Marius "Tideborne Romance"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Story Summary

This story takes place in Year 2. Marius has confessed to the MC, and the two are a romantic couple.


Underwater KissAs you both rise to the surface of the water, he silently exchanges a sweet secret moment with you.

Underwater Kiss illustration.png

Video Call

Phone video call icon.png
Video Call
Tideborne Romance phone icon.png Marius:
Tideborne Romance
(After Story 6)
Video Call script

Marius: It finally got through. It's really tough to get a signal here. I've landed. Are you at arrivals?

Marius: I've been stuck in a seat for so long. This is really awful. I wish I could get off the plane right now...

Marius: Hey, what are you looking around for? There's nothing to see in here.

Marius: You saw something familiar? Well... about that... I've been hiding something from you.

Marius: Remember how we made all of those coconut lights?

Marius: I kept the particularly cute ones that you made.

Marius: You think you did a bad job? That's not true. They are not just good-looking, but they also have a slight modernist air about them.

Marius: If they are put up for auction, people will pay a ton for them.

Marius: Huh!? Don't get upset... Okay, okay, I will stop teasing you.

Marius: Actually, I want to polish them up so that I can keep them as souvenirs.

Marius: When you come to the studio sometime, you may notice a lot of marvelous lights... kind of like the ones we saw on the island that night...

Marius: Someone is coming. I have to go... I'll find an excuse to leave. Let's meet up at the usual place.

Marius: Don't worry. I'm pretty good at getting away from them.

Marius: All right, I'll see you later.

Story Locations

Helena Islands

Beach - Sunset.png
Private Yacht

Yacht - Day.png
Private Yacht

Beach - Day.png
Helena Islands

Beach - Day.png
Private Yacht

Yacht - Night.png

Story Characters