Page values for "Main Story 11-44"

From Tears of Themis Wiki

"Stage" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
gameModeStringMain Story
nameStringMain Story 11-44

AP icon.png AP x10 (First-Time Cost)


Btn money s.pngS-Chip x40


"BackgroundLocation" values

3 rows are stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
nameStringInterrogation Room
locationStringStellis City Police Department
imageStringStellis Justice Dept - Interview Room.png
FieldField typeValue
imageStringMisc Location - Car Backseat (Day).png
FieldField typeValue
locationStringStellis Public Hospital
imageStringHospital - Patient Room (Day).png

"CharacterAppearance" values

5 rows are stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
nameStringVyn Richter
imageStringVyn character icon 17.png
displayNameStringVyn Richter
FieldField typeValue
nameStringDarius Morgan
imageStringDarius Morgan character icon.png
displayNameStringDarius Morgan
FieldField typeValue
nameStringOgier Wechsler
imageStringOgier Wechsler character icon.png
displayNameStringOgier Wechsler
FieldField typeValue
nameStringJill Meadows
imageStringJill Meadows character icon.png
displayNameStringJill Meadows
FieldField typeValue
nameStringMatthew Richter
imageStringMatthew Richter character icon.png
displayNameStringMatthew Richter

"Evidence" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
nameStringJill Meadows' Testimony II
imageStringOpaline River Pollution Investigation Report icon.png

A second testimony from Jill Meadows. Details her motive for the crime, the circumstances on the night of the incident, and the distorted truth.


1. At first, Jill Meadows was extremely grateful to Letha Graye for taking her in. However, when she found her grandson's watch, as well as his handwritten letter of repentance in Letha Graye's bedroom, she was certain that Letha Graye was involved in her grandson's suicide.
2. Aside from Letha Graye, Jill Meadows also believed Angela Diggs to be responsible for slandering her grandson. She claimed that she never wanted to murder Letha Graye, only to make her suffer a little. To that end, she poisoned Letha Graye with a pesticide of minimal toxicity and framed Angela Diggs in the process.
3. Jill Meadows claims that on the night of the incident, she was locked in a closet by Letha Graye. later, she fled the room in a hurry after regaining her freedom. Before, Letha Graye had handed her a note, but she flushed it down the toilet in a panic.
4. Jill Meadows admitted that her previous statement of an argument between Letha Graye and Hugo Graye was false. They had not met before the case, and she knew that Hugo Graye was intellectually disabled.
5. Jill Meadows claims that Letha Graye had undergone significant changes in her personality recently. She was much quieter than before and spoke with hesitation about Mavis Sutcliffe's disappearance. Her reaction, however, wasn't one of sadness.


"Clue" values

4 rows are stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
titleStringReluctance to mention Mavis Sutcliffe

Letha Graye falls silent upon the mention of Mavis Sutcliffe's disappearance, but the expression on her face is not sadness.

FieldField typeValue
titleStringPersonality change

Letha Graye's personality underwent a significant change recently, and she became more quiet. She wasn't as clever as before.

FieldField typeValue
titleStringJill Meadows - True Objective

Jill Meadows wanted to take revenge — to make Letha Graye suffer, to make Angela Diggs experience the feeling of being stigmatized. She did not want to kill them.

FieldField typeValue
titleStringPerson locked in closet

Jill Meadows was once locked in the closet by Letha Graye.