it's called?

Johann Brose: She didn't even tell you that?

You: She said she'd tell me the details on the plane, so she only gave me a brief explanation about the manor.

You: I tried to do some research beforehand, but there apparently isn't anything online about it...

You: And now she isn't even here. I don't know anything about it. What am I supposed to do...

Johann Brose: ...

Johann Brose: If that's the case, my dear, I have two suggestions that might be useful for you.

You: What kind of suggestions?

Johann Brose: Miss Evelyn isn't here, and you don't know anything about the manor...

Johann Brose: From a safety standpoint, you shouldn't go there without a plan.

Johann Brose: If your task is only to complete a travelogue about the manor...

Johann Brose: I can tell you what's inside. I'm pretty good at telling stories.

You: So, that means... You're familiar with the manor?

Johann Brose: In a sense, yes, but I'm afraid I can't disclose any more for now.

You: ...What's the other suggestion? You just said that you'd give me two.

Johann Brose: Naturally, the other one is that you explore the manor by yourself and find its secrets.

Johann Brose: Give it some thought. What you want to do.

You: ...

Go by yourself

You: I've decided. I'll go explore it by myself.

Johann Brose: Why?

You: How do I put it... When all's said and done, this travelogue might get published to the public.

You: I have to be responsible for what I write.

You: If I don't go there, then how will my travelogue sound convincing?

You: Anyway, Evelyn's paying my travel expenses. I have to be serious about this.

Johann Brose: I'm glad you made this choice.

Listen to Johann's story

You: Please tell me about the manor.

Johann Brose: 'Course I can, but you sure this is how you want to do things?

Johann Brose: It's just my personal opinion, but...

Johann Brose: Some things in the world are more interesting when you discover and see them for yourself, right?

You: You do have a point...

You: Now that I think about it, Evelyn's paying my travel expenses. I have to be serious about this.

You: It's better if I write the travelogue after I've been there myself.

You: Even so... I don't know anything about the manor right now. How am I going to explore it...

Johann Brose: Why don't you look for some information first, then?

Johann Brose: As they say, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

You: But where do I look for information? I couldn't find anything online...

You: If I let you tell me everything, then it wouldn't count as my work.

Johann Brose: Then... Do you mind helping me with something, my dear?

You: What is it?

Johann Brose: I'm planning a party at the bar, and there are still some things that haven't been prepared yet.

Johann Brose: If you can get them for me from the nearby towns, then that would be an immense help.

You: But what does that have to do with me exploring the manor?

Johann Brose: I'm not the only one with information about the manor. You might meet some others around the island.

Johann Brose: Pay attention to your surroundings. You might discover something unexpected.

Skadi Odd Overgrowth.png Odd Overgrowth

Night Beach

You: The detective conference should be around here, but with so many people...

You: Where's the person that Johann is trying to find...?

You: Well, speaking of detectives, the one I know the best is...

???: Are you talking about me?

A familiar voice suddenly comes from behind you. You turn around and see...

You: Luke! You're here on Skadi Island?

Luke: Yeah, got some business on the island.

You: I thought you said you wanted to rest at home during your holiday break?

Luke: That was the plan, but I received an invite from an online detective friend two days ago.

Luke: He said there was going to be a detective conference on Skadi Island that I had to go to. I couldn't refuse...

You: I see...

Luke: What about you? You're at Skadi Island because...

You: I'm here because of a haunted mansion...

Luke: So... You're asking around about the Manor of Hermes near Gullin Falls?

You: You know about it?

Luke: I just heard someone mention it at the conference. It's a popular place for exploration.

Luke: But at the same time, that place seems... pretty strange.

You: Strange?

Luke: Yeah. Some detectives at the conference were questioning people who had went to the manor.

Luke: Those people either refused to say anything about the manor or urged others to leave the place alone.

Luke: It's like they're working together to keep a secret.

You: ...Secret...

Luke: So, you gotta tell me if you're going to the manor. I'll go with you.

Luke: I have a feeling that the place isn't very safe.

You: Got it. Thanks Luke, but I haven't decided on when to go, so...

Luke: No prob, take your time. Just remember that whenever you need it...

Luke: Your Sherlock will always be at your side.

Skadi False Rumors.png False Rumors

Seti Falls

You: This is probably the view that Johann wants...

You: Huh? Is that a person at the bottom of the cliff? That figure...

That figure looks very similar to a certain someone who had invited you to an art gallery not long ago...

You: Marius!

You: Marius, why are you on Skadi Island?

Marius: I was going to ask you the same thing. Why are you here?

Marius: Don't tell me you came just to see me?

You: ...It looks like you're busy, so I'll leave you alone. Bye.

Marius: Hey, wait wait wait, don't go! I was kidding.

Marius: All right, tell me: Why did you come to Skadi Island?

You: Before you go and question me, shouldn't you tell me your reason first?

Marius: I came to finish my final assignment. My professor's prompt is to paint "that which can't be seen."

Marius: I had no inspiration, so I came here to find that and some R&R.

Marius: I didn't expect fate to reunite us like this! To meet in a foreign country, of all places.

You: For real... But I'm not as relaxed as you are...

Marius: What's up?

You: ...

Marius: Oh... So you came for that manor...

You: "That manor"? You know about it?

Marius: When I was studying in Florence, there was a classmate who lived near it. He mentioned it to me before.

You: Then... Are the rumors true... that it's haunted?

Marius: I don't know if it's haunted or not, but according to him, there's something sinister inside that mansion.

You: Something sinister?

Marius: Right. When he was little, he snuck in once but got scared out after a few rooms.

You: R—Really?

Marius: 'Course. That experience was so scary that his family packed and left. Hasn't been back since.

Marius: That's why you should prepare yourself if you plan on going in, Miss Attorney.

Marius: To be safe, I recommend bringing someone with you.

Marius: I'm a pretty good choice, if I do say so myself. Why don't you think about it?

You: Marius, your routine's getting old.

Marius: Doesn't matter if it's old as long as it works. How about it? You really won't consider bringing me along?

You: I'll think about it.

Marius: All right. Don't make me wait for too long, Miss.

Skadi Unusual Significance.png Unusual Significance

Faerie Town

You: According to the nice guy who gave me directions, the professor should live around here... Which house is his?

???: Are you looking for me?

You: ...Dr. Richter!? What are you doing on Skadi Island?

Vyn: Well, a friend of mine invited me to attend a local seminar on occultism.

Vyn: I did not expect to meet you here. What a most pleasant surprise.

You: I'm happy to see you too, Dr. Richter.

Vyn: Why are you on Skadi Island?

You: Ah... Because of a haunted manor...

Vyn: Is this manor the Manor of Hermes?

You: Yes. You know about it?

Vyn: The friend who had invited me here has recently been researching this manor.

Vyn: According to him, it is a meaningful place because it has witnessed some very unique history.

You: Unique history?

Vyn: Yes, but he did not provide any details, nor did he seem keen to discuss the subject.

You: I see...

Vyn: My apologies. I lack the means to offer further information.

You: Please, Dr. Richter, this is already more than enough.

Vyn: So, are you resolved to go to that manor?

You: Yes, but as Johann said, I should try to collect more information before I go.

Vyn: That is a good idea. I wonder if I may have the honor of keeping you company during your upcoming travels?

You: Uh, well... I...

Vyn: Be at ease. You need not provide an answer right now.

Vyn: Good things are always worth the wait. I am in no rush.

Vyn: Simply follow your heart.

Skadi Ominous Place.png Ominous Place

Sakya Fjord

You: This should be the produce company that Johann mentioned...

You: Hey, that man by the door... He looks kinda familiar.

His hair color and figure strongly resemble someone you see every day at the law firm...

You: Mr. Wing!

You: Mr. Wing, why are you here?

Artem: I came here to handle an international agreement case from our firm, but you...

Artem: Why are you also at Skadi Island?

You: It's a long story...

Artem: I see... You plan to obtain more information before going to the manor?

You: Yes. It would be too dangerous to go in without knowing anything.

Artem: Sounds good. After all, we're in another country. Better safe than sorry.

Artem: But don't worry too much. I don't think the manor is as scary as people say.

You: Mr. Wing, how do you know?

Artem: The company board member I just visited is a local. He used to live near the manor.

Artem: When we were chatting, he said that he would be returning to his old home soon, and that he would also pay respects at the manor.

Artem: When he talked about the manor, it wasn't with fear. On the contrary, he sounded gentle and nostalgic.

Artem: That's why I believe all the rumors about it being haunted are false.

You: I see... But from another perspective, paying respects proves that something did happen.

Artem: I had asked the same, but he didn't answer.

Artem: He simply said that some stories are best laid to rest in the passage of time.

You: !!!

Artem: However, this is but his personal answer. We don't know if it's true or not.

You: ...

Artem: By the way... If you were planning to go to the manor, would it be by yourself?

You: I haven't decided yet. Why?

Artem: Ahem... I'll be on Skadi Island for a while. If you don't mind, I can go with you.

Artem: It's an abandoned house, after all. We can watch out for each other, and time off is hard to come by...

Artem: I want to accompany you and do things you want to do.

You: Th—Thank you, Mr. Wing. I'll think about it.

Artem: Well, it's getting late. If you still have things to do, best wrap them up soon.

Artem: I'll wait for your response.

Skadi New Development.png New Development


Johann Brose: Welcome back... Judging by the look on your face, you must've had a good trip.

You: Yes. I got a lot of information, and I have some new ideas.

Johann Brose: That's good.

Johann Brose: As matters stand now, it might be unnecessary to ask this again, but...

Johann Brose: My dear, do you still plan to personally explore the manor?

Yes, I want to go myself

You: Yes. I want to visit the Manor of Hermes myself.

You: And this time, I'll be going with a different mentality than before.

Johann Brose: Different mentality?

You: Yeah. Like I said before, the reason I chose to go to the manor was...

You: To "be responsible to Evelyn and any potential readers."

You: I don't really care what the manor looks like or what's inside.

You: But after some preliminary investigating, I suddenly discovered that...

You: This "haunted" manor might be way more interesting than I had imagined.

You: Those who know the truth about it protect it as much as possible and maintain a certain "silence."

You: Why is that? I want to try to learn the truth.

You: So this time, I'll go to the manor with a genuine and positive mindset.

You: I hope I can find something meaningful.

Johann Brose: ...Miss Fuller was right about you — you're very special.

Johann Brose: Perhaps you can bring forth new developments in the manor's story.

You: ???

Johann Brose: Nothing. Just talking to myself.

Johann Brose: Oh yes, as thanks for helping me gather things for the party, here's a gift from me.

As he's talking, Johann takes out a box-like object from his bag and hands it to you.

It looks aged, and its surface bears the "scars" of time.

A somewhat peculiar image adorns the cover. It has four holes, as if certain objects need to be inserted.

Johann Brose: This box is called "Erin's Winter."

Johann Brose: As Skadi residents say, "Important things are always hidden in the deepest depths." Same goes for the manor...

Johann Brose: Its most extraordinary of "truths" is hidden deep underground, and you'll need "Erin's Winter" to get to it.

You: Does that mean... something like a key is inside the box?

Johann Brose: You can think of it like that, but Erin's Winter has a more complex design. Look here...

Johann points at the holes on the surface of the box.

Johann Brose: These four parts are each represented by an image that's related to the manor: swords, flowers, a strange motif, and fire.

You: These four parts... Is that what they mean?

Johann Brose: Inlaid gemstones had decorated the original, intact image.

Johann Brose: But after a certain event, these gemstones were shattered. The shards are scattered throughout the manor.

Johann Brose: If you want to learn the "truth," then you first need to collect these shards and restore the original image.

Johann Brose: When the gemstones are pieced back together, the four doors leading to the "truth" will open.

Johann Brose: Once you've finished exploring the doors, you can then open Erin's Winter and get your last set of "directions."

You: Okay, got it.

Johann Brose: A friendly reminder: don't try to force Erin's Winter open. If it's opened incorrectly...

Johann Brose: The mechanism inside the box will destroy all of its contents.

You: ...

You: You... Why are you giving me something this important? Is it only because I want to learn the truth about the manor?

Johann Brose: Of course not. If that's all you wanted to know...

Johann Brose: Even without Erin's Winter, the currently existing "truth" within the manor would have satisfied you.

Johann Brose: But what you just said has convinced me that you're different from people who do this just for fun.

Johann Brose: You're worthy to receive Erin's Winter.

You: You mean that Erin's Winter is only given within a small group of people?

Johann Brose: Well... You'll know when you open it.

Johann Brose: All right, we've wasted enough time here. If you're ready, you can head out now.

Johann Brose: Also, if you run into any difficulties while exploring the manor, go visit Brandt Glacier National Park.

Johann Brose: An eccentric person has been around there as of late. He might bring about some unexpected surprises.

Skadi Start of an Adventure.png Start of an Adventure

Manor of Hermes

After bidding farewell to Johann, you hurry to the Manor of Hermes.

After some trials and tribulations, you arrive at the location marked on the map, but the sight in front of you is somewhat... unexpected.

You: Why... are all of you here...?

Marius: To explore the manor's secrets with you, of course.

Marius: I waited for forever, but you never replied, so I had no choice but to look for you here.

Marius: Who would've thought that after coming here... They'd be here, too...

You: Uh... Well...

Luke: Didn't we already agree on it? If you wanted to explore the manor, I'd come with you.

Luke suddenly comes forward and approaches you.

Luke: Don't tell me you were distracted by other things and forgot?

You: Luke, don't call me out like that...

Luke: You... I knew it.

Luke: In case of a contingency, I estimated when you'd arrive and came here in advance to wait for you.

Luke: So? You've decided to go in?

You: Yes. I want to personally discover the truth hidden inside.

Luke: I'll go with you, then. According to the guys at the conference, there seem to be a lot of unusual places inside the manor.

Luke: As a detective, finding and providing answers to unusual things is my forte. You can't go wrong with me.

You: ...You're not wrong there.

Vyn: After your departure, I made some inquiries with my friends to gather information.

Vyn starts talking as soon as Luke had finished.

Vyn: Something inside seems to pertain to my profession. If you wish to enter the manor...

Vyn: Allow me to accompany you. I will decipher any mystery for you.

You: Dr. Richter...

Artem: Regarding profession, I can also be of assistance.

You: Mr. Wing, you...

Artem: Do you know the language used to write the Code of Hammurabi?

You: I remember that it's a dead language... Akkadian, was it?

Artem: Yes. The board member from Sakya Fjord said that some legal researchers from the Manor of Hermes would use that language.

Artem: Documents written in Akkadian have been retrieved from the manor. Fortunately, I have studied the code and its language.

Artem: We're also partners, so we understand each other better than others do. You won't regret having me with you.

Marius: One after the other... Miss, don't listen to them. I can also help you.

Marius: My classmate said that there are lots of things related to paintings and religious art inside the manor.

Marius: That's my specialty. Take me with you — you won't regret it.

Luke: ...

Vyn: ...

Artem: ...

Marius: What? Did I say something wrong?

You: Um, hold up, guys.

Vyn: What is the matter?

You: I got a special something from Johann, the lodge owner.

You take out Erin's Winter from your bag and show it to the men before you.

You: It's called "Erin's Winter." According to Johann, it's essential to learning the "true" truth of the manor.

You: Each of the box's four damaged areas are represented by four important things: swords, flowers, some motif, and fire.

You: The original image was decorated with gemstones, but they were shattered. The shards are scattered throughout the manor.

You: If we want to learn the truth, we need to collect these shards and restore the original image.

You: Also, these gemstones apparently can open four doors to rooms that have important information.

You: Only after we finish exploring these rooms we can open Erin's Winter and obtain a critical item.

Marius: In that case, we should split up: one person per picture. This'll speed things up, yeah?

Marius: After all, the manor is an abandoned, old house. It'd be best to spend as little time as possible inside.

You: That's actually a good idea...

Vyn: Then I will assume responsibility for this part.

Vyn points to the damaged section of the cover represented by swords.

Vyn: Swords thrust amongst flowers... An interesting image.

Marius: I'll take care of the odd motif... This composition seems familiar for some reason...

Artem: I'll take the flowering part at the bottom.

Luke: Then the residual "flame" is mine.

Artem: What about you? Have you decided on what to do?

You: Yes. I've already decided to...

You get closer to the others and softly proclaim your decision.

As the sun rises, shining rays of golden sunlight penetrate the clouds. Nearby, the silent manor gradually grows clearer.

Your journey is about to start.

Skadi Winter and Erin.png Winter and Erin

Outside Unknown Room

After exploring the four rooms underground, you finally arrive at the deepest part of this floor.

Luke: The room is locked.

Artem: Do we need a key?

Luke: No. This is a mechanical lock. It can't be opened with a key.

Luke: We need to turn the mechanism in the right order to unlock it.

Marius: Can we just dismantle it?

Luke: No. Locks like this have protective mechanisms. Once it's opened the wrong way or broken by force...

Luke: It'll likely be locked in the reverse direction, then it can never be opened.

Vyn: If we can get the design drawing of this lock, then will you be able to figure out the right order to open it?

Luke: Yes.

You: (Drawing... where do you find such a thing... Hold on, did we forget something?)

You: Yes! Erin's Winter! The Final Guidance!

You: This is the deepest part of the manor. According to Johann, this should be where the truth is hidden.

Vyn: I remember that before the box can be opened. We need to restore the pattern and finish exploring the 4 rooms.

You: Right. And now that we've finished exploring the rooms, we still need to restore the pattern...

Artem: Let's put back all the gemstone fragments we've collected.

As soon as Artem finishes, he places the red gemstone fragment in his hand back onto the box cover.

Following Artem, everyone places the gemstone fragments of various colors that they collected in place.

Once the last fragment is in place, a mechanical sound comes from the inside of Erin's Winter.

The next moment, the cover opens and two rolls of parchment appear in front of you.

You: This is...

Luke: Let me see...

Luke: This is a personal letter from the designer of Erin's Winter.

Luke: This one...

Luke: It looks like a design drawing of something, but all the parts and shapes are overlapped...

Luke: In addition, the remarks are in Akkadian. There is a lot that I don't understand.

Marius: This drawing should be the design of this mechanical lock.

Marius looks at the mechanical lock and then the design drawing in Luke's hand.

Vyn: Are you certain? These overlapping objects do not look like mechanical parts of a lock.

Marius: I'm certain. I have seen this overlapping painting technique from my teacher. It's quite unconventional.

Marius: It was popular in the last century, but was soon out of use because of its impracticality.

Marius: If you don't study art or design, you probably wouldn't even understand it.

Marius: I can separate the different parts from this drawing, but the remarks next to it...

Artem: Let me see.

Artem takes over the design drawing and roughly scans the contents on the paper.

Artem: Most of it is decipherable, but some of it...

Artem: Vyn, have a look at these translated words. Are they some sort of medical equipment?

Artem: The designer seems to have taken out some parts from medical equipment due to lack of materials.

Vyn: Let me have a look.

You: Everyone is so professional...

You: I really want to help... But what can I do...

Luke: Come and open the lock with me.

Luke: Some parts of this kind of mechanical lock might take two or even more people to open together.

You: Great!

With Artem and Vyn's help, Marius soon deciphered a general design drawing of the mechanical lock.

Following Luke's instructions, you work with him to open the mechanical lock carefully.

After a while, with a "Click" sound, the door is opened.

The door opens. Two coffins appear in front of you, standing side by side, with a tombstone.

Inside Unknown Room

You: This... this is...

Luke: Right. They're the coffins of Erin and Winter.

Luke quietly walks over to the two coffins and carefully examines them a couple of times.

He points to the small carving on the cover of the coffin and smiles at you.

You: I knew it... In the fire, Miss Modero was already...

Marius: Don't you want to hear the full story between Erin and Winter?

Before you finish, Marius interrupts you.

He lowers himself slightly. His dark smiling eyes are filled with tenderness.

Marius: Before, you deduced everything that happened here with the traces and clues left behind in the manor.

Marius: They are the many small yet numerous dots, only by connecting all these dots into a line...

Marius: Can we restore the story of their lives realistically and objectively?

Vyn: This is also the most respectful thing to do for them and this manor.

You: ...

Not far away, Artem nods at you.

You suddenly remember the love letters you read that belonged to Erin and Winter, then you take a deep breath.

You: So where do we start?

Luke: ...

Vyn: ...

Artem: ...

Marius: ...

Marius: Then let me start.

Marius clears his voice and slowly starts talking.

Marius: This manor was built about 100 years ago, and its owner was Lassiter Modero.

Marius: His only daughter is called Erin. He loved her very much.

Marius: Lassiter was very rich and had many friends. He's a believer in Rebirthology where he held a major position.

Marius: His manor, which is called the Manor of Hermes, was often used as a venue where the believers gathered.

Artem: Meanwhile, the daughter of Mr. Modero, Erin, and the butler's son Winter grew up together.

Artem: Inevitably they fell in love and became a couple.

Artem: Mr. Modero disapproved of his daughter and the butler's son being together.

Artem: On the other hand, Miss Modero...

You: She was suffering from... mania.

Luke: To cure Erin's disease, Lassiter met with many doctors and recovered patients to look for effective treatments.

Luke: Unfortunately, none of those treatments worked for Erin. His long search had come up fruitless...

You: Lassiter turned to the church, he wanted to save his daughter's life by washing away her sins.

Marius: The church prophesized that a priest called Grady can help Erin wash away her sins.

You: In fact, the order Grady received from the church was to take over the Modero's inheritance after Erin died.

Vyn: Grady pretended to be a doctor and came to the manor, he applied unscientific treatments on Erin.

Vyn: The treatments worsened Erin's condition, she could still maintain consciousness for a while in the early days.

Vyn: But in the end, Erin was completely plunged into insanity.

You: ...

Artem: Winter, who witnessed everything, decided to take Miss Modero away from this manor.

Artem: He planned a way to get rid of everything from the manor, which was...

You: To set fire in the manor.

You: But before he was ready, Grady had decided to perform a lobotomy on Erin and had found many guinea pigs.

Artem: Hearing the news and seeing the experiment casualties, Winter decided to take Miss Modero away immediately.

Luke: But Winter's plan was found out by Lassiter, who worked with the police and tried to send Winter to prison.

You: So the day Winter decided to act was...

Marius: It must've been the day of Erin's surgery. Don't forget that the blood circle had not been completed.

You: After that Winter set fire to the manor...

Luke: No. I don’t think it was Winter who set the fire.

You: ???

Luke: The oil barrel Winter purchased was not opened. According to the condition of the burn on the first floor...

Luke: The fire started in the kitchen and spread to the rooms on the first floor, especially the hallway.

Luke: But the fire did not spread to the second floor or above, so it was not caused by gasoline.

You: So who set the fire?

Artem: I think... It was Miss Modero.

You: !!!

Artem: We found the flame experiment record in her room, which she had taken out.

Luke: If it was Erin, then it all makes sense.

Luke: I guess on that day... Winter was preparing for the fire as planned, but he got caught by Lassiter.

Luke: They got into a struggle and woke up Erin. Maybe at that very moment, Erin regained some of her senses.

Luke: She saw Winter who was beaten up by her father, and thought of the flame experiment report...

Luke: So she went straight to the kitchen and set it on fire, which spread to the entire floor.

Luke: The fire blocked all the escape routes except for the front door. Erin had left it open for Winter.

Artem: Miss Modero and Winter promised each other that they would stay alive and meet again after the fire.

Artem: But when Winter returned, only Miss Modero's lifeless body and the messages on the wall were left for him.

You: So it was Erin who left the marks on that wall!

Vyn: She left those in the bomb shelter when she was suffering from both suffocation and a manic episode.

Artem: Correct.

Luke: Winter built a coffin for Erin and kept it in the deepest part of the manor.

Luke pats the aged coffin gently.

Luke: And he settled in the manor and kept his lover company until he died.

Luke: Sometimes in order to keep the explorers away, he had to pretend to be a ghost to scare them away...

Luke: Plus the wounds left on his face from the fight, he looked especially terrifying when he impersonated a ghost.

Luke: Over time, the legend of the haunting of the Manor of Hermes spreads.

You: ...

So this is the truth behind the haunted manor.

It is not a heroic legend, but a story about two people's struggle to save each other from turmoil...

And in the end, only one of them was left behind.

You: What about Winter's coffin? Who made that?

You: And the mechanical lock, who did that?

Vyn: It was probably done by Winter himself.

Vyn: I noticed that the mechanical lock is hard to open from the outside, but it is easy to lock from the inside.

You: But why did Winter...

Artem: Do you remember the last sentence in Winter's last words?

Artem: "I will guard you to the end of time..." The same words are on the back of the lock drawings.

Artem: Maybe... when his life was about to end, he locked himself in this room and the coffin he made for himself.

You: How is that... possible...

For some reason, you feel a tightness in your chest.

Is that the end of their story? So they just fell asleep in this darkness?

Marius: There were other people here before us.

Marius: Obviously, this tombstone was built for them afterward.

Luke: Not only the tombstone, but Erin's Winter was also made later in memory of them and to protect the manor.

Luke hands you the other roll of parchment which was originally in Erin's Winter.

Luke: According to the note, the creator of Erin's Winter accidentally found the design drawing of the lock.

Luke: After he discovered what happened in the manor, he decided to protect the peace of Winter and Erin.

Luke: He made locks for the other rooms underground, and put the clues to the puzzle inside Erin's Winter.

Luke: He limited the circulation of the Erin's Winter to a small exclusive group of people.

Luke: All these years, those who held the box have been protecting this place in their own ways.

You: ...

Vyn: So, do not feel sorry for Winter and Erin.

Vyn has been standing next to you.

Vyn: Their story lives on, after traversing the boundaries of life and time.

Vyn: There may be no sunlight here, but everyone who has guarded this place has shined a bright light for them.

You: ...

Unconsciously, You walk towards the tombstone.

On it, the story of Erin and Winter is recorded. At the end of the story, the engraver carved these words.

Words that were once in a love letter from Erin, and also Winter's last words,

"You are the day and the night, flowers and sunshine, and all the beautiful things and hopes."

"My love, maybe one day, time and death will keep us away."

"But I will love you, as always, forever..."

Luke Encounters

Detective Conference

Night Beach

You: Luke, is that you?

Luke: Of course it's me. Who else could it be?

You: Why are you standing here? I thought you were going to the detective conference.

Luke: I'm waiting for my friend here. We're meeting up to go to the conference together.

You: I see.

You: So Detective Pearce, can I interview you? Are you feeling nervous about the upcoming detective conference

Luke: Nervous? Why would I feel nervous?

You: Aren't there riddles in this meeting? And I heard there'll be a competition to engage the participants.

You: Maybe you'll come across some strong opponents.

Luke: Have some faith in me, won't you? I'm Luke! Your Sherlock!

Luke: Just wait and see. I'll emerge the champion!

Strange Riddle

Night Beach

You: Luke!? What are you doing here?

You: Have you finished your meeting?

Luke: Not yet. It's scene inspection time. I'm looking for clues here.

You: What kind of clues are you looking for? Is there anything I can help with?

Luke: I'm looking for something related to a witch.

You: "Witch"?

Luke: Yes. The puzzle is about an old lady who calls herself a Witch from a small town near the Night Beach.

Luke: She claims that a pirate's shipwreck is hidden on this beach. And our job as detectives is to solve this puzzle.

You: That doesn't sound easy...

Luke: Yeah... but I think I've got some ideas. I just need more clues and evidence to support my theory.

Luke: Just give me some time.

Uncover the Truth

Night Beach

Luke: [Player], do you... have time later? Can you do me a favor?

You: What is it?

You: From the look on your face... Is it related to the puzzle?

Luke: Yes. I've already found the truth behind this puzzle. But considering the client's age...

Luke: Maybe she'll be more comfortable with you around.

You: Is it that serious?

Luke: Yeah, but it's just my own thoughts...

Luke: The old lady might be a lot tougher than I thought...

You: Let's go then. We'd better deal with it earlier...

Luke: Relax. Don't be so nervous.

Luke: I'll be there with you. Nothing will go wrong.

Lucky Ending

Night Beach

You: Great! The puzzle about the Witch is finally solved!

Luke: Yes. It's terrific that things worked out for that old lady.

You: But... I never thought the old lady would call herself a Witch.

You: She's just using the quirkiness to seek attention because she lives alone.

You: And that pirate's shipwreck is just a rock shaped like a ship on the beach...

Luke: But, from the attitude of the townspeople, I don't think she'll have to worry about those things anymore.

You: Yeah! Many people even invited the old lady to stay with them!

You: I hope she'll live happily from now on.

Luke: Yup! I'm sure she will!

Message in a Bottle

Night Beach

You: Luke, I found a drifting bottle!

Luke: This bottle looks very new... Did someone just throw it in the sea?

You: It's hard to say... Let's throw it back into the sea.

Luke: Speaking of which, do you know what happens when two people throw a drifting bottle together?

You: What?

Luke: Inside the drifting bottle lives a monster who defends love. If you send it back to the sea...

Luke: It'll bless you and your true love so that you'll be together for all eternity.

Sound in the Conch

Night Beach

You: Luke, what are you doing, holding the conch like that?

Luke: Have you heard of the legend of the Night Beach?

You: Legend? What kind of legend?

Luke: The Night Beach is said to be where the faeries battled with demons. If you listen to a conch on the beach...

Luke: Maybe you'll hear the sound of the battle between faeries and demons.

You: So... You're listening to the sound of the battle?

Luke: Of course not. Why would I want to hear that...

Luke: I'm listening for another sound: the blessings of the Goddess.

You: ???

Luke: It's said that the Goddess's blessing is hidden in the sound of the battle, to keep the faeries safe.

Luke: If you can hear this sound, the Goddess will reveal herself to you and give her blessings.

You: So... are you trying to find her to get her blessing?

Luke: Yes, and no.

You: ???

Luke: I do want to find the faerie. But not for myself, I want her to give her blessing to someone else.

Luke: I hope that with her blessing, that person can live happily ever after...

Luke: And to be with me forever, and ever.

Waiting for Snow

Seti Falls

Luke: [Player]! Is that you?

Luke: What are you doing here?

You: Nothing. I'm just wandering around...

Luke: What's wrong? Your brows are knitted into a right frown. Is something troubling you?

You: Nope. I'm just wondering when it will snow...

Luke: Snow? Why?

You: I heard that it feels different to see snow next to a waterfall. So, I came to have a look...

You: But there's no sign of snow...

Luke: Don't be disappointed. Surprises can come a little later than the norm.

Luke: Shall we pray for it together?

You: Pray?

Luke: Yup. Let's pray that the snow will fall soon and that everything you wish for will come true.

Mini Surprise

Seti Falls

Luke: Do you want to try my waffle? I just bought it from the dessert shop nearby.

You: Why did you suddenly buy that?

Luke: It's because of the waffle's flavor.

Luke: I heard this flavor is unique to Skadi Island. You can't find it elsewhere, so I got some for you to try.

You: Thank you, Luke. Let's share it!

You: Good food is meant to be shared!

Luke: Oh... Thank you!

Colorful Stone

Faerie Town

Luke: [Player]? What are you doing squatting here?

You: I'm looking for colorful stones.

Luke: Colorful stones? Why are you looking for them?

You: I read from some articles that there are piles of colorful stones in Faerie Town.

You: If you circle the stones 3 times clockwise, you can see the faerie houses on them and how they live!

Luke: You still love these fairy tales, just like when you were little.

You: Why not? It's a great, interesting, story!

Luke: Sure. Of course.

Luke: Oh, I've heard some other interesting stories. Are you interested?

You: Sure!

Luke: Let's walk and chat.


Faerie Town

You: The sunset at Faerie Town is so spectacular...

You: Especially when I recall the magical legend of this city, it feels like the wonderland in my childhood dreams.

Luke: Do you like it here?

You: Yup!

Luke: If so, then... Shall we spend two more days here?

Luke: We can explore and visit every corner of this city, just like when we were little.

Luke: There are still many beautiful sceneries here for us to discover.


Sakya Fjord

You: ...

Luke: What's wrong? You look drained.

You: Luke, I'm hungry. Can we have lunch first?

Luke: You should've said so earlier. Let's find a picnic spot to eat and rest.

Luke: I've prepared a lot of food. They're all your favorites.

You: Thank you.

Luke: You're welcome. That place seems nice, let's go there.

Unexpected Discovery

Sakya Fjord

You: (There's something under the sand...)

You: Hm? It's a metal box!

Luke: What did you find?

You: Looks like someone buried a box here. I dug it out by accident.

You: Look, doesn't it look like the boxes we used to make wishes with when we're little?

Luke: It does... although it is buried quite shallowly...

Luke: If it can be dug out so easily, the wish probably won't come true.

You: Speaking of which... has your dream come true, Luke?

Luke: Yes, it did.

Luke: You are right next to me now, aren't you?

Lucky Bracelet


Luke: Why did you buy so many shells?

You: I'm trying to make a bracelet.

You: They say the shells at Vikya Market have bathed in the faeries' holy light. They can bring you good luck.

Luke: Are you in trouble...? Is that why you want to make this?

You: Nah. I just want to wish for good fortune.

You: Who knows if we'll get into trouble in the future...

Luke: You don't have to worry about this.

Luke: I'll protect you no matter what happens.

Secret Painting


You: We can try sand painting here... Luke, do you want to try it?

Luke: Sure. You are the boss.

Luke: Hey, what do you want to paint?

You: Maybe some flowers or small animals... What about you, Luke?

Luke: Well... I'll keep it a secret for now.

You: Why are you being so discrete? Are you going to create a masterpiece?

Luke: You'll know when I finish painting. You'll be shocked.

Luke: Look forward to it.

Artem Encounters

Sudden Change

Sakya Fjord

Artem: ...

You: Mr. Wing? What are you doing here? I thought you went to handle that agreement case.

Artem: Ah... No reason...

You: ...

You: Mr. Wing, did... something happen with the case?

Artem: I couldn't hide it from you... Yes, something happened.

Artem: But no need to worry. It isn't serious.

You: Really? The look on your face is...

You: Maybe I should go with you—

Artem: Don't worry, it really is fine. Trust me.

Artem bends down slightly and pats your head.

Artem: Give me some time and I'll have it sorted out.

You: Okay... But let me know if I can help with anything.

Artem: If you really want to help...

Artem: Then stay with me a little longer.

Accepting Differences

Sakya Fjord

Artem: It's you?

Artem: What a coincidence. We meet again.

You: Mr. Wing, you're here too?

You: Oh, how's the case from before? Do you need me—

Artem: Relax. There's no need to stress. I already identified the problem's origin.

Artem: It will be resolved soon.

You: That's great...

You: Mr. Wing, what exactly was the problem?

Artem: The contract that we had given our business partner had a clause that contradicted local customs.

Artem: This detail was very minute, so the previous person likely did not notice it.

You: I see...

You: You're the only one talented enough to discover such a small issue so quickly, Mr. Wing.

You: As your partner, I really should pick up some of your strengths.

Artem: All right, enough talk about work. You're on vacation to relax.

Artem: I'm to blame, since I've talked nothing but the case with you.

Artem: I want to also talk about other topics when we're together.

Thank-You Gift

Sakya Fjord

You: Mr. Wing, were the files I sent you earlier of any help?

Artem: They were. Thanks for that.

You: Not at all. It's an urgent case, and I'm always happy to help.

You: Mr. Wing, after the case...

Artem: There are still some details that need to be confirmed, but it's all generally fine.

You: That's good to hear. You also should take a good break when this case is finished.

Artem: Speaking of which... How long will you be staying on Skadi Island?

You: A few more days... Why do you ask?

Artem: Good. I want to thank you properly when the case is finished.

Artem: Don't rush to reject me so soon... I have my own selfish intentions.

Artem: And... you'll find out what it is when the time comes.

Time of Leisure

Sakya Fjord

You: Mr. Wing, has the case been closed?

Artem: Yes, it has.

You: Great! What's your plan now?

You: Do you plan to travel around or do some sightseeing? The scenery in Skadi is beautiful.

Artem: Do you have any plans?

You: Me? I don't have any plans other that what I promised Evelyn...

Artem: Then, can I make an appointment with you after you're done?

Artem: I've said before that we should travel together when we have time.

Artem: This is a good opportunity.

Memories of Happiness

Night Beach

You: Mr. Wing? Has something happened? Why are you staring at your phone like that?

Artem: Nothing. I'm just... looking at the weather forecast.

You: Weather forecast?

Artem: Yes. I wanted to confirm whether it's going to snow.

You: Does it matter?

Artem: I read in a geography magazine that the Night Beach is the third most pleasant sight to see after it snows.

Artem: Coming to Skadi Island is a rare opportunity. So, I want you to be able to see that if we can catch it.

Artem: Unfortunately, this beach isn't the only one...

Artem: According to the forecast, it's unlikely to snow on any nearby beaches either...

You: I see... That's a pity, but thank you for the thought, Mr. Wing.

You: I am very happy now, regardless of whether it snows or not.

Artem: So... shall we have a walk along the beach together?

Artem: Although I can't show you the pleasant scenery...

Artem: But, together, we can create memories that belong only to us both.

Let's Take a Picture

Night Beach

Artem: [Player]? We meet again.

You: Mr. Wing... Are you taking a stroll?

Artem: I'm just walking around to relax.

You: Me too. I feel like whenever I hear the ocean, I can put all the worries behind me.

Artem: ...

Artem: Hey... Do you want to take a photo?

You: Why the sudden idea?

Artem: I just thought that it's beautiful here, by the sea, so I want to take a photo of you.

You: Then why don't you just take photos of the scenery so that you can remember it forever?

Artem: You... The scenery isn't the point here...

Artem: The scenery would only be meaningful when it's being recorded with you in it.

Vacation Invitation

Seti Falls

You: I just realized that there are so many seabirds here at Seti Falls...

You: You rarely see this at any other waterfalls. Skadi Island is really unique.

Artem: Do you like it here?

You: Yes. It's not just beautiful, but the culture and traditions here are also very unique.

Artem: Shall we come here again for our next vacation?

Artem: Just you and me...

Artem: We can visit every corner of this island and spend time together, just the two of us. What do you say?

Interesting Things

Faerie Town

Artem: It's you? What are you doing... over there?

You: Mr. Wing? I'm just checking out this old tape recorder that I found by accident.

You: This one here.

Artem: This tape recorder looks very old. It must've been here for a long time.

You: Yes... It's a pity. This type tape recorder is very rarely seen. If only it was preserved properly...

You: It'd be very valuable in a few years time.

Artem: Are you interested in these sort of antique objects?

You: Not really. I just like to look at them.

You: From these old objects, you can see the change of time.

Artem: ...

You: What's wrong? Sorry... Am I bothering you? People have once told me so...

Artem: You've got me wrong. I'm not bored. I was just thinking that maybe... I don't know you well enough yet.

Artem: Well... If you don't mind, can you tell me more about your hobbies?

Artem: It's a rare chance for me to know more about you.

Mysterious Wreckage

Seti Falls

You: I didn't expect to see such a massive plane wreck here...

Artem: There are many volcanoes on Skadi Island. Aviation accidents can be caused by eruptions.

Artem: So, it's not exactly strange to see a plane wreck around here.

You: But this wreckage looks very old, and it gives off a mysterious aura.

You: I wonder what's inside...

Artem: You... want to go in and have a look?

You: What!>? Oh no. I was just talking pondering out loud. I didn't mean it like that.

You: This wreckage looks very old. I don't think we should go in for the sake of our safety.

Artem: It's fine. It shouldn't be a problem if we look around the entrance.

Artem: Besides... I'm here. I'll protect you.


Faerie Town

You: There are a lot of legends about Faerie Town...

You: Although people who live all over Skadi Island believe them, it seems the people who live here believe much more strongly in them in comparison.

Artem: It's probably because miracles happen here all the time.

Artem: In the history of this city, many strange phenomena can't be explained with science.

Artem: People attribute those things to faeries and other supernatural phenomena, so they firmly believe in it.

Artem: Maybe it's because they hope that the miracles will happen to them as well.

You: That's one way to think about it, I guess.

You: Oh right. Mr. Wing, do you believe in these things?

You: Things like faeries or magic.

Artem: I didn't before. But now, I'm more willing to be open-minded.

You: Why?

Artem: Because... a miracle is happening right before my eyes.

Movie Recommendations

Sakya Fjord

You: Mr. Wing, thank you for telling me so much about Sakya Fjord.

Artem: You're welcome. It's no big deal.

You: Mr. Wing, why are you so familiar with this place?

Artem: A road trip movie that I used to like was filmed here.

Artem: So I tried to find out more about it.

You: I didn't know you liked road trip movies? I thought you only liked sci-fi or literary ones.

Artem: I do prefer those two genres, but that doesn't mean that's all I watch.

Artem: I'd watch a movie and study it so long as it's good.

You: Mr. Wing, can you recommend me some good movies? I'm running out of things to watch lately.

Artem: Sure.

Impossible Things

Sakya Fjord

You: Mr. Wing, you are amazing to have caught this big brown trout!

You: The old gentleman who invited us to fish together spoke highly of you!

Artem: I'm just lucky. That's all.

You: No, no, no. Luck is just a part of it. Your skills count too! You're being too modest.

You: In my eyes, you are capable of anything.

Artem: I'm not capable of everything. There's at least one thing out there that I haven't been able to do.

You: ???

Artem: Nothing. You... You'll find out in the future.

Daily Coffee


You: The taste of the Vikya's specialty coffee at this cafe is so memorable...

You: Not sure if I'll be able to drink this again in the future...

Artem: Do you like the taste of it?

You: Yeah. I'm not sure if it's just my imagination, but I feel like this coffee perks me right up.

Artem: I bought some extra to take back to the law firm.

Artem: So, you can just come to me... if you want some.

Artem: I can make coffee for you every day.

Dessert Tutorial


You: (The dessert this shop teaches in their free class is so hard...)

You: (I feel like I have two left hands...)

Artem: You're alright?

You: I am fine, Mr. Wing. Don't worry about me.

Artem: ...

Artem: If you find this too difficult, you should've let me know, we can work it out together.

Artem: I'm right here with you. You can count on me.

Vyn Encounters

Temporary Plan

Faerie Town

You: Dr. Richter, what are you doing here? Aren't you going to the seminar?

Vyn: The seminar has been postponed for a few hours due to various reasons. I will make my way there at a later time.

You: I see... Dr. Richter, have you been planning this Skadi trip for a long time?

Vyn: Not exactly. My decision to come to Skadi was made at the spur of a moment.

Vyn: I was not planning to travel abroad. My friend invited me so enthusiastically that I could not find it in me to turn him down.

You: How do you like your trip so far, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Brilliant. In fact, it has actually exceeded my expectations.

Vyn: I cannot help but feel extremely fortunate that I did not reject his invitation, otherwise...

Vyn: We would not have crossed paths here and now.

Class Topic

Faerie Town

Vyn: What a wonderful coincidence. We meet again.

You: Dr. Richter? Is the seminar over?

Vyn: Not yet. We have concluded a few rounds of discussions, and we are currently taking a recess.

You: Speaking of which, I heard a few scholars talking about your papers just now.

Vyn: Oh? And what was it that you heard them say?

You: They said you've approached the subject from an innovative perspective that they'd never thought about before.

You: What did you talk about, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Nothing especially interesting to note.

Vyn: I just did a comparison between the transformations of the local Skadi legends to the development of occultism.

You: It sounds like an interesting subject... I wish I can hear you talk more about it...

Vyn: The seminar is open for non-professional scholars to sit in. Feel free to drop by anytime if you wish.

Vyn: In my lectures, the best seat will always be reserved for you.

The Light in Your Eyes


You: Dr. Richter, may I interview you?

Vyn: It is my honor to receive an interview from you.

Vyn: What do you want to know?

You: Is there anything memorable in your seminar this time?

Vyn: Of course. And this memory has made a more lasting impression than any other before.

You: You make me curious... What kind of memory? Do you mind telling me, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Of course. It is a memory about you anyway.

You: ???

Vyn: When you were sitting there, listening to my lecture, and watching me all so intently...

Vyn: The glow in your eyes was more brilliant and alluring than anything I had previously witnessed.

Friend's Recommendation

Faerie Town

Vyn: ...

You: Dr. Richter, what's wrong? You don't look okay...

You: Did something happen in your seminar?

Vyn: No, the seminar has concluded. It is just a matter regarding my friend. He made me some suggestions, which...

Vyn: I am unsure whether they can be executed effectively.

You: What suggestions?

Vyn: Suggestions for making my most coveted dream come true.

You: Suggestions that make your dream come true... Why don't you give it a try? It may be more useful than you think.

You: You'll never know if you don't try!

Vyn: What you said makes perfect sense. Well then...

Vyn: I wonder if I may have the pleasure of inviting you to enjoy the rest of this vacation with me?

Black Sand Beach

Night Beach

You: Why is the sand on Night Beach black?

Vyn: After volcanic eruptions, the lava is rapidly cooled down by the seawater, forming volcanic rocks.

Vyn: These volcanic rocks are eventually weathered down into the dark-colored sand you see before you.

You: Wonderful! Nature is full of amazing wonders!

Vyn: Then...

Vyn: Would you like to explore more beautiful sights like this with me?


Night Beach

Vyn: Oh? You are here?

Vyn: I did not expect to meet you here at this time.

You: This time...? Are you here at the beach to see the sunset, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Yes, I am. You too?

You: Yes. The sunset here is different from other places, after all. It's pink!

You: I've been looking forward to it for a long time.

Vyn: Well, if you enjoy it so much, shall we come here tomorrow for a stroll together?

Vyn: Not only the sunset, the sunrise, the coming and going tides, and even the clouds drifting by...

Vyn: I can watch all these beautiful happenings together with you.

Going Up a Waterfall

Seti Falls

Vyn: [Player]? What a pleasant coincidence.

You: Hello, Dr. Richter.

Vyn: Are you also here to see the waterfall as well?

You: To be exact, I'm here to see the reversed waterfall.

Vyn: Do you mean the natural phenomenon of the mist from the waterfall being blown upwards by the strong wind?

You: Yes. I remember that this is a unique sight in Seti Falls. So, I wanted to have a look.

You: But I haven't been able to see it...

Vyn: ...

Vyn: Pardon me, but... can you please close your eyes and wait for 10 seconds?

You: What are you going to do, Dr. Richter?

Vyn: Nothing. I just want to give you a little surprise. That is all.

Rose by the Water

Seti Falls

You: There's a bunch of roses by the waterfall... I wonder who left it there.

You: But for some reason, the roses seem kind of romantic.

Vyn: Do you... find them romantic? Even after hearing the rumors about them?

You: Rumors? What rumors?

Vyn: According to the locals, this bouquet was intentionally placed by a widower for his deceased wife.

Vyn: He did treasure his wife well when she was still alive, and only realized his mistakes after she passed away.

Vyn: So, he has someone put a bouquet of flowers here every day to convey his remembrance and... regrets.

You: Dr. Richter, are you... angry? What's with that weird expression?

Vyn: I am not angry. I simply find myself unable to agree with such behavior. If I was in his shoes...

Vyn: I would rather cherish everything that I have now than regret it later...

Vyn: That would be much more meaningful, would it not?

Faerie Town

Faerie Town

You: Dr. Richter, do you know why this place is called Faerie Town?

Vyn: It is built on and surrounded by volcanic rock, impenetrable, like the mythical birthplace of the faeries.

Vyn: That is why people call it Faerie Town.

You: What a romantic legend...

Vyn: Skadi Island is a very spiritual place in and of itself. Naturally, it is full of all kinds of legends.

You: Which means, there are even more interesting stories and legends out there?

Vyn: Of course.

Vyn: Why? Are you interested?

You: Yes! Dr. Richter, if you have time, can you tell me more?

Vyn: There is no need to rush. We have plenty of time. I can slowly tell you all about it.

Local Legend

Faerie Town

You: Dr. Richter, someone asked me about the faerie that represents seven emotions earlier...

You: Do you know what is it?

Vyn: It is a legend about Faerie Town. If one can obtain the blessing of the faerie that represents seven emotions...

Vyn: Then, that person will receive a magic potion that is capable of curing all diseases.

You: What!? Does such a potion really exist?

Vyn: Perhaps. But personally speaking, rather than acquiring such medicine...

Vyn: The more important function of this legend is to provide people with beautiful expectations.

Vyn: And after actions are taken to fulfill such expectation, people are rewarded with a beautiful memory.

Vyn: The value of these memories and experiences far exceeds that of the so-called magic potion.

You: Sounds interesting. I would love to look for it sometime.

Vyn: If that is the case, perhaps we can begin our quest for it now. What do you say?

Skadi Pony

Sakya Fjord

Vyn: What do you think?

You: It doesn't feel much different from riding a normal horse.

You: I was worried that it'd be different because Skadi horses are shorter than normal horses.

You: But after trying it, it doesn't feel very different from riding any other horses...

Vyn: As long as you are enjoying the experience. That is all that matters.

You: Dr. Richter, you are so good at riding, even with the shorter horses in Skadi.

You: The stable master said that you'd receive very high scores in a competition while you were riding earlier!

Vyn: And what do you think?

Vyn: Did my performance earn me a high score in your opinion?

Time of Elegance

Sakya Fjord

You: The air in Sakya Fjord is so fresh...

You: It makes me happy just to take a quiet walk here.

Vyn: I am glad that you are happy. I was worried that you might not enjoy... such boring activities.

You: That's not true. This is great.

You: I am happy to spend such a relaxing time together with you, Dr. Richter.

Vyn: Same here.

Vyn: It is my honor to be able to spend such a wonderful time with you.

Scenic Beauty


You: Dr. Richter, I'm sorry...

Vyn: What is the matter?

You: I said that I wanted to take you to Saint Faerie's Church...

You: But I just found out today that we can't get in. Our travel plan has gone to waste.

Vyn: There is no need to be upset. I do not mind.

Vyn: Even if we cannot go to the church, there are still many places that we can visit together.

Vyn: As long as I get to spend time with you, it will be an incredibly meaningful experience, no matter what we do.

Bonfire Dinner


You: Thank you for coming to this hostel bonfire party with me, Dr. Richter.

Vyn: Please, the pleasure is all mine. It is a very special experience for me as well.

You: I hope that we can experience more interesting activities in the future.

Vyn: I am certain that we will.

Vyn: And we still have plenty of time in the future to come.

Marius Encounters

Painting Progress

Seti Falls

You: Marius! How are you?

Marius: Hey, it's you. Here at Seti Falls as a tourist?

You: Yes. What about you? Did you finish your final assignment?

Marius: Let's not talk about that. I still don't have any ideas...

You: Are you going to make it on time? You said that the topic was really difficult...

Marius: The difficulty of the subject is one thing, but the high standards I hold my art to is another.

Marius: I'm not gonna hand it in before I reach that standard.

You: Is there anything I can help with?

Marius: Hmm...

Marius: Keep me company for a little more, Miss.

Source of Inspiration

Seti Falls

Marius: Miss Attorney, over here!

You: What is it? Shouting for me from so far away...

Marius: Can I ask you a question? What's your opinion on invisible objects?

You: Invisible objects... is that the theme of your final project?

Marius: Yes. I want to hear your opinions.

You: ...Invisible objects... it means things you can't see...

You: Things you can't see... like emotions? Thoughts? Memories? Something like that?

You: But... maybe it might also be referring to something in particular.

You: Maybe your teacher gave you this problem so that you'd understand the reference before finishing the work?

Marius: !!!

Marius: I knew it... Asking you about it was the right thing to do!

Marius: I get an endless stream of inspiration whenever I see you.

Mysterious Painting

Seti Falls

You: Marius!? Why are you looking around like that... Are you looking for something?

Marius: Yeah. I'm looking for a wooden cabin near Seti Falls.

You: A cabin? Why are you looking for a cabin?

Marius: It's for my final assignment, of course.

Marius: What you said before inspired me, and reminded me of a painting I saw before.

You: What painting?

Marius: A painting called "invisible object." It has a riddle hidden within.

Marius: The painter claims that he hid his most valuable treasure somewhere in the painting.

Marius: I've studied the painting. The scenery can be deciphered into words, and after combining the words...

Marius: The location of the treasure is potentially hidden in a cabin near Seti Falls.

You: And your final assignment...

Marius: Of course, it's highly related. If I can find what it is that he hid...

Marius: Then perhaps I can understand the meaning behind the topic that my teacher gave us.

Close to the Heart

Seti Falls

You: Marius? You look like you're in a good mood. Have you finished your final assignment?

Marius: Of course, who do you think I am? I am Marius von Hagen.

You: So you've figured out your teacher's intention?

Marius: Yes. My teacher hopes for me to be less stubborn. He used the painter's experience to convey this message to me.

You: ???

Marius: I wanted to paint a picture which meant a lot to me, so I kept thinking about it and changing it, in the end...

You: What happened?

Marius: What else? In the end, I got stuck in an endless loop...

Marius: After seeing my draft, he said I've "neglected the most important thing in pursuing perfection."

Marius: I couldn't believe it. It was after I found the treasure of that painter that I realized my own problem.

You: ???

Marius: The treasure was a diary the painter hid inside the cabin. He once had a similar experience.

Marius: In the end, he found the answer to his problem, and my teacher... Well, he probably wanted me to understand that too.

You: What is it?

Marius: A painting is truly touching when it conveys the emotions of the painter through the images.

Marius: The techniques may be important, but we must never forget what we initially wanted to express through it.

Marius: To put it simply, "don't lose sight of your real purpose."

You: It sounds great. I look forward to seeing your final work soon.

Marius: Don't rush me. I think you'll get to see it real soon.

Ideal Castle

Night Beach

You: Marius, do you want to make a castle?

You: I've never built a sandcastle on a beach with black sand before!

Marius: Sure. What kind of castle do you want to build?

Marius: A fairy tale castle with big French windows and high towers! How does that sound?

Marius: I remember you said you like castles like this.

You: I do, but it sounds difficult to make...

Marius: Don't worry. You have me, don't you?

Marius: I promise I'll make you your dream castle.


Night Beach

You: I never realized that there were so many seabirds on Night Beach...

You: Although seabirds are wild animals, they look strangely similar to humans in some ways.

Marius: Do you wanna go pat them on the head? That'll be fun.

You: But I'll probably get pecked to death...

Marius: What are you scared of? I'll show you how to get in close.

You: Really?

Marius: Of course. When have I ever lied to you?

Marius: There's no time to lose, Miss Attorney! Our lesson starts now!

Song of the Siren

Seti Falls

Marius: [Player]? What are you doing standing here?

You: I'm trying to hear the song of the Siren.

Marius: The song of the Siren? You want to hear that?

You: Why not? Everyone is talking about it...

Marius: So you really haven't heard about that legend...

You: What legend?

Marius: It's said that Seti Falls is a corner forgotten by the faeries. The Siren is buried in the mountain here.

Marius: Someone said he and his friend heard the Siren singing two days ago, and his friend disappeared afterwards.

You: W-What...!? He disappeared?

You: I-I didn't hear anything! I'm leaving...

Marius: Relax. It's going to be okay.

You: How is this going to be okay... What if I disappear?

Marius: I'm here with you, aren't I? I'll stay with you.

You: Stay with me? You mean, you'll disappear with me?

Marius: Yes. I'll be with you even if I disappear from this world.

Marius: I'll never let you go.

End of Time

Seti Falls

You: Marius, I found something interesting when I was searching for information. Guess what it is?

Marius: Let me guess... Seti Falls was in some movie...?

Marius: And ever since then, it's been called the place "closest to the end of the time?"

You: What!? You already knew that...? I was going to surprise you...

Marius: Don't you know who I am?

Marius: Okay. You've asked your question. It's my turn now.

Marius: About the phrase "closest to the end of the time," there's another legend about it. Do you know what it is?

You: What is it?

Marius: If two people can reach the end of the time together, then they'll never be separated.

Marius: You...

Marius: Do you want to reach the end of the time with me?

Secret on the Stone Tablet

Faerie Town

You: I realize that there are many stone tablets in Faerie Town...

You: And the characters on the stone tablets are very strange. They look to be some kind of unusual symbols.

Marius: It looks like someone built these stone tablets on purpose, some are passed down from a long time ago.

Marius: And as for what's on the stone tablets... The locals say that those are traces left by the faeries.

You: ...If those were left by the faeries, then what do they mean?

Marius: Do you want to know?

You: You mean... You know how to find out?

Marius: Of course. After all, this is your wish.

Marius: I'll help you achieve your wishes.

Flowers for the Faerie

Faerie Town

You: Why do those little kids leave flowers at the Faerie Cottage?

Marius: It's a game the local kids like to play. It's like hanging up stockings on the headboard of your bed during Christmas.

Marius: If your flowers are accepted by the faeries, they'll send you the gift that you want the most at night.

You: You know this so well. Have you done it before?

Marius: Of course not.

Marius: People send flowers to the faeries because they haven't got what they wanted, but I'm different.

Marius: What I want is right here in front of me.

Let's Take a Selfie


Marius: We meet again, Miss Attorney.

You: Hey, Marius.

Marius: Are you trying to take a selfie with the waterfall behind you... with that selfie stick?

You: Yes. But the photos aren't turning out too great.

You: Can you please take a photo of me with the waterfall?

Marius: ...The photo would be boring with only you and the waterfall. Shall we take a selfie together with the waterfall?

You: But, I just...

Marius: Don't worry. My selfie skills are just as good as my painting skills.

Marius: Just follow my instructions and show me your favorite expressions.

Marius: I'm sure it'll be much better than your selfies earlier.

Marius: What are you standing there for? Come over. I'll count to three and start shooting.

Marius: 1, 2, 3!

Pressure Release


You: Is there something inside the bush over there?

Marius: It looks like an arctic fox. I know there's a lot of them in Sakya Fjord.

You: Speaking of which, we've seen many wild animals along the way.

You: This place feels like a wildlife reserve... It must be very relaxing and comfortable living here...

Marius: Are you under a lot of pressure lately?

You: A little...

Marius: Do you wanna talk about it? Don't bottle it all up!

Marius: You can share your burdens with me, no matter what they are.

Meteor Shower


Marius: [Player]? This must be fate. We meet again.

You: Are you here to watch the meteor shower?

Marius: Yes. I was gonna invite you, but I had a feeling that I'd bump into you anyway.

Marius: From the looks of it, my hunch was correct.

You: Oh... really...

Marius: Never mind. So how's the meteor shower?

You: It's amazing. Especially when the background is as vast an expanse of wilderness like this one.

You: Even with the best cameras, you won't be able to preserve this wonderful feeling.

Marius: Then what about a painting? I'll paint you a picture. What do you say?

You: It's fine... That'd be too much trouble for you...

Marius: For you, it's no trouble at all.

Marius: I hope you look forward to it.

Promise at Sunset


You: The sun is going down... Vikya Capital is slowly entering nightfall...

You: Maybe it's just my imagination, but the atmosphere in the countryside feels different from the city...

Marius: What do you think of Vikya Capital at this time? Is it pretty?

You: Yeah, it's beautiful! Coming here is worth it!

Marius: In that case, would you like to watch the sunset with me again?

Marius: Not just on Skadi Island, but every day, everywhere, with me. How about that?