Marius "Seaside Sweetness"/Rewards

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Finding TreasureLook at the treasure I dug up!

Finding Treasure illustration.png

Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Conch Music
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Marius: [Player], you've been working for so long. Are you tired? Do you want to come out and relax with me during the lunch break?

Marius: I guarantee you'll like what I have planned.

What is it

You: It's not every day you recommend something so emphatically. Do you want to tell me what it is?

Marius: Well, there's a conch music experience room that opened up in the city. It's currently only available to VIPs.

Marius: I heard their conch music can reduce stress and help with sleep.

Marius: I happen to have two VIP tickets, so I'd like to take you there to try it out.

I'd rather sleep

You: I'm a bit tired and want to nap during the break... If I can nap during whatever you have planned, I'll consider it!

Marius: Great. It just so happens that my recommendation ticks all your boxes.

Marius: A new conch music experience room just opened in the city. You can listen to the sounds and fall asleep there... It's said to be very effective.

Marius: Besides, it's only open to VIP guests for now. I just received two invitations.

You: A conch music experience room... Is it what I think it is? Do they use conches as instruments to make music?

Marius: Yep, you're right on the money.

Marius: But on top of that, they've added high-tech modifications to elongate the conch sounds, making them just right for the human ear.

Marius: What do you say? Want to try it?

I'm excited

You: Yep... I'm already excited.

You: Why don't you send the address to me, and we can meet up there?

Marius: As a considerate gentleman, why would I let you go on your own?

Marius: I'm already waiting for you downstairs. We can set off as soon as you're ready.

I'm worried it will be too far

You: I'm tempted! But is it going to be too far...?

You: I'm worried I might not make it back to work in time.

Marius: Don't worry — I'm already waiting downstairs at your building.

Marius: We can leave as soon as you come downstairs. No delays whatsoever.

Heading downstairs now

You: Oh, so you're already here! Then I'll head downstairs now.

I'm packing up now

You: So you had this all planned out... I'll start packing up.

Marius: Okay. See you in a bit.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Crab Hairband
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

You: Marius, I need your help!

Marius: Miss, you're finally awake. I just finished a meeting. What's wrong?

You: My headband is missing...

You: It's the one I use to push my hair back when I wash my face. I bought it when we were at the beach. It looks like a little crab.

You: Did you see it when you got up in the morning?

Marius: Let me think...

Marius: I don't think so. I remember seeing some of your skin-care products next to the sink, but not a headband.

I'll keep looking

You: Okay... I'll keep looking.

You: Maybe it fell into a gap somewhere.

Marius: Hmm... Do you want to check the closets next to the mirror?

Marius: You usually put your backup bathroom products in there. Maybe you put that in too by accident.

I'll ask Mr. Way

You: *Sigh*... I'll go ask Mr. Way.

You: I wonder whether they might have seen it while cleaning...

Marius: Don't worry. We'll find it.

Marius: You usually put your backup bathroom products in there. You can try checking there first.

Marius: But, just in case you don't find it, I'll buy a new one for you on my way back from work.

You: Sure. It's always good to be prepared. I'm counting on you.

Marius: No worries. It's no problem.

Marius: By the way, what color and style do you want for your new headband?

Similar to the one before

You: Can you see if there's anything that looks like a little crab? ...I like that design.

Marius: Oh? Is there a reason why you like that headband so much?

You: It's because... It's something you bought for me when we went out together.

You: If you can't find the same one, it would be nice to have something similar.

Marius: I see. So you're not in love with the headband but with me...

Marius: I suddenly feel on top of the world. Even paperwork doesn't feel boring anymore.

No particular preference

You: That's a tough question... I haven't decided. Just pick whichever you like.

Marius: In that case... I need to pick out something good.

You: Just letting you know in advance — you're not allowed to buy something weird to mess with me.

Marius: No way. I'm just wondering if I should take the chance to buy one for myself as well. I could pick out a matching couple's set, you know?

Marius: Just imagining us standing in front of the mirror with matching headbands is pretty funny.

Marius: Okay then. I'll see you at home later.

Story Characters


Child F character icon.png
Young Doctor

Doctor character icon.png
Elderly Man

Elderly M character icon.png