Environmental Issues II Lawsuit: Mr. Lewis (Karaoke Bar)

From Tears of Themis Wiki


Environmental Issues Protection: A new karaoke bar opened up near a Stellis residential area. However, the poor sound insulation has resulted in severe noise pollution late at night, which has severely affected the lives of the residents. The residents have asked the karaoke bar to improve their sound insulation, but was refused. They had no choice but to hire Themis Law Firm as legal representation to sue the karaoke bar.
  • Stage Cost: AP icon.png AP x10
  • First Clear Rewards: None

  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 114877

Stage Drops

Special Report icon.pngSpecial Report

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Mr. Lewis
  • Turn Limit: 15 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"Singing is something that makes people happy, so why all the exaggeration?"
HP: 139650
ATK: 451
DEF: 15000

Empathy Defense Buff icon.png
Empathy Defense Buff
Boosts your Empathy Defense by 5000% for 30 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon Noise louder than 50 decibels late at night is considered disturbing public peace.

Logic card type icon Evidence shows that noise from this karaoke causes discomfort.

Empathy card type icon When it comes to distortion, I'm no match to you.

Empathy card type icon Admit your mistakes now and save some credibility.

Intuition card type icon Stop, you're only humiliating yourself.

Intuition card type icon I'm confident that I'll win this case.