Stephon Jacobs

From Tears of Themis Wiki

Stephon Jacobs sprite.png


Gender Male
Occupation Part-time confectioner

Voice Actors


曹真 (Cáo Zhēn)[1]




Name in Other Language(s)

Chinese 赫鲲鹏 (Hè Kūnpéng)

Japanese 賀来弘樹 (Kaku Hiroki)

Korean 하지혁

General[edit | edit source]

Stephon Jacobs is an inexperienced pickup artist operating in Stellis' Central Business District, preying upon vulnerable women who come to the dessert shop at which he is employed. He operates under the name "Lance Stalwart"[2] and targeted three women with the techniques he learned from Saving Your Romance.[3]

Previous targets have included the Main Character (briefly) and Vera Walton, whom he dated for three months and developed genuine feelings despite having scammed her for money under the false front of opening his own dessert shop. [4]

Stephon was charged with fraud, but the publicity of his case caused some difficulty in tracking the group that taught him as they relocated their group chats soon after his arrest.[5]

Organization(s)[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Story Appearances[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]