Luke "Summer Starlight"/Rewards

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< Luke "Summer Starlight"
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Finding StarlightThe starlight he seeks is right before his eyes.

Finding Starlight illustration.png

Text Messages

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Lucky Star
(After Story 3)
Text Message script

Luke: Calling [Player]. Calling [Player]. Are you awake? Please help!

Luke: Can you please wish me good luck?

Good luck

You: I don't know what you're doing, but... good luck!

Luke: Thanks for the support, Lucky Star. Now I feel a lot more reassured.

Luke: Hold on. The results are about to be revealed. I'll explain to you in detail later...

Luke: Woah! I did it!

What's up?

You: What are you up to? Why so secretive...?

Luke: This is the pivotal moment I've been working toward the entire morning. I'll be able to see the results soon.

Luke: Please pray for me through the screen! Let me check the results...

Luke: I knew it! Awesome!

You: Judging by your response, it went pretty well.

You: Is it about time for you to tell me what you're being so secretive about?

Luke: Well, I made a resin aquarium this morning, and I wanted to give it to you as a souvenir. But it was missing some decorations.

Luke: It just so happens that a Starlight Cafe employee picked up a pretty luminescent heart-shaped shell on his way to work.

Luke: So I made a "deal" with him — if I can help him get the top prize from a Seaside Supermarket scratch card, he'll give the shell to me.

Luke: But you know how my luck is... So that's why I'm asking for help from my lucky star.

Seems like you got the prize

You: I see! Then it seems like you got the top prize?

Luke: Yep! And I got the shell just now. Once you're here at the store, I should be able to embed the shell into the resin aquarium.

Luke: Thanks to my hard work, the aquarium's basic shape is somewhat ready. I just haven't put the protective acrylic panels on yet.

Luke: I can help you move it to the hotel once we're done with work today.

Luke: While we're still at the beach, I can always add more to it if we find any other decorations.

You: Then I definitely need to come over and have a look. Give me a few minutes. I'll be at the shop soon!

Am I that "powerful"!?

You: Judging from your behavior... Did you win the top prize? Am I that "powerful"!?

You: I suddenly feel like I should get a scratch card from the supermarket myself to test my luck.

Luke: Of course! Believe in your luck. You can believe in us too.

Luke: The tried and true method is for you to lend your good luck to me, and then I handle the practical execution.

Luke: If we work together, we're invincible when luck is involved, right?

You: Hahaha, I'm looking forward to it.

You: Okay, just give me a few minutes. I'll tidy up and come help in the shop as well!

Luke: Okay. I've already prepared breakfast for you. Hurry and come over.

Phone text message icon.png
Text Message
Mysterious Delivery
(After Story 6)
Text Message script

You: Emergency announcement! A mysterious delivery is about to reach the firm! Detective Pearce, please keep an eye out for it!

Luke: Roger that! But I think there are three packages in front of my door... Watson, please let me know which one is your mysterious delivery.

Put on a pretense

You: Huh? Three? No way... But with your skills, you should be able to immediately tell which one I sent.

Luke: True. In that case, I'll conduct a thorough assessment.

Luke: "Peanut," "Luke," and "Detective Pearce" are written as the recipients. The package for Peanut is the biggest...

Luke: Given how much my Watson loves Peanut, the biggest package is probably from you, right?

Tell the truth

You: Hahaha, why can't one delivery be separated into three packages? They're all yours!

Luke: True. The recipients are written as "Peanut," "Luke," and "Detective Pearce." They're obviously all from you.

Luke: Hehe. Thanks! I'll open them soon.

Luke: Wait — I just realized something... why is the package for Peanut the biggest?

Luke: Aw, I'm hurt. I can't even compete with Peanut when it comes to getting gifts from you now.

I'm kidding

You: I'm kidding! Why are you getting jealous of Peanut?

You: I just bought some snacks for Peanut. The ones for Luke and Detective Pearce are the gifts I picked out with care.

Luke: True. The total number of my packages is more than Peanut's! Now I feel better.

Yours aren't small

You: No way! Your packages added together are way bigger than Peanut's!

You: Okay. Stop being jealous of a bird. Hurry up and see what I gave you!

Luke: Hahaha. It's your fault for always teasing me.

Luke: Then let me see what you got for "Luke" and "Detective Pearce"...

Luke: Huh? "Luke" got a travel memento book. As for "Detective Pearce"... Is that a new toolbox?

Luke: What made you want to do this?

Let me explain

You: It's obvious! I hope the toolbox can help the Detective handle work faster.

You: Once his job is done, my Luke can go traveling with me again!

Luke: Oh, so that's what you meant. I get it!

Luke: Good point. Since we got together, we've been working so hard that it's been difficult for us to travel together.

You should take a guess

You: I thought the present is pretty obvious in terms of its intention!

You: Before I explain, why don't you take a guess?

Luke: I'm guessing... the toolbox is to increase my work efficiency as "Detective Pearce."

Luke: As for the travel memento book, it's hinting that we can travel together after finishing work, right?

Luke: Hmm... I just looked over my schedule for the rest of the year. There should be plenty of time.

Luke: Why don't you come over to my place after you finish work, and we can plan out our travel together?

You: Awesome! I have plenty of places I want to go to. Wait for me to finish work, and we'll plan something together.

You: The beach trip was really fun last time. I want to try more things like that!

Luke: Then it's a deal. I'll get dinner ready and wait for you.

Story Characters


Passerby F1 character icon.png
Elderly Shopkeeper

Passerby M3 character icon.png

Passerby F1 character icon.png

Passerby M1 character icon.png