CCG Luke's Route: Vacation End

From Tears of Themis Wiki


  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: None


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Hotel Terrace
Sunglow Mountain
Hotel Terrace
Misc Location - Small Town (Day).png

As the white clouds float lazily in the sky, the sunlight streams through the leaves and falls upon both of your shoulders.

During the past few days of the trip, you and Luke have been enjoying the beautiful scenery around Sunglow Mountain, leaving the thoughts of all kinds of daily troubles behind.

You: If only I could enjoy the mountain view on a terrace when I wake up every day...

You: The scenery is wonderful at Sunglow Mountain... I'm kind of reluctant to go back.

Luke: Maybe we can find somewhere like Sunglow Mountain to settle down in the future. Then we can enjoy a more natural and rural life together.

Luke holds your hand, speaking in a half-joking tone.

Future... Settle down... These words warm your heart.

You: I'll think about it...

Luke: Remember to tell me right away when you have your answer.

You: Okay... But the most important thing now is to decide where to go today, isn't it?

You: We're going back tomorrow. What incredible place are you going to take me to today?

Upon hearing your question, Luke shows a somewhat mysterious expression.

Luke: It's somewhere you'll definitely like.

You: Eh?

Luke gently puts his finger on your lips as you're about to ask more.

Luke: Don't ask. I want to keep it a surprise for you a little longer.

Luke: If you ask me now, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist, and I'd have to tell you.

You: ...

Looking at Luke's serious expression, you can only nod repeatedly.

You: Fine... I'll just do as you say for the surprise afterward.

You: But let me make it clear — you'll have to make it up to me if I don't like that place!

Luke: Don't worry. I'm sure you'll like it.

You: Okay, let's go!

Luke nods with a smile and takes your hand, then the two of you quickly leave the terrace and head for the place he mentioned.

Bird Spring
Sunglow Mountain
Bird Spring
Zhaonan - Karst Lake.png

You: This is...

Reflecting the blue sky and the white clouds, the clear spring in front of you looks just like translucent, emerald jade.

Looking further, countless layers of moss seem to join the rolling mountains on the horizon, weaving a dreamy mirage.

You: It's beautiful... I've never seen such a tranquil yet vast landscape...

Luke: I knew you would love it here. Looks like my careful research was worth it.

Luke: All right. Now, let me formally introduce this place to you. It's the legendary Bird Spring.

You: Bird Spring?

Luke: Yup. It's said that during this season in ancient times, tens of thousands of birds of various species would come here and rest by the spring water.

Luke: When the flocks of birds flew under the sunlight, their feathers would glisten with a colorful luster. That's how the Bird Spring got its name.

Looking around, all you can see is the clear spring water and lush woods, but no trace of any birds.

You: But there are no birds here...

You: (Is it just a beautiful legend?)

As you're thinking about the story of the Bird Spring, Luke takes your hand and gives you a mischievous wink.

Luke: That's because I haven't uttered the ancient spell yet.

You: Huh? What's that?

Luke: I have a small question for you before I tell you what it is.

You: You're gonna keep me guessing again...? Go on. I can definitely answer your question.

Luke: Do you still remember the "Pledge of Love" that I told you about?

You: Of course. According to local legend, when someone plays music by blowing on a leaf to express their feelings to their lover and the music attracts hundreds of birds...

You: It means the couple will be with each other forever.

You: (Playing music on leaves to attract hundreds of birds...)

You look at the mountains surrounding you. Then, you turn to Luke, only to find him smiling gently.

This is the Bird Spring, and he...

You faintly realize what Luke is going to do next, but you can't help the nervousness in your heart.

You: Luke...

You: (Will he be able to successfully attract birds here...?)

Perhaps noticing your worries, Luke gently strokes your face, his expression growing rather soft.

Luke: Trust me...

You: All right...

Seeing Luke's warm smile gradually calms your heart.

You: So the spell you mentioned... is leaf whistling?

Luke: Yup. Just watch me.

You: Yeah!

Luke crouches down near the spring water to pick up a broken branch, taking a thin leaf off of it.

Luke then straightens up, takes a few steps forward, and gives you a thumbs-up, shooting you a smile.

Then, he slightly lowers his head, puts the leaf between his lips, and starts his performance...

You: ...

With the clear and pleasant music of the leaf comes a couple of white birds, hovering leisurely in the sky.

You: Eh...!?

Before you can think about anything else, more and more birds appear, flying in the air, lingering around you and Luke.

You: !!!

Hundreds of birds chirp to the sound of the leaf, the feathers on their back glowing with indescribable colors and luster.

Along with the clean spring water and lush ancient trees, everything is miraculously breathtaking.

Luke stands amidst the brilliant natural scene as the wind gently blows the hair on his forehead...

Seeing such a beautiful image, you can't help hoping for it to last forever...

The music of the leaf stops at some point, but the flying birds remain hovering around the two of you.

As you are immersed in the picture, the corners of your mouth unwittingly curl upwards.

The Luke in this picture... will forever be engraved in the happiest part of your heart...

You: ...

Luke: What are you looking at so attentively?

Luke's voice suddenly echoes in your ears. His warm breath softly caresses your earlobe.

You: I-It's a picture of you...

Luke: Huh? When did you take it? Let me see.

His hair lightly tickles your face as he bends down ever so slightly.

Luke stares at the picture in your hand for a while before speaking slowly.

Luke: [Player], actually... I've wanted to travel with you for so long...

Luke: I want to go everywhere with you... I want to visit the mountains and oceans that have seen endless change and let them witness our love as well.

Luke: Whether it be the "coincidence" shown by the tarot divination or the "plan" that I already made to travel with you...

Luke: I will cherish every chance to be with you.

At this point, Luke's expression slightly shifts.

Luke: Actually, before we set off, I was also worried that I might fail to attract the birds when I blew on the leaf...

Luke: Would you feel disappointed...? Would you stop looking forward to the future...?

You: I wouldn't...

Luke grips your hand and gently shakes his head when you try to respond.

Luke: But during the journey, I realized how unnecessary my worries were.

Luke: As long as you're by my side... you are my miracle.

Luke: And now, I've played music with a leaf and successfully attracted hundreds of birds.

Luke: So, we will definitely be with each other forever just like the legend says.

You: Luke...

You: We absolutely will.

Luke looks at you, smiling softly. Then, he reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ear.

You can't help but hug Luke, standing by his side and looking into the distance with him.

Under the sunlight, hundreds of birds are flying in the air against the endless mountains and rivers. Everything looks like a stunningly beautiful painting...

You: I'm so happy that we came here together.

You: This is... the happiest moment in my life...

Luke: Me too.

Peanut, who was originally staying in Luke's pocket, also flew out at some point.

Peanut makes a few clear chirps, seemingly responding to the topic you were talking about.

You: Eh? Was Peanut also drawn by the music that you played with the leaf and flew out?

Luke: That's possible...

You: It's miraculous. Why does leaf whistling appeal to birds?

Luke: I was told by the old man we encountered at the street corner in Tealeaf Town.

Luke: He said that, previously, this spring water could attract flying birds with its vibration and sound since it fits the birds' hearing frequency.

Luke: The spring water is no longer the same now, due to environmental changes... but we can also use leaves to make vibrations with a similar frequency...

Luke: So I wanted to give it a try here.

You: I see... Nature is really amazing...

You: Wait... When did you learn how to play music with leaves?

Luke: It's pretty easy. I got it after a few tries.

You: ...Yeah, for you, that is.

Looking at Luke's cunning smirk, you also can't help but smile.

The mountains in the distance twist and turn. Under the beautiful daylight, everything is a scene of perfection.

You: The trip is ending, and I'm so reluctant to leave. I wonder where our next destination will take us?

Luke: Next time?

Luke: There should be some new "miracles" on the next trip too.

You: Yeah. This time, you attracted hundreds of flying birds. What miracle will you perform next time...?

You: I'm looking forward to it, my dear... boyfriend!

Luke: Again!?

Luke pretends to "attack" you, and you run away laughing. The two of you then start playfully chasing each other.

A couple of birds appear and fly around you and Luke, flapping their white feathery wings...

Your laughter drifts along the gentle wind, trees thriving in the mountains, and the clear, running rivers...
