A Love Poem to Skadi (DLC)/Dispute: Rude Customer

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While buying souvenirs at a mall in Vikya, someone suddenly cuts in front of you in the checkout line!
  • Stage Cost: None
  • First Clear Rewards: Btn money s.pngS-Chip x15

  • Attribute: No type card icon Null
  • Recommended Power: 59019

Stage Details

  • Enemy Name: Rude Customer
  • Turn Limit: 15 turns

Wave 1

Logic card type icon
"You've queued for so long, so an extra person doesn't matter!"
HP: 8800
ATK: 745
DEF: 7500
Empathy card type icon
"Cut the crap. So what if I cut in line? What are you going to do about it?"
HP: 8800
ATK: 745
DEF: 7500

Feigning Defeat icon.png
Feigning Defeat
Boosts your Defense by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Intuition card type icon
"Are you harassing me because you also wanted to cut in line?"
HP: 8800
ATK: 745
DEF: 7500

Feigning Defeat icon.png
Feigning Defeat
Boosts your Defense by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Wave 2

No type card icon
"I'm in a hurry. Let me go first!"
HP: 35250
ATK: 745
DEF: 7500

Layer by Layer icon.png
Layer by Layer
Boosts your Influence by 20% for 3 turns (CD: 5 turns)

Player Counterarguments

These phrases are triggered when a player uses a card. The phrase depends on the attribute of the card selected.

Logic card type icon Everyone is equal in line. Respect that.

Logic card type icon It's first come, first serve. Cutting in line isn't allowed!

Empathy card type icon Don't try to find excuses for cutting in line.

Empathy card type icon Wouldn't it be chaos if everyone cut in line like you?

Empathy card type icon You can't harm others for the sake of your own convenience.

Intuition card type icon You're disturbing the peace. Stop at once!

Intuition card type icon Selfishness is pursuing only your own interests.