CCG Eversea Residence: Featured Report

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A journalist from Eversea Weekly asks you about the Eversea eco-corridor.

  • Attribute: Logic card type icon Logic
  • Recommended Power: 23961


  • Hover to view spoiler content.


Eversea Residence
Eversea Residence
Beach - Day.png

The occasional flock of birds flies across the azure sky, and the air is filled with a fragrant aroma...

You and Artem are currently taking a walk on the eco-corridor near the Eversea Residence.

You: I love the natural ecology of this place. The whole place is gorgeous.

Artem: I agree. This environment is perfect for relaxation.

???: Excuse me!

You turn around to see a well-dressed woman approaching the two of you.

Artem: You are...?

Female Journalist: Sorry for interrupting, but I'm a reporter from Eversea Weekly.

Female Journalist: Recently, our editorial department is doing an exclusive on the Eversea Eco-Corridor...

Female Journalist: So we have to interview some tourists about their experience.

You: (An interview for a weekly magazine... Will our photo be taken?)

Artem: ...

The female journalist seems to have sensed both of your hesitations amidst the silence.

Female Journalist: Rest assured. You don't have to appear on camera if you don't want. You only need to answer a few simple questions.

Female Journalist: I'll keep your names out of the story and won't reveal anything about you.

Female Journalist: In that case... Do you both agree to the interview?

Artem: I'm fine with that.

You: Me too.


Female Journalist: Great, thanks for your cooperation!

You: No worries, glad to help.

Female Journalist: Okay, enjoy the rest of your trip!


Debate Details

  • Enemy Name: Journalist
  • Turn Limit: 25 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"Isn't a 60 km corridor too long!?"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"What do you think? Do you feel the scenery along the way is the same?"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500
Intuition card type icon
"It's really something to be able to experience Eversea up close!"
HP: 3300
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500

Wave 2

Logic card type icon
"The eco-corridor is so beautiful!"
HP: 13150
ATK: 291
DEF: 7500

Layer by Layer icon.png
Layer by Layer
Boosts your Influence by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 3 turns)
Feigning Defeat icon.png
Feigning Defeat
Boosts your Defense by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 3 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon This place is great!

Intuition card type icon There are different views everywhere!

Empathy card type icon This is absolutely a must-do!

Empathy card type icon Walk around the corridor and you'll see!