Vyn's Sweet Chapter 03-10

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Vyn's Bedroom: The Secret to Hope
Vyn's Residence
Vyn's bedroom
Vyn's Residence - Bedroom (Night).png

Listen to Vyn as he confides in you about his past.

Eira Frost's condition has improved, which bodes extremely well for the following treatment process.

Her life has been lifted out of the depths of despair and is on the right path toward a happy future. It's a great start.

You and Vyn walk back to your old house, bathed in moonlight.

After hanging your coats up on the coat rack at the door, you head to the bedroom to sit down and relax.

Vyn rubs his brow and nods. Even though he looks a bit tired, there is a soft, relieved smile in his eyes.

You pour out a cup of warm black tea and hand it to him.

You: Here. Drink some tea and enjoy a nice rest.

Vyn takes the cup and sips the tea, letting out a long sigh.

Vyn: I am going to... call Mr. Eckel in Svart tomorrow.

You: Huh?

Vyn: I am going to tell him I did it.

Vyn: Before, he stated that this particular treatment plan could only be used for members of the Haspran family and would not necessarily work for ordinary people.

Vyn: But I used evidence to prove this plan was never that absolute.

Vyn: As long as you make suitable improvements and personal adjustments based on the patient's symptoms, the entire plan and process can reach near perfection.

You: Good thing you stuck to your guns.

Vyn: It is also thanks to your consistent support.

Eira Frost's situation is being properly dealt with. However... something else is still bothering you.

What kind of mental change did Vyn's relative undergo when his family experienced a similar situation?

You: I still don't get it.

You: How could they be so cruel to their own flesh and blood...?

Vyn reaches out to gently stroke your back, and you lean in.

The crisp scent on his body gives you an indescribable sense of safety.

Vyn: When I experienced similar situations as a child... I was just like you. I could not, and did not want to, understand it.

Vyn: Later, I realized that some people do not consider "relatives" to be important whatsoever.

Vyn tightly holds onto the teacup you brought him, his knuckles turning slightly white as they wrap around the porcelain. Vyn: Relatives have a natural connection that was never intended to be intertwined with worldly gains. Once someone begins using them as an object or tool...

Vyn: It can be a catastrophic blow for the "victim."

Vyn: And if this type of situation occurs between immediate family members, it is all the more deadly.

Vyn: Because it is the same as the "creator" denying the very meaning and value of the "creation's" existence.

Vyn's voice exudes a certain errant tone, just like tonight's breeze. It moves through time and space, peering through the distant years of isolation and continuously reverberating.

You: Yes. No child would ever want to be born as a "tool."

You: That would only serve to make them psychologically lost and desperate — "Was I only born to be your tool?"

Vyn smiles wryly.

Vyn: That reminds me of a legend I once read.

You: What legend?

Vyn: It was about a god who viewed his son as a tool to win a war, and it told the story of his gradual decline.

Vyn: I do not remember much of what happened in the middle, but the ending left a deep impression on me.

Vyn: The god's son, whose power had been sealed away by the god, finally found his own strength... and he took revenge on his father.

You: So that's how it ended...

Vyn: ...

Vyn doesn't look at you or respond as you sigh. He is staring off in front of himself, lost in thought.

You don't know what he's thinking, but you have a feeling it isn't anything that could make him happy.

However, Vyn's expression quickly returns to normal after a few seconds just as you have something to say to him.

You: I...

Even though you've already made up your mind to say it, when you suddenly think about the opera, "Forbidden Reaches of the Heart," you can't help but feel a little uneasy.

Vyn nods, his gaze full of an encouraging warmth.

Vyn: Go on. Do not worry.

You: Actually, I really want to know more about the similar situation you encountered... because you've been acting strange this entire time.

You: And there's something important I wish to say...

You: I'm worried about you.

Vyn: ...You are worried about me?

You: Yeah. I'm worried about the "you" from before...

How did Vyn get through seeing such a similar tragic experience when he was younger? You're scared to even think about it.

Vyn: ...

You take a deep breath, worried that you might have said too much.

But at this very moment, Vyn suddenly wraps you in his embrace.

Vyn's arms slope slightly to support the weight of your body.

As soon as you look up, you are met with his smiling eyes.

Vyn holds your waist with gentle strength, making you feel steady without a constraining sensation.

The suggestive atmosphere brought on by the close proximity causes your cheeks to heat up.

You: ...

It seems like Vyn is enjoying your reaction, and he speaks with a smile.

Vyn: Do you really want to know about the similar situation I experienced?

You: Of course!

Vyn's eyes narrow with satisfaction, his irises a deep gold.

Vyn: All right. Then I will tell you.

Vyn: When I was little, I had a relative whom I got along with and who was around the same age as me. He encountered something similar, which led to serious psychological issues.

Vyn: I took him to see Mr. Eckel.

Vyn: Mr. Eckel considered the various treatment options and decided that a quick and direct method was necessary to avoid a breakdown.

Vyn: But... the plan was very risky.

Even though Vyn does his best to act calm when he says this, you can still sense a heavy sadness in his complex expression.

You: So what did his family think?

Vyn: Everyone in the Haspran family had completely different opinions. They argued for a long while.

Vyn chuckles coldly when he says this. From his point of view, maybe those "arguments" were full of hypocrisy and pretentiousness.

Vyn: But I did not care about their opinions whatsoever. I could clearly tell they were only using him as a tool.

Vyn: I went to Mr. Eckel privately and asked him if he could treat my relative. He then asked if my own mental health had been affected by the situation.

You: Vyn, you...

Vyn: Perhaps it did slightly, but it was not serious.

Vyn quickly changes the topic.

Vyn: Essentially, I told him that my relative and I had mentally prepared ourselves. It would not be very risky, and Mr. Eckel's treatment would be enough.

Vyn: Of course, that is what my relative said to me in a moment of clarity.

Maybe because he doesn't want to mention the person's name, or maybe because they are no longer in contact, Vyn vaguely refers to his family member simply as his "relative."

You feel a little nervous for some reason, and you can't stop yourself from grabbing onto the hem of Vyn's shirt.

It's as if you can see him facing this danger alone through his words, a young boy both desperate and determined.

You: Wait, how did you mentally prepare yourselves?

Vyn is taken aback for a moment, then lets out a laugh.

Vyn: You asked the same question Mr. Eckel did.

Vyn: He also asked me how we had mentally prepared ourselves. I told him that I had visited several doctors before and learned about emotional cues.

Vyn: However, I only told him about how my family member "mentally prepared" himself. I did not say anything about myself.

Vyn: Because that was my secret.

You: Huh?

Vyn: This is actually the first time I have told anyone about this. It is also the first time I have decided to share my "secret" from back then.

Vyn's smile is somewhat cunning like a cat sneakily hiding something precious.

Vyn: I believe my mental health was not seriously affected at the time due in part to my mental preparation.

Vyn: Back then, I "gave" myself a strong psychological cue...

Vyn: A distant and miraculous hope that would require a long time to realize.

You: Hope?

Vyn looks at you deeply.

Vyn: I said to myself... do not worry. Regardless of what I am witnessing or encountering with my family, it is all temporary.

Vyn: Someday, I will meet someone with whom I can experience pure emotions and be around without any personal gain.

Vyn: We will move through the mundane and face hardships together.

Vyn: I will savor all beauty, witness all wickedness, and remain steadfast in my enduring values with her.

Vyn: From the moment we meet, even in all of our future lives, we will never separate.

These firm words are branded on his heart like an oath. Once transforming into a beacon for psychological reconstruction in his past, they now send shockwaves deep into your soul.

Vyn's gaze locks onto yours, and you find it impossible to look away.

Vyn: And now, I really have this "hope." It is you.

Vyn: [Player], tell me. Am I not lucky?

An undying flame seems to be burning in Vyn's golden eyes. It is a blaze amidst a once-dark world, now illuminating your path.

Your head floods with thoughts. You reach out and embrace Vyn, your breath mixing ambiguously and lingering between you both.

The rich moonlight pours down as your thoughts dance. At this moment, the delicate starlight is the best answer.


HopeI will define my fate and give my future value. Time will allow me to overcome everything and walk by your side.

Hope illustration.png
