Marius' Sweet Chapter 01-06

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  • Stage Cost: None
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Southeast Stellis Street: Marius' Concerns (1/2)

After saying goodbye to Timmy, Marius still seems to have a lot on his mind. Chat with him...

After bidding farewell to Timmy, you and Marius walk down the street side by side.

You: Marius...

Marius: ...

You: Are you okay?

Marius: ...

Marius: Were you talking to me, Miss?

You: Marius, your mind is wondering...

Marius: Sorry, I was just thinking about something...

You: I'm a little tired too. Why don't we go back home and have a rest?

Marius: All right, let's go home now.

You: (He hasn't been himself since he got that call.)

His refusal to talk about the problem at the work makes you realize that he is facing something big.

What... exactly should you do?

The von Hagen Living Room: Marius' Concerns (2/2)
The von Hagen Estate

Von Hagen Estate - Sitting Room (Day).png

After rushing about all day, return to the von Hagen Estate with Marius to have a rest.

When you return to the von Hagen estate, it's nearly evening.

Marius: It's a little early for dinner. What do you want to do?

Marius: I've downloaded some new movies. Why don't we watch one?

The young man in front of you wears a warm smile on his face. But...

You: Before we watch the movie, we have to resolve something.

Marius: What is it...?

You take a step forward, staring up into his eyes, and hook your arms around his shoulders.

You: You.

Marius subconsciously wraps his arms around your waist, and the smile on his face turns into surprise.

Marius: I'm...

Since you are so close to him, you raise your hand and brush his brow.

You: Your mood has been off, ever since you answered that call earlier.

You: What was it about? Something related to the rumors I heard at Pax Headquarters earlier?

In the past, you might try to comfort him. But now, you don't want to do that.

Because he is your boyfriend.

In front of him, you don't want to hide what's on your mind, and you also... don't want him to have to hide either.

Marius: Yeah... The call was from Vincent. He told me that the one spreading the rumor might be a Pax insider.

Marius lowers his eyes and lets out another long sigh.

Marius: Whoever it is, is very cunning and it will take some time to identify them.

Marius: I'm not worried about the rumors. It's just that...

He leans his head down onto your shoulder.

Marius: Seeing Timmy upset over Cyrus Caddell makes me think of my brother.

Marius: And with all the annoying rumors that have been going around lately, I'm... feeling a little down.

You: ...

His voice is low, but you can hear him clearly.

Marius: I thought... I had faith. I thought... I would be able to find him myself.

Marius: But lately, I've been unconsciously terrified.

Marius: Was it because I wasn't eager enough to find him that resulted in such rumors!?

Marius: I'm afraid that the next time I hear news about him. He will be...

You: That won't happen.

You hug him hard, hoping to give him a feeling of warmth.

You: We'll find him. I'll help you find him... You have to have faith that we can do it.

Marius: I understand...

He slowly tightens his arms, and buries his head deep into your shoulder, seeking your comfort.

Marius: [Player], it's good to have you here with me.

You can feel the warmth of his embrace, as your shoulder supports his head. The weight of his head makes you feel reassured.

His feelings of helplessness, sadness and fear... Eventually, he will show all of these hidden emotions to you.

This is the intimacy and trust that belong only between lovers.

And what you can do in return, is to treasure all the feelings he is showing to you.
