Cherished Memories Fortune: Clever & Witty

From Tears of Themis Wiki


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Story Script

Clever & Witty: Complete the puzzle with your partner
Von Hagen Estate
Marius' Bedroom
Von Hagen Estate - Marius' Room (Night).png

Marius: The task is... to make a fuse-bead pattern together. What's a fuse-bead pattern?

Marius looks at the instructions with a somewhat bewildered expression on his face. You look for the corresponding supplies and tools in the box, and then hand them to Marius.

You: Well, here's the stuff.

Fuse beads are a DIY puzzle activity that requires several supplies such as plastic beads, tweezers, a template, parchment paper, and more.

To create something out of fuse beads, use tweezers to arrange the beads into your desired pattern one by one, and then iron them...

Marius looks over at the fuse beads tools and nods.

Marius: Hmm... So we're making a handmade, pixelated-style accessory.

Marius: It looks interesting.

Marius: I've never tried it before, but I'm confident in my crafting skills.

After learning what fuse beads are, Marius' interest is clearly piqued.

You: So do you know what kind of pattern you want to make?

Marius: Well...

Marius: Since we're making it together, it has got to be related to us in some way.

Marius: Why don't we make our faces? See? That's what the instruction booklet recommends for lovers.

Marius leans closer to you as he says this, pointing at the content in the instructions to back up his idea.

Seeing his excitement, you can't help but be persuaded.

You: All right. That sounds perfect for us.

You: But... before we arrange them into our faces, should we try a simpler pattern to practice first?

Marius: Sure. Let's learn how to use the tools first.

Marius: Then... what pattern should we practice with?

Marius turns slightly to look at you, implying he'll leave the choice to you.

At this moment, the light shining on his hair gives it a slightly purple sheen.

Your imagination runs wild as you look at Marius.

You: I got it. Let's make... a purple cat.

Marius: A purple cat?

You tug Marius' hand over before he can even react...

And soon, a cute purple cat face takes shape thanks to your and Marius' cooperation.

Lastly, you thread a chain through the top, and the fuse-bead keychain is ready.

Marius: That wasn't hard at all. It was a piece of cake.

Marius wears a proud expression, and you hold the cat keychain up to his face.

You: Marius, look — doesn't it look like you?

Marius: ...

You: Ah—! That expression is spot on.

Marius: ...I was wondering why you wanted to make a purple cat. Turns out it was me the whole time.

You wave your hand quickly.

You: Never mind about that. We still have to make our faces.

Marius stops moving as he hears this. He glances over at the tools on the table and then lets out an ambiguous sigh.

Marius: Fine... I'll "let you off" this one time.

Since you practiced just now, you and Marius are already familiar with the process.

He draws a draft for the pattern, and you both work together to arrange the beads. Soon enough, the faces are ready, leaving only the ironing.

You: The pattern is all done! It's so cute!

As you look at the pattern you made together lying on the table, you can't help but lean on Marius.

Marius: It's really cute.

Marius: But I feel like something is missing.

You: What's missing? Isn't it just like you drew?

Marius smiles but doesn't respond. He reaches out and picks up the red beads with his tweezers.

After a few minutes, a substantial heart reveals itself between your "faces"...

The heart shape fits perfectly in the gap between your faces. You realize Marius deliberately designed it that way when he drew the pattern...

You: ...

Marius: What do you think? It's perfect now, isn't it?

Marius looks at you, smiling. Instead of answering, you lean close to his face and raise your chin slightly.

You give him a gentle and sweet touch as your response.
