Artem "Calm as the Night"/Rewards

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Story Summary

This story takes place in Year 3. Artem is engaged to the MC.


Orange JuiceIt is said that a sour slice of orange can be exchanged for a kiss.

Orange Juice illustration.png

Video Call

Phone video call icon.png
Video Call
Calm as the Night phone icon.png Artem:
Calm as the Night
(After Story 6)
Video Call script

Artem: Good afternoon. Yeah, I just finished getting ready. I'm about to head to the club.

Artem: No, nothing special. I did just receive the film reel you sent over though. Speaking of... when you did buy it?

Artem: So you've been planning this since the day we watched the movie...? No wonder you've been acting so secretive recently.

Artem: Well, I also have a secret that I've been keeping from you. I was planning on telling you when you came over.

Artem: I bought a film projector made during the last century in the 80s. I'm already finished tinkering with it... But the home theater doesn't exactly have the best atmosphere to enjoy a film in.

Artem: Judging by your expression, we must be thinking of the same thing... Yeah, it might be better if we watch it at the pool.

Artem: There's a spare projector screen in the home theater. If we hang it up properly, we could re-create a home cinema.

Artem: Oh? You want to sit on some pool floats in the water and watch the film that way? It sounds nice, but I'm a little worried that we might get distracted.

Artem: But that's fine. We have plenty of time to re-watch those films... I'm happy to do it as many times as needed, as long as I'm with you.

Artem: Because watching those familiar scenes makes me want to experience the same things with you in the future...

Artem: Such as dancing freely to music on an afternoon... Or maybe we could spend an entire night strolling and talking.

Artem: Have you thought about that too? In that case, I'll start preparing for our "movie night" after the party is over so we can enjoy it as soon as possible.

Artem: Okay, we'll do it together. No matter how many creative ideas you may have, you and I can make them a reality together.

Artem: Then, will you come pick me up at around 6 o'clock? We can have dinner first, then go over the details...

Artem: More importantly, I can't wait to see you already... All right, I'll wait for you. See you later.

Story Locations

Artem's Residence

Artem's Residence - Downstairs (Night).png
Virgo Pool Club
Club Hall
Misc Location - Lobby.png
Virgo Pool Club
Pool Club
Virgo Pool Club.png
Virgo Pool Club
Manning Palace Hotel - Suite (Night).png
Stellis Central Business District
Central Business District
Stellis - Central Business District (Night).png
Cinema Front Desk
Misc Location - Store.png
Misc Location - Storage Room.png

Yacht - Night.png

Story Characters

Billy Chen

Billy Chen character icon.png

Passerby M1 character icon.png
Audience A

Passerby M2 character icon.png
Audience B

Passerby F2 character icon.png

Passerby M4 character icon.png